Chapter 22 - Hero Hiro

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I had swam out pretty far into the harbor, breathing heavily through my mask. I felt absolutely disgusting and revolted at myself. Not to mention I was beyond pissed at Baymax, but I was much worse than I believed previously.
Maybe Baymax miscalculated? I couldn't possibly be that underweight. I stopped swimming away and treaded water for a moment. I lifted up the hoodie I was wearing over my hero suit and looked at myself. I could see my ribs poke through the tightly fit outfit and my hip bones were distinct.
It had been a while since I looked at myself, let alone my body. It normally depressed me to look at myself. I had never seen how frail I actually looked. It was as if my vision had always been filtered and now I could see clearly.
I let out a shakey breath I didn't know I was holding and pulled the hoodie back down and over myself. I looked gross.
The water was really deep under where I was and I knew I shouldn't swim to the bottom.
But that wasn't going to stop me. I hadn't swam far enough to where boats would be a problem, but it was definitely where reaching the bottom could be bad for my health.
Disregarding my common sense and information, I started swimming down. I activated my arm machine and used to to send a jet of water behind me, propelling me underwater even more.
A small amount of time started to pass when it was getting harder to swim any further. The pressure was hurting my head like crazy and my lungs were burning.
I had slowed my breathing down by this point and I could see the floor of the water below me.
Just a little farther-
I pushed myself past my limit and reached the bottom. I was happy with myself and I sat on the ocean floor.
AVPD huh?
What was it called? Avoidant personality disorder?
I allowed my thoughts to wander, disregarding the growing pain in my chest.
My head pounded as I continued to think about anything and everything.
Underweight? I guess that makes sense
Baymax said something about me needing therapy right?
I guess that could help me-
No it wouldn't, I've tried it already.
I thought back to a few years ago when my parents put me in therapy after my brother died.
They thought I was suffering from PTSD. Possible I suppose.
The therapist didn't really do it for me. She told me everything I was feeling was completely normal and that I was just being dramatic. Anything I said I felt she would invalidate and I eventually got sick of it, I lied about how I was feeling to get out of there and my parents were so happy that "I was doing so well."
I didn't have the heart to tell them I really hadn't improved at all.
Huh...I'm not sure if I would've turned out differently had I gotten someone else.
I felt myself crying, tears were flowing out of my eyes and into the water surrounding me.
I mean, it made sense, all of my deepest darkest secrets had been revealed to the only people I considered friends, and...Hiro...
I sighed into my mask. In my momentary lack of concentration on my thoughts, the pain hit me like a truck.
I hadn't realized how difficult breathing had gotten and the panic started to rise.
I gotta get to the surface!
I coughed into my mask, and a familiar taste filled my mouth.
My eyes widened and I started swimming up, frantically. I used my arm to make a jet, sending me upwards. I made some distance before it sputtered and shut down.
Nows not a good time for this!
It probably got damaged when I hit the wall.
I continued swimming upward, I could see the light of the surface and the pressure had still lightened, but I wasn't close yet.
I coughed again, more violently and blood splattered out into my mask.
I swam frantically as more blood filled my mask. The blood clogged my filter slowly and it sputtered.
I noticed my oxygen getting cut off and took a deep breath right as a bunch of water rushed into it.
I held my breath and swam. I kicked with all my might, just trying to simply make it to the surface.
This isn't where I wanna die
I don't wanna die here!
I could see the light getting closer but I was running out of air. I was getting light headed and realized I wouldn't make it.
Grief hit me suddenly, and I stopped swimming, my limbs now feeling heavy. I gave into reality, and floated calmly. My eyes fluttered shut as I gave into the lightheadedness, passing out.

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