Chapter 14 ~ Early Explorations pt 2

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Gogo's POV
I was sleeping upstairs when I startled awake to rapid footsteps coming up the stairs.
"Gogo!" I recognized Honeylemon's voice and I groaned.
It's too early for this
I pulled my pillow over my head.
"Gogo! Wake up! This is important!" She yelled.
I groaned but slowly sat up, rubbing my eyes.
"What do you need Honeylemon?" I asked annoyedly.
"It's Y/N. Her roommate just called me from her phone, she's missing."
I groaned, "What? Dude it's like...8 something in the morning. Are we sure she isn't at the lab or something?"
"I texted the roommate and apparently Y/N hadn't left the dorm room in a while and then just suddenly disappeared. She's not in her lab either."
I stood up, "She's probably fine Honeylemon. You're being paranoid."
She crossed her arms, "I'm just worried! Wasabi agrees with me and he's on his way over now so we can go look for her."
My eyes widened.
Oh god
They're making way too big of a deal out of this
"I guess I'm helping you..." I groaned and made Honeylemon leave my room before I changed.
I heard the doorbell ring and Honeylemon opened it to be met by Wasabi.
"Are we going looking for Y/N or what?" He asked. Honeylemon smiled and wrapped him in a hug.
Before I knew what was happening, we were all in Wasabi's car, driving around town while Honeylemon tracked Y/N's motorcycle.
This is a little invasive
"Guys is this really necessary?" I asked.
"We're just worried Gogo." Honeylemon responded.
"Yeah but aren't we being a little intrusive? I mean what if she's just needing some alone time. I do that sometimes and you guys don't freak out and go all FBI on me."
"Yeah but it's not super concerning when you go, and you tell us you're going."
I shrugged and Honeylemon squealed excitedly.
"I got the location!" She yelped and started giving Wasabi directions.
Definitely intrusive
"Guys what if she isn't happy to see us. If you randomly showed up during my alone time I would be a little mad."
I was ignored and rolled my eyes as Wasabi drove us to where Y/N's location was.

I honestly lost track of how long I was underwater for. I was sitting at the bottom of the bay still, and my heart rate had noticeably slowed.
I was getting sluggish and tired from being in such a cold environment.
To be fair, I wasn't planning on staying under as long as I did, but I lost track of time.
I should probably swim back up now
As I started this, I found my limbs to feel abnormally heavy. I struggled to pull myself through the water, and given the fact that I was a good 20 feet underwater, it was starting to become concerning.
I felt myself sinking as I tried swimming upwards and I felt so heavy.
I yawned under my mask as my eyes started feeling heavy.
Stay awake
You can nap once you're out of the water
I continued to struggle to make it to the surface and tried to swim up even more.
I swam forwards to the shore util I could reach the ground and was a few feet underwater.
I continued to walk the rest of the way up and finally reached the surface.
I pulled my mask down and took a deep breath of fresh air. I was standing in the water and trudged over to where I had laid my stuff.
I felt really heavy and I dropped to my knees before falling over and laying on my side by the water.
I wanted to get up but my limbs felt so heavy. Soon, my eye lids started to feel just as heavy and I lost the battle, drifting off into unconsciousness.

When I awoke, I was surrounded by people.
Everything was blurry and I sat up quickly, not knowing who was around me and I moved backwards.
The sudden rush made my head hurt and I fell backwards again.
" head..." I held my head and sat up slowly. I noticed I was wearing my mask and I pulled it down so it was hanging around my neck.
"You're ok!" I felt arms wrap around me.
I wiped my eyes to see Honeylemon, Wasabi, Gogo, Mei, and Risa all staring at me concernedly.
Oh god
Too many people
"W-What's going on?" I asked nervously as I put my hands up defensively.
Mei squatted down in front of me, "Sorry...this is all my doing...I couldn't find you and I freaked."
She gave me an apologetic smile and I sighed.
"How did you even find me? And what happened?" I asked.
Gogo answered, "We tracked your motorcycle and happened to find you passed out by the water's edge. As for what happened...I can't really help you with that."
"Oh...isn't that a offense...intrusive?" I timidly spoke and Gogo turned to Honeylemon,
"I told you!" She said.
"We were just worried about you Y/N..." Honeylemon answered honestly.
I sighed, "Sorry, I think I was underwater too long and the cold slowed my heart rate just enough to make me fall unconscious..."
I felt a blanket being placed around me and turned to see Risa.
"Well as long as you're ok, we're good."
I gave them all a small smile which was returned.
"Are you guys ready for classes to start back up?" Wasabi asked.
I nodded, "I can't believe I'm starting my third year. Crazy."
Gogo, Wasabi, and Honeylemon would be starting their second years while Mei and Risa would be starting their third as well.
Tadashi would've also been starting his third year...
I sighed at the thought and grabbed my things before walking back up to the street with everybody.
"I'm gonna head back to the labs, I need to reorganize my personal one." I spoke out and the others nodded.
"I just wanna go back to sleep..." Risa yawned which made me chuckle.
The group split its separate ways and I rode to the labs silently.
I can't believe I'm doing a year without Tadashi
It'll be so weird
I sighed sadly as I made my way back to campus entranced by my thoughts.

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