Chapter 7 ~ Showcase

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I quickly hurried down the stairs and started rushing across campus to get to the center the showcase was being held at.
I managed to make it a few minutes late and panted at the entrance to the center. I opened the door and walked in, pulling out my phone.

Hiro: Where are you?
-sent 10 minutes ago

My phone started ringing and Hiro's contact pulled up. I answered it and put the phone up to my ear.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Y/N where are you? I'm supposed to present in a few minutes."
"I'm at the entrance to the center, where are you guys?"
"I'll head there, just wait."
I stood awkwardly, holding the phone to my ear with my other arm across my stomach, staring to grip my side as anxiety started setting in.
What if he thinks I look weird
Maybe this was a bad idea
I stood awkwardly, still on the phone
"I'm at the front, where are you?"
I looked around and spotted him. He was looking around for me so I walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder.
These platforms make me taller than him
He turned around to face me and slightly jumped back in surprise. He turned a slight red.
I smiled shyly and looked down at the ground.
"Y-You look...different?" He stuttered.
I sighed, "It's weird, isn't it...Agh I knew this was a bad idea...sorry..."
"N-No! It doesn't look bad! I-I was just... surprised?"
I looked up at him and he was looking away nervously, a light red.
"Can you believe my hair is this long?" I asked, trying to change the subject.
He looked up, "Yeah, it looks so smooth...did you brush it?"
I nodded, "Well technically my roommate did."
He smiled and we stood in awkward silence for a minute.
"Um...shouldn't we get you to where you're presenting?" I asked.
"Oh! Um, right. It's this way." He answered and started walking.
I followed behind him silently before speaking up, "I'm taller than you now."
He turned to look at me and pouted, "That's not fair!"
I laughed. I may have only been taller by an inch or 2, but it was still fun to tease Hiro over.
We reached the rest of the group who looked at me surprise.
"Y/N? Is that you in there?" I head Gogo ask jokingly.
I scratched the back of my head, "'s me...I thought it would be nice to dress up a little better than usual..."
Honeylemon squealed and rushed over to me, engulfing me in a hug.
I'm not really a hugger, I don't like being that close to a person.
I stood awkwardly until she pulled away.
"Your hair! I'm so proud!" She cheered.
Wasabi walked over, "You look nice Y/N."
Tadashi patted my head, "Are you wearing platforms? You're suddenly taller."
I chuckled, "Yeah..."
That's enough attention
I grabbed a bin of Microbots.
"Hiro, you're gonna go up soon, good luck!" I spoke and the rest of the group grabbed a bin as well.
"Wait Wait Wait!" Honeylemon spoke and pulled us all in and snapped a picture. The rest of the group wish him good luck and grabbed a bin.
We all walked away and placed the bins against the wall in various places as Tadashi stayed behind to probably give Hiro a pep talk.
I regrouped with the others and we stood together with Hiro's aunt as he was called into stage. Tadashi walked back and stood with us.
Hiro started to present and stuttered a bit. There was some bad feedback from the mic and I winced.
Come on
Don't worry
You're great
I clenched my hands together nervously as my heart rate went up.
I really want him to get in and go here
I reached up to my face and nervously chewed on my knuckle.
Come on come on come on
He held out a Microbots and talked a little about it. I saw someone walk away and I gave them a dirty look.
Hiro sounded so nervous and I looked back up at him again.
It wasn't even me performing but I had so much anxiety. Tadashi placed a hand on my shoulder and motioned to Hiro to breathe.
He seemed to get a little more confident and started calling up all the other bots.
I felt them rush down at our feet and up into a stack on stage.
Hiro continued to talk about them and explained how he controlled them. They turned into a hand and waved to us. Ms. Class gasped and waved back.
Hiro continued to explain how the bots could be used in multiple ways and built a tower that he ended up on top of.
I pulled my hand away and folded them together excitedly.
A crowd had formed, watching Hiro now.
He stood on top of the structure, "How about transportation?" He asked in reference to everything the bots could do.
