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With your eyebrows knitted together, you turned in circles, following every step of Freya while her mocking words filled your head like a sea of confusion.

What was she saying?

Being mightier than Odin?

No, no that was a thing of the impossible. Odin was a monster with unimaginable strength and wisdom. Nobody could be as powerful as him.

You were but a mere healer, so how did Freya think that you could be his equal?

Or even worse, his master.

As she noticed the confusion on your face and how your mind was working, she laughed out loud.

"You really don't know anything, don't you?", she tilted her head. "Maybe you should go and seek Tyr. He knows everything about everyone. Even you."

"Tyr is gone!", you screamed.

She nodded.

"Indeed. He is but his knowledge is still here, on this very earth. He has hidden everything he knew about you. I could even tell you where to go. But that would be to easy, wouldn't it be?", she grinned. "No, I want something from you before I tell you everything."

You hesitated, knowing exactly that her requests were able to be... questionable.

"What do you want, Freya? Do not fool around and tell me straight away.", you looked at her, halfway angered by her attitude and halfway concerned.

She smiled sweetly and leaned forward.

"Isn't it obvious? My son. He's... gone."

"I heard about it. A tragedy."

"A murder! This boys father has murdered my son without blinking! He's a heartless creature, a monster that deserves nothing but pain and despair."

"I've met Kratos. He is a man of anger, I'll admit that. But I can see the softness in him. He's a good man with a bad past."

"Nonsens! He doesn't deserve your sympathy."

"I don't sympathise with him. All I'm saying is that I see more than a monster in him."

"You're blinded by your own goodness."

"Maybe. But I won't doom him a monster until I haven't seen it for myself. And besides, shouldn't it be him that makes up for your loss? Why ask me for help?"

Clenching her fists, Freya tried to suppress the raging storm that was growing inside of her.

The way her eyes shimmered and her chest rose in harsh movements told you that she was holding back, trying not to kill you right away.

But it was fine, you knew that she was as harmless as you were. She couldn't attack you until you attacked her first.

And starting a fight with a goddess like Freya wasn't your intention at all.

"You have the power! Only you can trick death.", she growled.

You shook your head, strands of your (H/C) hair hit against your face.

"I do not trick death. I bargain with it. You should know that, after all, you've seen my gift in action once before. The day you had tricked me-"

"I didn't trick you in any way!", she interrupted. "I needed your help as your friend and you helped me gladly."

Now, anger rose in you.

"You lied to me like a snake and made me bring back Baldur! You made me believe he was part of the prophecy! But it was all a lie!"

Silenced by your anger, Freya just stared at you. Her lips curled, forming a small smile. It looked soft and almost happy. But there was also something else.


She was surprised that you still remembered that day.

"I thought you had forgotten that too. Like many other things.", she whispered.

There it was again. The talk about how you forgot a lot of things.

Why did she remember this?

Why was she talking about it was if it was an important aspect of your existence?

It was weird, you couldn't remember anything and yet it did not seem like madness that she was talking this way.

Why did you feel like she was telling the truth?

Why did it feel like you were supposed to know what she knew?

Why didn't you remember?

"Stop talking.", you said, your words were shaking. "I'll take the boy and leave."

"No!", she grabbed you by the wrist, pulling you back. "You need to bring my son back!"

"I did! I did it once, I will not do it a second time! My charity knows borders. But it seems like you don't."

Harshly, you freed yourself from her grip and rushed over to Atreus in order to free him. The plant moved as your fingers touched it.

It twisted and curled, wrapping itself gently around your body. You didn't notice it until it was too late.

Trapped, you wiggled in the grip of the plant. But it refused to let go.

"What is this madness, Freya?! Leave me be!", you screamed.

But the goddess remained unmoved. With an emotionless expression on her face, she stared down at you.

"You will stay until you change your mind.", she ordered.

The plant around you tightened,  asking you to let out a short breath.

Hastily, you out your hand over the boys throat, making sure that the plant wouldn't choke him to death. It hurt to hold the mighty magic back.

It squeezed your hand, causing a sharp pain to chase through your body. Bones broke, got mashed together. Tears filled your eyes.

"Gods!", you screamed in pain.

"What will you do now, huh? Screaming won't safe you."

She was right. But it was worth a try. Maybe, just maybe, he had noticed his son disappearing. Maybe he was close.
Swallowing thickly, you gathered all of your lungs powers.

Then, you screamed his name.

"Kratos! Kratos, we're here! Kratos!"

Confused, Freya frowned.

For a moment, the garden was as silent as a graveyard. Noting moved, no animals were around nor did the wind dance.

But suddenly, the sound of growing frost appeared and filled the air.

Even more confused, Freya let her eyes wander through the darkness. But it was too late already.

She wasn't quick enough to dodge the wave of ice.

It hit her right in the chest.

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