Chapter 18 - Upgrades

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We were back in Hiro's garage.
"Arms up." He told us and we obeyed.
He scanned us with a machine which immediately made me nervous. He imported the data to his computer and walked over. Me and the gang exchanged glances as he took off his jacket and sat down. He quickly created a 3D model of the kabuki mask. He slid the 3D model of the neurotransmitter headband onto it.
"The neurotransmitter must be in his mask. We get the mask, and he can't control the bots. Game over."
I swallowed and glanced at the others.
They all nodded and Fred looked excited. I sighed and shrugged. Why not.

Before I knew it we were all showing off our tech.
Hiro was spending time at the labs with Honeylemon at the moment.
I was in my personal lab, staring at my mask. I pulled out my equipment and started tweaking it.
When I finished repairing it, I sat down and leaned back in my chair. I groaned out. I draped an arm over my eyes and closed them.
You're gonna have to do it
You can't fight with just breathing underwater
You gotta work on the arm
I sighed and rested for a few moments before sitting up. I rolled over to my other desk and stared at the arm sleeve tech.
If I could get it to work, it could be revolutionary for fire fighting technology. It could be used as weapons or other fighting techniques. It would change lives and maybe even save some.
That realizations seemed to be my motivation because I found myself repairing it from where I had broken it a few weeks ago in my outburst.
I'm not sure how long passed but I was focused. I had finally finished it.
I stared at the chip that would connect my nerves to the tech. I needed to insert it.
I swallowed nervously, I didn't know a thing about being careful with the body.
I stood and turned to my other desk and opened a drawer, pulling out a knife.
I rolled up my sleeve and sat back down. I lifted the blade to be over my forearm and started to gently press it down when there was a knock on my door.
I tossed the blade away and hid my arm behind my back, turning to face the door.
"Y/N? It's me, Hiro. Can I come in?"
I swallowed, my throat feeling dry all of a sudden. "Y-Yeah."
I tugged my sleeve down as the door opened.
There stood Hiro, in all his glory.
We just stood there for a moment before I looked away and broke the eye contact.
I cleared my throat, "Ah-um. Did you need something?" I asked.
He continued to stare at me and glanced over me, "What's that?" He asked.
I quickly stepped in front of my desk,
He raised an eyebrow at me and I turned a slight pink. I thought it was cute.
"Well...I just came from working with Honeylemon and I'm pretty sure I've got an idea for her suit. She's gonna have a purse with chemicals in it and will be able to send projectiles that will erupt into a chemical reaction." He told me.
I looked up and smiled, "That's awesome Hiro! I'm not sure how you came up with that but it sounds great!"
He smiled in return. "I've got a general idea for the others but when it comes to you...well I'm lost. I'm not sure how I can make you attack with a water breathing mask. So I came to ask you some questions."
I nodded, I didn't know if I wanted to tell him about my sleeve, I wasn't even sure it was going to work.
"Would you want to attack with rocket fists? I'm sure I can make that, or do you want a different projectile?"
I sighed.
Might as well tell him
"Ah actually...I've got some tech that might work on the offensive side."
He looked taken aback, "Really? What is it?"
I stepped to the side and gestured for him to come over. He stepped until he was next to me and looked down at the sleeve.
"Ah um...this...uh...well..." I didn't know what to say.
He looked up at me, patiently waiting.
I took a deep breath, "This is my 'waterbending' sleeve. It should allow me to control where the water around me moves and alter the properties of it. I should be able to freeze or boil it, or maybe even make it acidic. I'm really not sure what all it can do because I haven't finished it yet...but um...could that work for my attacking aspect?"
I slowly looked up to see his face and his eyes had sparkles in them. He jumped excitedly and grabbed my shoulders. "This is perfect! I'll be able to design a suit perfectly with this! You'll be able to attack so well!"
He pulled me in for a hug and I froze, stiffening up. I turned pink and awkwardly patted his back before he released me.
He didn't even seem to notice because he quickly walked away.
"Keep me posted as you work on that! I'm gonna go work with Wasabi now! I'll see you!" He spoke and walked out of my room .
I stood, a vibrant pink now and slowly reached out to where he'd been. One of my hands slowly reached up to my face and felt my cheek, it was warm.
Realization set in and I pulled both my hands to be over my face and sat down in my chair, blushing wildly.
He hugged me
He praised my tech
Why do I feel happy?
Like I could do anything?
What are these feelings?
I sighed and pulled my hands down my face, staring at my ceiling.
What on Earth is this boy doing to me?

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