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The night was cold.

Unusually cold.

Even though it was winter, the night seemed to be colder than usual. Icy winds danced over the land, bringing snow and frost that was thick enough to cover an entire human.

Shivering, Atreus pressed himself closer to his father, while being wrapped in two blankets and one fur that Brok had given him.

They had relocated their camp into a nearby cave that was big enough for the four and the strange creature that was carrying things around for the dwarves.

But despite the shelter and the blankets, Atreus couldn't sleep. His eyes opened over and over again, looking into the direction where your place would have been.

But you had not returned yet.

Glaring over his shoulder, the boy checked if his father was sleeping. Kratos eyes were closed, his body relaxed but he rarely slept tight enough to not notice when his son was trying to sneak away.

He would probably wake up as soon as me noticed something moving.

As the restlessness in his heart grew unbearable Atreus slipped away and grabbed his arrow and bow. One last time he looked over his shoulder, making sure that nobody noticed him leaving.

But before stepping out into the snowstorm, he grabbed two coats. He stored one in his little backpack and threw the smaller one over his shoulder.

Hastily, he jumped into the white storm and vanished.

"(Y/N)?", screamed Atreus into the snow. "Can you hear me? (Y/N)?"

The snow below his feet creaked, making him think that his own steps were the ones of someone else. His eyes squeezed together, he shielded his face with both hands and called out your name again.

It was weird, but the snow shimmered without light even whiter. The night made it seem like it wanted to warp the world in one spotless towel and make it appeal like a wonderland. But this wonderland made it even harder to navigate around the unknown surroundings.

"(Y/N)?", screamed Atreus again.

His voice was sore. He could feel how his hands were getting cold, the fingers froze and became stiff.

His body was shivering all over and even his legs felt heavy like stones. It was already getting hard to move his ankles and knees as he reached a strangely looking wall.

Halfway blinded by the raging storm Atreus tried to look up.

Before him rose a wall made of branches and tress. Despite the raging cold, the trees had fresh green leaves and colourful blossoms.

He knew this kind of door. But it was impossible that he had wandered off this far.

Frowning, he looked around, trying to find his way back. It would not have been wise to enter this place without anyone's permission.

Or without his father.

But the raging storm had already covered his trail, making it impossible to find the way back.

"Oh, no.", he whimpered, grabbing his bow tightly.

Not knowing what to do he turned back to the gate made of plants and looked up.

His eyebrows rose, he twisted his face.

It looked like he had no other choice.

It would be alright. Just for one night.

Or at least until the storm had passed.

With his trembling hands Atreus pushed the leaves and branches aside, knowing that there was a hidden path for the animals of Freya.

He would be able to squeeze through but the past years had left their marks. He had gotten bigger, making the hidden entrance tighter than he had remembered.

Carefully, he set one foot after another, trying not to slip and break his neck while being trapped in a tunnel made of tress.

The other side of the tunnel was as warm as summer and as pretty as spring. Even at night, Freya's garden was as beautiful as ever.

The air was warm, spreading a pleasant feeling in his body.

With a relieved sigh, Atreus jumped out of the tunnel, behind a huge stone and blew some hot air into his hands. The cold had turned his fingers blue.

Slowly, he began to move them again, testing if they were still useable.

As the feeling returned into his fingers, he dared to throw a look over the stone, into the garden.

The flowers were as colourful as ever, painting a picture of gold and autumn colours. Everything was orange, yellow and brown.

It looked a lot like the gods had lost their gold and had thrown it into this place of earth.

His eyes wandered over fields of pink flowers, over to freshly green tress and the turtle, that was guarding the house of the goddess Freya herself.

The giant creature was sleeping, hinting that its master was asleep as well.

With the feeling of safety in his chest, Atreus put his bow around his torso and jumped into the garden.

Little butterflies and fireflies rose into the air as his movements interrupted their sleep. The air filled with little lights, outshining the stars and making the moon fall ill with jealousy.

With a bright sparkle in his eyes, Atreus watched as the night filled with light and painted pictures of magic.

His eyes followed the little bugs, but stopped as they got caught by a creature luring in the dark. Holding his breath, he stopped smiling and grabbed his bow.

But he hesitated.

The shadow that was hiding in the dark was shaped like a soft creature, not threatening nor frightening. It seemed like a creature of softness and wisdom.

Squeezing his eyes together, the boy dared to get closer and stretch his neck.

The shadow moved, a soft sound of dancing blossoms sounded. Then, the creature stepped into the light of night.
His breath got almost stuck in his throat as his eyes remembered the view.

"The deer.", he whispered, filled with mesmerisation.

The white if its fur was even purer than he had remembered. Now, that the background wasn't white as well, he could tell that the fur wasn't purely white, but a light blue like the clear water of the river. Its antlers were even bigger than he had remembered.

Calmly, the creature came closer, lowered its head and wiggled with the tiny ears. The shimmering in its eyes was enchanting, drawing the boy closer.

"I know you.", Atreus whispered, reaching out his hand. "Are you a friend?"

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