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"So, where do we have to go, (Y/N)?", Atreus asked as your little group was wandering through the snowy lands.

He had awoken from his slumber as if it had been a day like any other. The energy his little body surprised you over and over again.

Even the way his mood changed so quickly. A few hours ago he had been crying about the loss of his mother. Now, he was smiling and dancing around his father, thrilled to be back on an adventure.

Kids truly were strange creatures, you thought and smiled softly.

"I assume you know about the temple in the middle of the lake?", you asked, while walking closely behind Kratos.

With a broad grin, Atreus nodded.

"Yes, father and I have used Yggdrasil to travel between the worlds. It was so cool to meet all of those different creatures and secrets. But... most of them tried to kill us. Or father killed them.", he frowned, probably thinking about how weird it was, now that he thought about it. "It was... messy."

Softly laughing, you patted his head.

"I fear it won't be that easy this time. Killing might be required but Thor is a lot smarter than you might expect. He made sure that pure violence can't take my gift from him. We need to be smart and careful. Otherwise we might end up smashed under a rock."

Laughing, Atreus jumped at his fathers back and patted the mans broad shoulder.

"Oh, that's fine. Father has been smashed by rocks countless times. And he's still in one piece."

Letting out a deep hum, Kratos threw a gaze over his shoulder. His eyes wandered over your face, something in those golden orbs flinched. The harsh expression shivered and for a moment, you believed that he was looking softly at you.

At least as soft as it was possible for a man like him.

With an amused grin, you tilted your head and tried to show him some sympathy, anything that would earn you a fraction of his trust or just a smile in return.

You wanted him to show you a little bit of his human side, a smile, a movement of his lips or just another facial expression than his usual, cold one.

But he didn't react at all. Instead, he turned away again, acting as if this conversation was over for him.

A sigh left your lips.

Maybe it had a little too loud and too deep because the boy heard it and turned his head to look at you with his big eyes.

With one swift jump, he separated from his father and grabbed your hand.
His touch felt warm and gentle, so different from his fathers.

"Are you tired? Shall we rest?", he asked, tugging at his fathers shoulder. "We should stop father, (Y/N) is tried."

Displeased, Kratos grunted.

"Gods don't get tired.", he hummed.

Embarrassed, you grinned.

"That's true. Mostly at least. I get tired sometimes. But not right now. We should get to the temple till nightfall. Otherwise we might walk into some monsters.", insisting on going on, you picked the boy from the ground and put him on your shoulders.

Atreus giggled, audibly amused by your unbothered and playful behaviour. He even grabbed you by the shoulders and pretended to ride you like a dragon.

"Into the air!", he yelled, pointing towards the sky.

Your ankles twitched and for a moment you played with the thought of actually flying with him on you back.

But it didn't seem to be a smart move to walk through the air while Kratos was watching you with his eagle eyes.

Every move, every touch even every gaze you threw on the boy or him was considered a potential threat. If you would jump into the air and fool around he might pick it up as an attempt to steal his son.

You decided that it wouldn't be good to fly, so instead you just ran around a bit.

The boy was surprisingly light weighed for someone of his age. But he didn't make the appearance to be badly fed. Maybe this was just his physique.

"Uff, careful young man, I might break below you.", you gasped, as the way led you over a bridge.

The ground below your feet was shaking.

Together with the extra weight on your shoulders it turned out to be a lot harder to cross that bridge than you thought. Everything was moving and dancing.

Refusing to look into the depths, you looked straight ahead, noticing the sound of someone smithing.

"What's that?", you asked out loud.

Noticing your confusion, Atreus jumped off your back.

"That must be Brok and Sindri!", he said, running ahead and disappearing in the white landscape.

"Stay nearby.", Kratos yelled after him.

It wasn't yelling, but rather his normal voice. However, it was so loud that your ears picked it up like yelling.

A little exhausted, you tried to calm down, both hands on your knees.

To your surprise, Kratos didn't pass you on the bridge but stopped next to you and waited. Breathing heavily, you glared up to him. He must have been amused by your short breath.

"Is he always this full of life?", you asked, as it was possible to talk again.

Kratos looked at you for a moment, then nodded.

"He has the chance to, now.", he said.

That gave you the impression that there was more behind his words. But he didn't want to tell you.

Was the boy sick once?

Maybe you would be able to help.

"He still has this glow in his eyes. The eyes of a child.", you noted with a soft smile.

"He has killed before."

"And yet he is not willing to give up on the beautiful things in life. He still wants to see it as a mix of good and bad instead of just bad. He is a bit different than you."

Surprised by the words, Kratos mouth twitched.

"He will see the truth one day.", he hummed, walking on.

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