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The massive doors of the temple creaked as Kratos pushed them open with his bare hands.

It looked like it made no effort to him, despite the fact that he was pushing tons of steel and copper.

He leaned to the side, leaving a little space for Atreus to slip through. As you wanted to squeeze past him, a strange noise left his lips. It sounded like a displeased grunt, an expression of mistrust.

Maybe it was because you accidentally stroked his chest with your cheek while squeezing past.

Carefully, you glared up to him. This time you did not try to smile. It had no use anyways. No matter how much you would try to be liked by him, he would not take the offered friendship nor the good will.

He would be seeing you as a stranger no matter what.

A sigh left your lips, you lowered your head and shook it.

"Do not look at me like I am the worst this world has to offer you, man of anger.", you whispered, not wanting the boy to hear any of your words.

Kratos curled his lips. He hummed, telling you with a movement of the head to go on. Without a word he let you pass and walked on.

The door fell shut, causing a loud noise to run through the halls. Whatever was lurking in the shadows of this temple, it knew that you were here now.

Before he could leave you behind you grabbed him by the wrist. It was a strange sight, your hand wasn't even big enough to wrap around his wrist. It looked like you were a dwarf standing next to a giant.

He turned to you, his eyes filled with a dark shimmer. He was angry.

But when was he not?

Expectingly, Kratos raised his eyebrows and wanted you to speak before he would loose his temper.

But something inside if you hesitated. There was fear growing in your chest. The fear to do something wrong.

"Forgive me. I should have told you before you had to safe me from drowning. But I feel that this is not the main thing that is a bother to you.", you eyed him with your (E/C) eyes.

He didn't answer, but the way his facial expression changed told you you were right.

"Speak your mind, healer.", he growled, being at the edge of his patience with you.

A sigh left your lips.

"I do not wish for us be as close as lovers, but wouldn't you agree that a little bit of trust could be helpful?", you squeezed his wrist.

He looked down on your hand. You expected him to pull away or shake it off. He didn't do any of that. He just stared at it in silence.

"We are no friends.", he growled.

"I know. We have a deal that binds us. I am very much aware of the reason why you travel with me. Like I said, we do not have to be close. All I want is to be looked at like a person. You look at me as if I'm a monster, something that burns when you touch it. Do not make me the object of your hate. I feel nothing towards you nor your son, so you have no right to hate me in return."

Knitting his eyebrows together, Kratos leaned forward. His face was so close to yours, you could feel his harsh breath on your skin and his beard tickle. It felt like he was breathing fire while his skin was as cold as snow.

"If you want me to treat you like this then don't give me reasons to hate you."

"What did I ever do to you, man of anger? Tell me. Why is there so much hate burning inside of you for me?"

"Answer it yourself. Not only are you a god-"

"So are you."

Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and leaned back. His hands were clenched to fists. You almost feared he would try to hit you.

But surprisingly, he opened his eyes again and nothing was left. The shimmer of hate was gone.

All that was left was a void that didn't care.

With one swift movement he shook your hand off and freed himself.

"I know what I am and so does the boy. You are nothing but a stranger that came to my house and planted hope into my sons heart with sweet lies. You run off in the middle of the night, not telling anyone where you go nor why. And my son follows you because he is a child that still feels the need to be kind to others.", he frowned, hating you for a moment again. "And where did you end up? Freya's garden. Out of all the dangerous places, you had to go to Freya."

His words made you stop and open your eyes in shock. Your breath hitched.

"You- you know? How did you?", confused, you stared at him in disbelief. "I thought everybody was asleep."

He hummed.

"They were. But I never sleep a deep slumber. Not anymore."

"I- forgive me I didn't want to-"

"I don't care what you wanted to and what not. All I know is that you have secrets. And I don't trust that."

The glare he was giving you made you swallow hard. A cold shiver ran down your spine, making you want to turn around and run away.

Why was he so intimidating?

Why was your heart beating so fast whenever he looked at you?

It wasn't fear, was it?

No, it wasn't. It was something worse, something more harmful. It was curiosity and maybe, just maybe, a bit of respect. He was the first one that had ever noticed.

Nobody had ever questioned your disappearance and reappearance.

Was he close to finding out?

No. No, he couldn't. He wasn't supposed to.

Nobody was supposed to ever know.


Unsure, you managed to grin at him.

"You are... more than I had expected. But let me tell you, whatever you think, it is not true. I am no threat to you nor your son. I promise. But you need to accept that when night falls I have to leave. This is... my burden.", you whispered. "Forgive me for wandering in the shadows. But the darkness has always been my friend."

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