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The cold of Helheim was unbearable yet familiar to you.

Every time a breath left your lips it seemed to freeze mid air and wanted to crawl back into the warm embrace of your throat.

The snow was raging around you and even after a while of walking it did not become warmer, but colder with each second.

Kratos didn't mind the cold, he had his strange blades, weapons from another world.

Inside of their black metal, a fire was burning that raged like nothing else. It seemed that nothing could put an end to their lust for ash and fire.

Sometimes, Kratos would hold a blade closer to you and a strange feeling of magic filled you. It felt different than your magic, chaotic and hot.

But it kept you alive for the time being, so you didn't complain.

The boy, however, was as lively as ever. The cold did not seem to bother him, he even acted as if it didn't exist at all. His little steps echoed with crunching sounds, filling this world of death with a spark of life.

Sometimes, when he found something that caught the attention of his child mind, he stopped in his tracks to ask his father a thousand questions.

Of course, Kratos did not bother to tell him, but Mimir was as helpful as a man with infinite knowledge could be.

At some point, Kratos grew tired of the constant talking on his hip, so he passed the head onto his son and ordered him to go find a trace of Thor.

Filled with eagerness, Atreus vanished.

Somehow, you felt concerned to let him walk all alone, but then you remembered that he was a better fighter than you were.

His bow skills were good enough to kill a man and after travelling with his father he would not have troubles to go a few miles before you.

Besides, Kratos was not as careless as a father as you had thought. His eyes were glued to the form of his son, never letting him out of sight.

Whenever Atreus vanished, Kratos picked up his walking speed and did not settle until he was able to see his son toy around with the head in the snow again.

"He seems very happy.", you said after a while of silence.

Kratos let out an approving sound, accompanied by a nod of the head.

"His little heart seems to be satisfied with the life he has. And with you by his side.", you hesitated, lowering your gaze and questioning yourself if it would be wise to further talk. "I know what I promised you and him. I can make this promise happen, but it comes with downsides. I want you to know that she might not be the woman that has left you anymore."

Out of the corner of his eyes, Kratos looked at you.

Something on his face moved. It was like a shadow.

What was that?



The hint of growing mistrust?

You couldn't tell.

It was strange, after spending a good amount of time with him you had become rather good in reading his facial expressions.

But this one was different. It said nothing to you and yet if felt... wrong.

"You are rather open with your flaws for a godly being.", Kratos said.

His voice was calm, but his face said otherwise. He seemed restless now.

Almost afraid.

You didn't think that he was able to feel anything like fear. He seemed like a man that feared nothing, not even himself. And yet hear he was, staring at you.

He had never looked at you this way.

What was that?

Trying to smile at him, you frowned.

With caution you stretched out a hand and stroked his palm with it.

He did not back away, nor did he react harshly. But at the same time he did not return the soft gesture.

"I am not one of the gods. I might be immortal, but not as mighty and godly to be one of them.", you stroked his cheek, wiping away a few grey strands of his beard. "I want to be as honest as I can, Kratos. My mind tells me that you deserve to know as much as possible. Not only for your sake, but also for the boy."

He grabbed your hand, forcing you to stop caressing his face with touches that felt like love letters from a lover.

"Do not speak.", he ordered. "The curse. Must I remind you of your own limits?"

You shook your head, saddened that your fate chained you to the silence. Deep down you wished that you were able to tell him everything, nothing but the truth.

The pain that would await him was something that he did not deserve. Not again.

"I wish I could speak, Kratos.", you held his hand tightly, as if your grip could keep him away from all the evil that stuck to you. "You must know that your wife might not return the way she was. And I am sure that you are smart enough to know the price for her second life."

You looked him deep into the eyes.

The gold of his eyes was like a pool, promising all the riches and wealth that a life with him could offer. But at the same time they threatened to take you in and drown you, so there would never be an escape.

With a deep sigh, he closed his eyes. He looked angry.

"A life for a life.", he said.

You nodded, afraid that a yes would activate the curse that sealed your lips.

"I will not take your life in exchange. Nor will I allow the boy to exchange himself for her.", it wasn't a request but a statement.

There was no way in all of the seven worlds and any other universe beyond this one.

"Then why are we here in the first place? If you do not take me there is nothing we can offer.", his words were like ice blades that struck your heart.

"We might have something. But I do not know if you are willing to accept my proposal."

"What is it?"

"I'll tell you when the time has come. I promise."

"Promises from gods are worth nothing."

A soft laugh escaped your lips.

"What a good thing that I am not a god, but myself.", you placed a soft kiss onto his cheek. "See me as a friend, Kratos. At least as long as I can still remember you."

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