Chapter 27 - Feels

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I slowly awoke and found myself in Hiro's arms. He was still sleeping. I shifted to get up and Hiro's arms tightened around me.
I froze.
He pulled me closer and buried his face into the top of my head.
I was bright red, I listened to his breathing and it calmed me down.
"I know you're awake Y/N." He whispered.
I stiffened up.
"But I like being like this with's nice."
I flushed again.
Is it normal for friends to cuddle like this??
I wouldn't do this with any of the others
In fact that would stress me out
But I don't mind when it's with Hiro
I snuggled up into him and his stiffened up.
I pulled back slowly and checked my phone.
10:47 AM
I slept in
And...I actually slept??
I noticed a text from Gogo.

Y/N, we found something last night that you'll want to see. It read

I typed back.

Ok, let's meet at Hiro's place asap.

The rest of the group agreed.
I put my phone away and tried to sit up.
"Noooo...lay with me a little longer." Hiro protested and tightened his grip around me.
I blushed furiously. "H-Hiro...our friends are on their way over..."
"We've got at least 10 more minutes. I like lying with you. It's nice..." He pulled me into his chest.
I sighed, "You're so needy."
"Only for the ones I love." He muttered.
My eyes widened.
I was going to question him but he had fallen back asleep.
He probably didn't mean it
He's just tired
Maybe he meant platonically?
I hope not...
I brushed the thoughts out of my mind and shook my head before nuzzling into Hiro's neck.
I flushed at our close proximity.
It was weird.
I had never liked being so close to someone.
But I didn't mind it with him.
It was almost like...I enjoyed it?
Agh I'm in shambles.
I don't know how to feel.
I slowly drifted off back into sleep.

I heard a camera noise and my eyes shot open.
I sat up quickly, pulling out of Hiro's touch.
I looked over to see Honeylemon and Wasabi holding their phones out, taking pictures of me and Hiro.
I turned bright red.
Hiro shifted and tried to pull me back down.
"H-Hiro! Our friends are here!" I spoke out quickly, very embarrassed.
His eyes shot open and he sat up quickly and I noticed I was sitting on his lap.
I scrambled to get off him and fell off the couch.
I hit the ground with a loud thud.
I held the back of my head and sat up.
"You ok?" Hiro asked and I nodded.
We both flushed quickly and turned to look over at the group.
Honeylemon squealed and Gogo smirked. Fred and Wasabi were just smiling at us.
"So, how long has this been a thing?" Gogo asked.
"You guys are so cute together!" Honeylemon squealed.
I exchanged a frantic look with Hiro who looked just as flushed as me.
"We aren't together..." I spoke softly.
"Right because friends just hold each other and cuddle in their sleep." Gogo responded.
I flushed and looked away.
"We're really not together! I doubt Y/N wants to be in a relationship with anyone right now, let alone me." Hiro spoke.
My eyes widened, "That's not true!" I yelped.
Hiro looked at me with wide eyes and turned bright red.
"Ah I mean...uh...can we change the subject?! What did you want to show me?" I asked.
"Sure. But we're coming back to this later." She spoke. She held out a flash drive. "Plug this into your computer."
I stood up and took it. I went to hand it to Hiro, who was still a vibrant red, but he was spaced out.
"Hiro?" I asked.
He snapped to attention, "Ah! Sorry, sorry, I was thinking about something..."
He stood up and took the flash drive before walking to the staircase. He gestured for us to follow and we did.
We went upstairs and into his room and he plugged it into his laptop. He pulled up the video file.
It showed the aftermath of the teleportation fail.
"You almost got us all killed!" The general yelled.
"Hey!" Callaghan yelled and ran in. Everyone held him back. "You did this! You knew it wasn't ready!"
"Callaghan? He was there?!" Hiro questioned.
I was puzzled myself to be honest.
"I don't understand...he was so kind. Such a good man. What happened?" I asked.
I looked up to my professor so much. I genuinely didn't know what made him turn so much.
Hiro was tense. "I don't know. But the answer's here somewhere." He went back to all the cameras and rewinded the footage.
"Wait! Wait! Stop! There he is." Honelemon spoke and pointed at the top left screen.
"With the pilot?" I asked
"Hang on." Hiro spoke and fast forwarded.
He zoomed in on the pilot's helmet.
"The pilot was Callaghan's daughter!" I exclaimed.
"Callaghan blames Krei!" Hiro yelled out.
"This is a revenge story." Fred responded.
Hiro grabbed his helmet. "So what are we waiting for?" He spoke and pulled it on.
"I think the new Krei Tech campus opens today. That's probably where Callaghan will strike." I spoke.
We all nodded and I turned to Hiro.
"I need my tech Hiro. Where'd you put it?"
Everyone exchanged nervous glances.
"I'll give it back, but you can't snap like last time. I can't stand the thought of you hurting yourself again." He spoke.
I smiled softly.
"I won't. I'm much calmer now." I patted his head.
Hiro nodded and walked back inside. He emerged with my sleeve and handed it to me.
I rolled my hoodie sleeve up and attached my tech to my arm, wincing slightly as it pressed against my wound where I had inserted the chip.
Hiro walked us all out into the garage and resuited up Baymax before we all climbed onto him.
Baymax took off and we headed off to the new Krei Tech campus.

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