He stepped off the structure, surprising me. I jumped and went to run over instinctively and Tadashi grabbed my shoulder.
Hiro caught him self with the bots and used them to carry him around the room.
He hung upside down and gave Tadashi a high five on his way by. I jumped excitedly to myself, smiling brightly and proudly. Hiro lifted someone else's project up onto an elevated platform before went back to the stage.
He made all the bots into on big Microbot right as he finished his speech.
Everybody clapped and Hiro bowed to the crowd as everyone cheered.
I breathed a huge sigh of relief and clapped excitedly, smiling brightly.
"That's my nephew!" I head Ms. Cass call out.
I laughed and Tadashi ran up to the side of the stage to meet Hiro. I waited back with the rest of the group
"My family! I love my family!" She continued to shout and grabbed a random man next to her.
I nervously laughed and walked with the rest of the group over to Hiro and Tadashi.
We all told him how great he'd been and Honeylemon wrapped him in a giant hug, picking him up off the floor.
I felt a pang of jealously hit me but I dismissed it, I'm not even sure why I had it.
I gave him a bright smile, "That was amazing Hiro!"
He gave me a warm smile in return, his cheeks dusting with a light pink.
"Yes. With some development, your tech could be revolutionary." I turned to see Alister Krei walk over.
The rest of the group and I stepped back, allowing Krei to walk up to him.
"Alister Krei." Hiro spoke, eyes widening.
"May I?" Krei asked and Hiro handed him a bot.
"Hmm. Extraordinary. I want your Microbots at Krei Tech." Krei spoke.
Hiro looked so shocked, "Shut up."
I gave him a concerned look,
Don't sell yourself out
"Mr. Krei is right. Your Microbots are an inspired piece of tech." We turned to see Callaghan.
Oh thank God
Please convince him to not sell out
Hey I need to have some faith in him
Hiro wouldn't do that
Callaghan continued, "You can continue to develop them, or you can sell them to a man who's only guided by his own self interest."
Oh damn
Krei spoke up, "Robert, I know how you feel about me, but it shouldn't affect-"
"This is your decision Hiro." Callaghan cut him off.
I looked nervously at Hiro. He was looking back and forth between the two adults.
The tension had started giving me some anxiety and I fiddled my thumbs together.
Callaghan continued, "But you should know Mr. Krei has cut corners and ignored sound science to get where he is."
Krei sighed exasperatedly, "That's just not true.-"
"I wouldn't trust Krei Tech with your Microbots...or anything else."
"Hiro. I'm offering you more money than any 14 year old could imagine."
Tadashi stepped upon next to Hiro and I did the same. Hiro seemed to think about it.
Don't do it
"I appreciate the offer, Mr. Krei, but they're not for sale." Hiro answered.
Thank. God.
I sighed in relief softly and Mr. Krei gave him an annoyed, disappointed look,
"I...thought you were smarter than that." He straightened the sleeve of his jacket, "Robert." He spoke and gave Callaghan a dirty look while he started to walk away.
Callaghan gave a slight smirk as he walked by and Tadashi stepped forward and reached out,
"Mr. Krei. That' brother's."
He gave a disgusted look, "Oh. That's right."
He tossed the bot to Hiro who caught it in surprise.
He gave one last dirty look and walked away.
I felt relieved at the dissolved tension. I gave Hiro a soft smile that he returned.
"I look forward to seeing you in class." Callaghan spoke and handed Hiro a letter.
Hiro gasped and took it, a smile growing on his face.
Before I knew it we were walking out of the building in celebration. We all cheered for Hiro as we walked out.
"All right geniuses, let's feed those hungry brains. Back to the cafe! Dinners on meeee!" Ms. Cass spoke and we all cheered.
I realized I left my phone inside the building.
"Aunt Cass? We'll uh, we'll catch up, ok?" Tadashi commented while stepping away with Hiro.
"Sure! I'm so proud of you!" She pulled them in for a hug, "Proud of both of you!"
They thanked her and I stepped towards the building.
"I left my phone inside, I'll go grab it real quick. I'll meet up with the guys and then we'll find you." I spoke.
They all nodded and I walked back into the building, searching for my phone.
The night would've ended on a happy note if I hadn't lost my phone and Hiro and Tadashi didn't take a break.
I really thought the night would end well.

Boy was I wrong...

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