Chapter 13 ~ Missing?

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Mei's POV
I slowly opened my eyes and sat up in bed, feeling something wrapped around my torso. I looked down to see Risa with her arms around me, stirring in her sleep. I smiled to myself and gently brushed some hair out of her face.
I groaned and rubbed my eyes.
My head hurts
I looked at the clock.
8:00 am
I felt Risa tighten her grip around me and pull herself closer.
" we have to get up?" She spoke out groggily.
I chuckled and patted her head, "I'm getting up."
"Nooooo...cuddle with me..." the taller female curled up against me.
I rolled my eyes and looked around the room.
Y/N's gone
I noticed she was missing from her bed and I stood up abruptly, much to Risa's dismay.
"Heyyyy...why'd you leave me?" She spoke and pulled the blankets over her at the sudden loss of heat.
"Y/N's gone." I answered and she sat up in surprise.
I looked around the room, "Y/N? Are you here?"
Risa stood up and wiped her eyes, "Maybe she's in the bathroom."
I shook my head, "The door's open. She's not here." I walked around and noticed her keys were missing.
Risa stretched, "Maybe she left the room, it would be good for her."
"I'm worried Risa, what if something happened to her? What if...what if she did something to herself again?" I paced in the room as I spoke out.
I felt a calming hand placed on my shoulder and looked up at Risa, "I'm sure she's fine Mei, you're being paranoid. But, if it will make you feel better, I'll look for her with you."
I sighed and gave her a smile.
I've always been a little worryrat and a little paranoid but Risa understood that and accepted me completely.
That's one of the things I loved about her, she was always so accepting of my problems in the same way I was about hers.
Risa handed me my phone, "Why don't you try calling her first, I'm gonna get dressed."
I took it and she walked to my closet, stealing some clothes before she started changing.
I turned away and looked down at my phone, opening Y/N's contact.
I pressed it and started calling it. It rang a few times before it went to voicemail.
"Hello, this is Y/N L/N. I-I'm sorry that I missed your call, if you leave a'll try to get back to you...thanks?"
Even her voicemail is awkward.
I tried calling her again but to no avail.
I started pacing again.
What if she's gone
What if she ran away
What if she's hurt
What if she did something to herself
What if she's dead?!
I was panicking slightly and Risa wrapped her arms around me from behind me.
"Mei. It will be ok. I'm sure she's fine." Risa spoke and I calmed down quite a bit instantly.
"Let's check her lab." I spoke and she nodded.
I quickly got dressed and we walked out of the dorm building, hand in hand as we made our way to the tech lab quickly.
We walked into the lab and I pulled out my spare key to Y/N's lab as we made our way to it.
I unlocked the door and opened it, walking in. I looked around, taking in the surroundings
It's messier
She's definitely been here. 
I walked away from Risa and over to Y/N's desk and saw her phone. I picked it up and showed it to Risa exasperatedly.
"I can't call her if she leaves her phone."
Risa nodded and I started pacing again.
I wonder if her phone is unlocked
I looked at it and sure enough, there was no password.
Y/N has no fear
I opened contacts and looked for recent calls.
Who's that?
Well she seems to call Y/N a lot so I guess I'll call her and tell her Y/N's missing.
I clicked her number and held the phone up to my face as it rang.

"Y/NNNN! Oh my god hi! How are you? Is everything ok?"

Wow she's peppy

"Um this is Y/N's roommate Mei. Um...I can't find Y/N anywhere and I was wondering if you would know where she was? I'm worried about her."
"She's missing?! I'm so sorry but I have no idea where she'd be...she never calls me...I'll go out and look for her! I'll call this number if I find her! Bye!"

She hung up abruptly and I could tell she was worried by her tone. I turned to Risa who was looking at some pictures on Y/N's wall.
"A friend of hers is looking for her now as well."
Risa walked over to me. "We can drive around and look for her if it will make you more comfortable."
I nodded, "She might be in the water somewhere...let's go to the beach and see if she's there."
We walked out of her lab and back to the dorms, getting my keys before making our way to my car, embarking on a journey to find Y/N.

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