Chapter 4 ~ Microbots?

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I was clinging on to the back of Tadashi for my dear life while he drove us on his motorcycle.
"Y/N it's kind of hard to focus on driving when you're squeezing me that tightly." I heard him speak out.
"Oh shit! Sorry-" I released some pressure.
He laughed and I groaned.
"Tadashi do I really have to go? He doesn't need anymore motivation because he has you as a brother."
"You're going Y/N. You can't talk me out of this. I want you to be friends. He's your age! And you need more friends!"
I scoffed, "How rude, I have plenty of friends."
"You have me and the gang, that's only 5 people. Plus, it'll be good for you, getcha out of your comfort zone a little bit."
"Please Y/N? For me? He's my little brother, it would mean a lot to me."
Oh how evil
Playing the guilt card
"I-that was unfair." I spoke to him
"Did it work?" I could practically hear his smile.
He celebrated slightly and I rolled my eyes.
I still clung onto him anxiously as he drove.
He pulled up to the outside of what I assumed was his garage and put down his kickstand, getting off. I hopped off and stuck my hands in my hoodie pocket. I stood outside the garage as Tadashi walked inside.
Hiro was working intensely on the computer on what looked like a 3D maker, like CAD.
"Hey Hiro, hows it going?" Tadashi asked.
Hiro didn't look away from the screen, "Good, I'm designing the exterior for the Microbots so I can start printing them."
I fiddled my thumbs in my pocket.
Will they notice if I quietly walk away
Wait no
I told Tadashi I'd try to be friends with Hiro
Damn his guilt tricks
Tadashi continued, "I brought a guest, she's here to help."
He looked over at me and my eyes widened. Hiro's eyes followed Tadashi's and he looked at me. I looked at the ground, evading eye contact at all costs.
"Oh, hey Y/N!" Hiro chirped.
"Hey..." I gave a small wave.
"You can come in you know, you don't have to stand outside the garage."
I looked up, "O-Oh ok..."
I walked into the garage and over next to Tadashi. I watched over Hiro's shoulder as he continued to work.
I leaned over him and pointed at the screen,
"You know, it would probably be better if you gave an actuator for rotation for the bot right here."
Hiro seemed startled by my intervention but looked at the screen.
"Huh, yeah I guess that would be better. Thanks!" Hiro flashed me a smile to which I turned pink.
I retracted and buried my face into my hand.
I could practically feel Tadashi's smile, "Look at you two! You're already getting along so well!"
I sighed and Hiro didn't give a response.
He continued to work until he finished designing his little robot. He sent the patten to his printer and walked over as it started printing them.
He looked over at me and Tadashi and smiled.
Tadashi beamed at him and I gave a small smile. Hiro walked back to us and I spoke,
"So, how does you control the bots?"
He proudly answered, "Neurotransmission."
My eyes lit up, "You know how to do that?!"
He seemed taken aback by my sudden excitement, "Um, yeah?"
I clapped excitedly to myself, "That's perfect! There's a project I'm working on where I needed something to work with neurotransmission to help me control something! But I didn't know how to make that so I-" I cut myself off.
I got way too excited
You barely know this kid Y/N!
Calm yourself
I glanced at Tadashi who smirked with an 'I told you so' look.
Hiro was taken aback but soon matched his excitement to mine, "Really?! I-I-I can help with that! What's the project?! Is it water related?!"
I reached out and grabbed his hands, "Yeah! I need to be able to control these separate pieces of technology with my mind for it to work in the long run! Oh I'm so glad you know how!"
We both jumped a little and smiled brightly.
Once I realized what was happening I turned bright red and jumped back from Hiro, letting go of his hands.
I buried my face in my hands in embarrassment and peeked through to see Hiro smiling.
He's like sunshine
So bright
I stayed with my hands covering my now hot face for a moment before I felt someone grab my hand.
I looked to see Hiro pull my hand away from my face and look at it.
"What happened to your hands?" He asked.
"NotHINg!" My voice cracked mid-word and I turned even more red.
"Pfft-" Hiro laughed at my voice crack. He was still holding one of my hands and I buried my face into my elbow if my other arm, hiding my face.
Why am I so easily embarrassed
I'm not normally like this with the others
Maybe because they're older than me?
"But really, your hand is purple in several places and there's some bandages here in it from a malfunction with the technology?" He looked at me with concerned eyes.
Oh god no
I pulled my arm away from my face and waved my hand frantically. "Oh nonono! It's nothing like that! I was just boxing without proper protection and hurt my hands in the process. It's nothing to worry about! I don't even feel it!"
I chuckled nervously.
I gently pulled my hand away from him and he gave me a suspicious look.
Tadashi walked up, "You two seem to be hitting it off. I really hope you guys become close, you have a lot of similarities."
Me and Hiro looked at each other and I shrugged. He smiled before walking back over to the printer.
I leaned against the wall and crossed my arms, smiling to myself.
I like this kid

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