Chapter 2 ~ Meeting

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I was in a state of peace. Nobody was bothering me, and I was left to work by myself.
I had finished analyzing the sample of ocean water I had taken and had moved on to working on part of my new tech. The "waterbending" sleeve. It was meant to secure around my entire arm and connect through a chip I would install in my arm. It would connect to my central nervous system which would allow me to change the properties without pressing any buttons or anything.
I still hadn't installed the chip yet because I was a little worried to do it. I'd have to stick a needle into my arm and find a nerve to attach the chip to.
It would be much easier if I could figure out a way to do it through neurotransmssion. I wouldn't have to have anything in my physically. That's what I want eventually but for now I'll have to work with what I've got because I have no idea how to do that.
I've gotta stop procrastinating the installation.
The sooner I do it
The sooner it's over with
I really wasn't looking forward to having to place a chip into my arm.
I leaned back in my chair and sighed. I grabbed my phone and decided to text Tadashi.

Me: Hey, I saw I missed your call. Is something up?

I put my phone down, not expecting an immediate reply and started fiddling with my hair, tangling it even more.
I waited a few minutes before I got a reply.

Tadashi: Hey Y/N! Yeah I was just giving you a call to let you know I was on my way back to the lab. I'm actually out front now. I'll be inside in a few.
Me: Oh, where did you go?
Tadashi: Jail
Me: I beg your pardon?
Tadashi: Long story, I'll fill you in face to face.

I hummed to myself in understanding. I figured I'd be waiting for a while because everyone wants to talk to Tadashi and he had to make his way through the main lab. I put some music on my speaker before standing. I was humming along before I realized that my makeup had probably washed off in the water. I quickly grabbed my small mirror and looked at myself.
I quickly grabbed some concealer to cover my eye bags. Tadashi always scolds me about not sleeping as well as eating so I started covering my eye bags. I eat whenever he asks me, as well.
I can't stand when people worry about me, I don't like all the attention. So I try to make myself not a target for worries. Tadashi sees through that usually but it fools everyone else most of the time.
I finished applying the concealer and softly smiled to myself. I put the mirror down and continued humming to my music. I started to quietly sing to myself and waltzed around my room to the rhythm.
I smiled to myself as I softly sang and danced.
I was vibing to say the least.
Around 3 songs passed until I heard voices coming down the hall. I turned off my music and stuck my hands in my pocket.
I recognized Tadashi's voice.
I opened my door and stepped out into the hallway, closing my door behind me. I looked up to see Tadashi with a shorter male next to him.
Don't panic
I quickly looked away and at the wall next to me.
"Oh! Y/N! Good timing! I want you to meet someone." Tadashi spoke.
I hummed in acknowledgement and raised one of my shaky hands, giving a slight wave. I slowly looked up at Tadashi.
I swallowed nervously.
God I hate new people
Tadashi you're gonna pay for this
I felt eyes on me and my gaze shifted to the shorter boy. He looked young. Maybe my age?
He was staring at me with confusion and I looked back down at the ground.
Tadashi sensed my discomfort and spoke up.
"This is Y/N, shes your age, Y/N this is my brother Hiro!"
Tadashi was clearly excited about the two of us meeting.
"Hello." I heard this supposed 'Hiro' speak.
I looked up to meet his eyes.
His eyes are pretty
I think he's taller than me
"Hi..." I spoke back.
"Wait a minute...Y/N why is your hair wet?" Tadashi asked me.
I looked up at him, "I was testing out my mask. I'm glad to report that it works again." I spoke back and slightly smiled.
I was still clearly uncomfortable.
God please just let me disappear

Hiro's POV
I was walking down a hallway of what I assumed were personal labs.
"So, there's one more person I want you to meet. I think you'll be surprised by her." Tadashi spoke with a smile.
"Why's that?" I asked.
"You'll see. But she's really great, and possibly even smarter than you." He smirked and elbowed me.
I rolled my eyes.
I'm already sold on this nerd school
I need to go here
I saw a door open and a short girl walked out. She had black disheveled hair and green eyes.
She's pretty short
She turned to face Tadashi and her eyes widened once she realized I was there. She looked away at the wall next to her.
Tadashi smiled, "Oh Y/N! Good timing! I want you to meet someone."
This is who he wanted me to meet?
She looks so young
She's kind of pretty though
I wonder what she does here
She hummed quietly in response before raising  a hand and waving it.
She's shaking
She looked up at Tadashi and I almost could sense slight anger. I smiled to myself and she slowly looked at me.
She has pretty eyes
She quickly looked away again.
The awkward tension was getting thicker by the minute before Tadashi spoke to me,
"This is Y/N, shes your age, Y/N this is my brother Hiro!"
She's my age??
Another prodigy??
I see I've got some competition
I smiled softly, "Hello..."
She looked up and met my eyes. I was caught off guard by how pretty her eyes actually were. They were several different shades of green, some more vibrant than others.
"Hi..." she replied quietly.
She must not do well with new people
"Wait a minute...Y/N why is your hair wet?" Tadashi asked.
She looked up at him, "I was testing out my mask. I'm glad to report that it works again."
She smiled slightly to which I smiled in response.
I wonder what tech she works on
I spoke up, "What kind of tech do you work on?"
She looked up at me before looking at Tadashi who gestured for her to talk.
"Um...I mainly do water based tech...I made a mask that lets me breathe underwater...and's not anything that impressive..." she trailed off.
Water based tech?!
That's so cool!
I felt my eyes light up, "You can breathe underwater?! That's so cool! How did you do it?!" I asked more questions and stepped towards her with every question I asked.
She backed up and shuddered away at my advances. I felt Tadashi place a hand on my shoulder and I looked back at him.
He mouthed the word "gentle" to me. I backed up.
"Sorry, I get really excited." I apologized.
She scratched the back of her head, "It's really not that cool compared to everyone else's tech..."
"Don't say that! Breathing underwater could bring so many benefits to ocean teams, the coast guard, underwater explorations, j-just it has so many opportunities!" I spoke excitedly.
She looked up at me in surprise and blushed slightly, which caused my face to flush a little in response.
T-Thanks..." she quietly answered and looked away again.
"How about you show him the device?" Tadashi suggested.
She looked up at him and then at me, "I-If you really want...I guess I can..."
I nodded happily and smiled. Tadashi patted my head and she sighed before opening the door to her lab.
I smiled to myself before following her in.

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