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The grip of Thor on your throat was like hell. It felt worse than ice that was growing inside, almost like a thousand knifes.

With tears in your eyes, you felt how the animal inside was fading. Slowly, the antlers began to crack and fell from your head.

The fur faded and the (S/C) skin of yours returned. Suddenly, the cold was back and bit into your body like a blood thirsty beast.

Icy spots began to spread and caused even more pain.

Shivering, you wiggled in this harsh grip, feeling death crawl into your body.

"(Y/N).", the voice of Thor was shaking with excitement. "Impressive how stupid the healer of the gods truly is. After what I've done to you I would not have expected you to return."

Wanting to insult him, you clenched your teeth but not a single word left your freezing lips. Cursing the weakness of yourself, you let out a shrill scream and grabbed him by the arm.

But this could only laugh about the weak attempt of yours. With an annoyed sound he let a lightning rage from his arm and bit into your fingers.

With a painful scream, you pulled your hand back. Tears filled your eyes as you looked at your fingers, black and burned like a tree that had been struck by lightning.

The smell of burning flesh was filling your nose.

"(Y/N)...", Atreus voice was shaking as he managed to raise his head out of the deep snow. "Is- is that you? But how?"

"Atreus!", his name was scratching in your throat. "Run... Run!"

Shaking in fear, Atreus tried to get on his feet. But he slipped and fell back into the cold embrace of the snow.

On his hip, Mimir shivered in fear as well. At least as much as a head could.

He cursed Thor out, words left his mouth that your ears have never heard. He screamed and anger filled his face, something you have never seen in him before.

But the god of thunder was little impressed.

With a grin that send shivers down your spine, he turned to the boy and raised an eyebrow.

"I never knew that you had a son.", the god of thunder giggled. "He is very much like you. Stubborn, but also afraid when things get rough. Yes, indeed. He must be very precious to you. Flesh and blood that comes from you, an impossible thing people say."

Showing your teeth, you looked at Thor.

"Do not dare to touch him.", fire was burning in your eyes.

It was a warning, colder than the ice of Helheim itself. If he would touch the boy, he would regret ever being born.

With Kratos by your side of not, it did not matter. Thor would die if Atreus would suffer.

But as foolish as the god of thunder was, he did not take the shimmer in your eyes serious and laughed.

"Your voice is telling me how much of a treasure he is to you.", with a hateful grin, Thor raised his hand and let deep, blue lightning dance in the palm of his hand. "Watch me. His loss will be something you shall never recover from."

Shaking, Atreus tried to jump up again, but his little legs were too weak.

He fell again, hitting his knee on a stone. A thin trail of blood emerged from below the fabric of his pants, colouring the pure snow in a soft red.

"(Y/N)!", Atreus eyes were filled with tears as he drew his bow, one last helpless attempt to get away from the monster that was covered in lighting and cruelty.

He let an arrow of the bow. It was a swift one, covered in shinning magic. As it buried itself in Thor's shoulder, the god of thunder let out an annoyed sound.

"Enough!", he thundered and raised his hand. "Say your last goodbye."

With one swift movement of his hand, Thor let the lightning rage. With a deafening sound, the lighting struck down on the boy.

At that moment, time seemed to run slower.

The scream of Atreus echoed inside of your ears. It sounded so helpless, it hurt your heart and made it shatter into a thousand pieces.

Curled up in a ball, Atreus hid his face underneath his arms.

Mimir screamed something that did not reach your ears no more. You were deaf, felt nothing anymore as the lighting hit the boy with all its might.

"Atreus!", his name was shaking on your lips as tears filled your (E/C) eyes. "ATREUS!"

Blood splashed and black smoke covered the white air as the lighting struck and the earth began to shake.

The sound of ice cracking filled the silence, making your heart drop. The earth was shaking as the mountain collapsed right in the place were the boy had been.

"Atreus...", tears dripped down your face as the smoke lifted.

Nothing was to be seen.

The boy was gone.

Even Mimir had not made it.

All that remained was a huge cliff. The white snowy edges were as black and burned as coal.

The smell of a fire filled the air. And burned flesh could be smelled.

"Atreus.", calling out his name was painful, so incredibly painful. "Atreus!"

The word echoed in the emptiness of Helheim.

It tasted so bitter on your tongue it was a sin.

Suddenly, a sharp pain chased through your body, merciless and as cruel as pain could be.

It grew inside your heart as if somebody had pierced it with a sword only to rip it out of your body and smash it between fingers.

"Ah, yes, show me those tears, healer.", Thor's voice awoke the anger. "Feel every bit of it. I won't kill you. I want you to stay alive and feel this pain for eternity. And to make things better, I'll keep your gift. You will never be able to get him back. You will be a useless, little human till the rest of time. I do not grant you relief in death. Not after you have declined my proposal."

With one last strength, you managed to spit him in the face.

"Odin himself could have asked me to rule together and I would have stabbed him with the knife as well.", you were shaking with anger, yet tears were rolling down your face. "I'll kill you, Thor. I'll kill you and make you feel like death is a relief!"

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