Chapter 29 - Someone Has To Help

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I was snatched out of the sky by Baymax who held me in his arm.
Hiro noticed and let go as Baymax flew down to meet him. Hiro was attacked to his back and I climbed over to meet him.
He stayed with his knees attached and embraced me tightly.
"You're an idiot." He spoke and squeezed me tightly.
I winced at the sharp pain.
"Careful! My ribs!" I hissed.
"Ah! Sorry!" He held me under him and re-attached to Baymax. We flew off and landed as everyone regrouped on the roof of a shorter building.
I went to get off of Baymax but Hiro gripped me.
"No, you're staying with me. You're too hurt to fight."
I groaned but obliged. I was in serious pain and I knew it hadn't even hit me yet because of my adrenaline.
"Okay, new plan! Forget the mask." Hiro yelled and everyone started running towards Callaghan.
"Take out the bots! They'll get sucked up into the portal." He finished.
"Now that, is a plan!" Wasabi yelled and summoned his blades.
"Honey, Fred, can you give us some cover?" He asked.
"Like you have to ask." Fred responded.
"Let's do this Freddie!" She called out.
"Smokescreen!" Fred called out and hit the chemicals with his fire, causing a gas to fill the place.
Baymax flew us to above Callaghan.
Callaghan started throwing attacks with the microbots at us and Baymax continued to fly up.
We were getting alarmingly close to the portal before Baymax suddenly changed directions and we flew back down, hitting through a bunch of microbots.
"Woah, the gravity's getting a little weird here, guys!" I heard Wasabi. "Wait, let's use this!"
"Woman, up!" I heard Gogo call out.
"Double sign spin! Now my signs are on fire!" Fred yelled out.
I heard a large explosion go off, "Whew! Now that's a chemical reaction!" Honeylemon called out in joy.
I clung into Baymax as he listed out several attacks, breaking up the microbots and letting them get sucked into the portal.
Baymax was finally snagged as the bots wrapped around him.
Please tell me we did it
"This ends now!" Callaghan called out and gestured at us.
I flinched back but nothing came.
He continued to gesture at us, but nothing came.
"Looks like you're out of microbots." Hiro spoke.
"What?" Callaghan looked down to see the into microbots were the ones holding him and us.
"Baymax!" Hiro called out and Baymax broke free of the restraints. We flew towards Callaghan with a fist and he winced away.
We froze right before hitting him and he slowly looked up at us.
"Our programming prevents us from injuring a human being. But, we'll take that." Hiro spoke and Baymax grabbed the mask and crushed it.
Immediately, the bots started falling and Callaghan started to fall as well, getting sucked towards the portal as it started to drop too. Baymax flew up and grabbed Callaghan and we flew down.
The portal hit the ground with a thud and I saw the group running away from it.
Baymax placed Callaghan down and we landed.
Hiro jumped off and I slid down off Baymax's back.
We all looked back at the portal.
"It's still on! We have to shut it down!" Hiro called out.
He turned back to face Krei.
"We can't! The containment field is failing. The portal is gonna tear itself apart!" Krei yelled.
"We need to get out of here then! Now!" I yelled.
We all started running away, me limping slightly, holding my ribs as I ran.
I saw Hiro stop and turn to face the portal. I turned as well to see Baymax staring at the portal.
"Baymax!" Hiro yelled and ran up to him.
I followed behind, grabbing Hiro's hand.
"My sensor is detecting signs of life."
"What?" Me and Hiro asked at the same time.
"Coming from, there. The life signs are female. She appears to be in hyper-sleep."
I swallowed nervously as I realized what was happening.
"Callaghan's daughter. She's still alive!" Hiro spoke quickly.
"Abigail!" I heard Callaghan.
Hiro went to move towards Baymax and I grabbed him. "No! Are you insane?!" I yelled at him.
He looked between Baymax and me, "I need to go get her."
Krei spoke up, "The portal is destabilizing. You'll never make it!"
"He's right!" I pleaded with my eyes.
Hiro looked into my eyes. "She's alive in there. Someone has to help." He spoke.
I took a sharp breath as Tadashi's last words popped up in my memories.
He went to climb onto Baymax and I grabbed his wrist.
"Please don't do this." I felt tears well up.
Hiro took off his helmet and stepped towards me.
"If I don't make it back, there's something I've always wanted to do." He spoke.
"Wha-" I started before he pressed his lips into mine. My eyes widened and I turned bright red.
As soon as it started it was gone as he pulled away. He pulled his helmet back on and climbed onto Baymax.
"What do you say buddy?" He asked.
"Flying makes me a better healthcare companion." Baymax responded.
I reached out to them as they took off. Tears welled up in my eyes and I dropped to my knees staring as they flew into the portal.
I didn't even care about my ribs anymore.
I just wanted him to make it back safe.
Both of them.
I felt myself get dragged away from the portal and held behind a piece of rubble.
"So, friends huh?" Gogo asked.
I gave her a confused look.
The kiss
I was still red and I gently touched my lips.
"I don't...know..." I spoke truthfully.
I turned to watch the portal, chewing on my knuckles as I anxiously waited for their returns.

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