Chapter 15 ~ Back in Session

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Time skip ~~~
I was a few weeks into school now, and what I had feared came true. Hiro never showed to start his classes. I understood why, but it still broke my heart a little. He was such a smart kid and he was wasting his intellect.
Most of my injuries had healed by now, but I had some ugly scars all over my hands, which I hated.
I was in my lab working on my attempt to make a neurotransmitter. Hiro said he would help me with it but life - or well, death - got in the way of that. Plus, I wasn't looking to spend time with him again.
I could barely look anyone in the eye, let alone someone I hurt so badly. I was terrified of the possibility that he hated me, but at the same time, I was so sure he did.
I had gotten closer with the rest of the squad, but I never tried to keep anyone close like I did with Tadashi.
I was working on connecting the sleeve's temperature control tech with the neurotransmitter head piece. I had failed a few times already but I was hopeful this time around.
My phone lit up and pinged with a notification, which startled me and I jumped a little in surprise.
I picked it up and saw a group message from an unknown number. I clicked on it to see it was a message to me, Wasabi, Honeylemon, Fred, and Gogo. It was from...Baymax?
The message told us that Hiro needed our support and sent us an active location.
I looked at the phone weirdly and dismissed it.
I can't face Hiro Anyways
He probably hates me and doesn't want to see me
I turned the phone off and tossed it onto my desk before continuing my work.
A few minutes passed and my phone started getting more and more text messages. I tried to ignore it but the pinging and buzzing got to me.
I exasperatedly tossed my tools onto my desk and picked up my phone.
What do you want??
The group was arranging to meet up and follow the location.
Hell no
I texted back in the chat saying I thought it was best if I didn't go. This earned me a bunch of replies saying that was ridiculous and that they were coming to pick me up.
I groaned and tossed my phone onto my desk.
I ran my hand through my messy tangled hair and sighed before changing into a clean hoodie.
I looked at myself in my new mirror and gave myself a disgusted look.
Dark eye bags, messy hair, random scratches from nervous habits...yeah. Not attractive.
I put my hood up before walking out into the main lab, where the others had gathered except for Fred, who I assumed was on his way,
I was greeted by Honeylemon giving me a soft smile and walking to meet me. She patted my head gently.
"Hey Y/N, excited to see Hiro?" She asked.
"" I answered.
Is she serious? Or is she just messing with me..?
I sighed and she grabbed the hood and slowly removed it from my head. I looked down at the ground, not wanting anyone to see my face.
Without exchanging any words, Honeylemon reassured me silently by brushing my hair.
I gave a small smile to myself  as a response to this.
She finished up and pulled part of it back to make a cute simple style. I looked up at her and gave a quiet thanks.
"I love your hair Y/N. It's so wavy and luscious, you should really take better care of it." She spoke happily and I blushed.
"I-I'm just too busy for really annoys me actually...haha..." I looked at the ground.
The group exchanged small talk and we all joked around with each other until Fred walked up to the group.
"Hey guys! What's up?! Ready to go kidnap Hiro so we can cheer him up?!"
His enthusiasm startled me and the group chuckled.
"We just want to make sure he's ok. It's kind of alarming that we were messaged by Baymax of all things." Wasabi commented and I nodded in agreement.
We all loaded up into Wasabi's car, despite my pleas to let my drive my own motorcycle.
I was sat in the back right window seat with Honeylemon in the middle, Fred at the other window seat, Gogo in the passenger seat, and Wasabi driving.
Gogo pulled up the active address and we started driving in the general direction.
"Hold up, he's moving." Gogo spoke a few minutes into the drive.
"He's running down this road!" She commented and I looked at the location.
"He's supposed to be down there." I pointed down an alley and we saw a figure running.
Wasabi breaked and we looked down.
"We can't drive down there." Wasabi told us and he rerouted is so we were following them.
Another couple minutes passed of the group exchanging a few words of small talk. I stared out the window.
Once again, we saw the supposed Baymax run down an alley we couldn't follow.
Wasabi rerouted again and we continued the drive.
I sat silently, looking at my reflection in the window, appalled by my eye bags.
I guess that's what I get for sleeping very little in a lab...
We drove into what appeared to be a shipping dock. Wasabi follow the location until we saw Hiro and the...buff...Baymax? Wasabi stopped in front of them and the lights shined at them.
We're probably blinding Hiro
Wasabi parked the car and the lights turned off. We all stepped out of the car.
"Hiro?" The other four asked and I stood behind the rest of them silently.
" no no! Get out of here! Go!" Hiro spoke to us while he walked over, waving his hands.
The group approached him and I trailed behind.
This is gonna be interesting

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