Chapter 20 - Nightmares

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It was dark. Everything around me was dark and cold.
What's going on?
I was scared.
I looked around and saw nothing. That's when a memory started to play for me.
It was the fire from a few years ago.
No no no
Not this again
I turned away from it and ran the other direction. I closed my eyes frantically, but when I opened them, I was in my old house. I was in my shared room with Elijah, my brother.
Smoke was filling the room I saw myself crawling out of the room.
I reached out to myself and tried to grab at her.
"No! Don't go! Make sure Eli gets out!" I yelled and yelled.
It was all to no avail, I watched the younger version of myself crawl out of the room. I followed behind, trying to stop her.
She made it out of the house and ran to her parents.
"Where's Eli?!" My mom called out.
"I-I don't know! I thought he was behind me!" The Y/N responded.
I felt the tears slip down my cheeks as I watched the house burn up.
My mom went to rush back in when the second story collapsed onto the first.
My room was on the second story.
I saw myself scream and my mom froze before crying out. The blaze was extreme and firefighters showed up moments later.
My dad held me back while I had screamed and cried, reaching toward where my brother had been.
I stepped away from the scene and closed my eyes. I held my ears, trying to block out the sound and sobbed. I hated reliving this.
That's when I woke up.
It was sudden, I sat up quickly, panting. The tears started quickly and slipped down my cheeks.
I panted and gripped at my neck, a bad habit I had developed for whenever I had an episode.
I took in my surroundings. I was on a couch in a dimly lit room. The TV was on in front of me on some news station.
I panted, slowly realizing I didn't know where I was.
"Y/N?" I heard a voice. It was Hiro's.
My eyes widened and I heard quick footsteps approach from behind me. I buried my face in my hands, not wanting him to see me crying.
I felt him kneel in front of me, "Hey's ok, you're ok now...I think. Are you alright?" He asked.
I felt him slowly grab my hands and pull them away from my face. I was staring down.
I could see his eyes widen, "You're crying..."
I gently shook my head and looked away.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
I swallowed and scooted to the side of the couch. I patted the seat next to me and Hiro wasted no time. He stood and sat next to me before turning to face me, giving me his undivided attention.
It made me a little uncomfortable, but I pushed that feeling away.
"'s a lot to unpack." I stuttered and struggled to get out my words, I wanted to tell Hiro about my dream but I couldn't get over the abandonment problem.
"Go ahead...I'm not gonna judge you." Hiro responded.
My heart warmed. I leaned back against the couch and he did the same.
"Um, well, I wanna start, uh...apologizing." I spoke out. I stared at my thumbs as I twiddled them.
"What? Why?" He asked.
"For abandoning you...when you needed me..."
"Oh..." I heard him swallow and he looked away.
I looked up at his face and studied it. He looked sad...but there seemed to be relief hidden under it.
"I'm just...I'm really sorry. I was too caught up dealing with my own grief to even try to help you with yours...and I'm sorry."
He turned to look at me and our eyes met. I felt my face flush and he gently grabbed my hand.
"It's ok. I forgive you."
That's when the tears started. They didn't stop and they slipped down my cheeks in a steady flow. I wasn't prepared for forgiveness.
The relief that washed over me was too much.
I wiped at my tears and Hiro stiffened up.
"No no...please don't cry..." he spoke.
He lifted his hands up and held my face, wiping the tears away.
I looked into his eyes. He smiled softly.
I looked down and pulled out of his touch.
"U-Um..." I was at a loss for words.
"Has that really been bothering you this long?" He asked.
I looked up at him and slowly nodded.
"Oh...Y/N I treasure our friendship, I wouldn't let an in the moment reaction ruin it."
I swallowed and stared at my thumbs.
"I-uh...I heard about what happened to you after...y' happened..." he trailed off.
I looked up frantically.
"Is it true?" He asked.
"Uh...I'm not sure what you heard..."
"All I know is you needed stitches and had a major head injury...are you ok now?"
I looked away and slowly nodded, "Don't worry about me so much..."
I felt him gently grab my hand. He slowly pushed up the sleeve and looked at my hand where all the nasty scars were. I felt him tremble slightly.
"Y/N this is bad...these are...are you sure you're ok?"
I pulled away, "Yeah...I'm ok. There's no permanent damage."
He sighed, " you want to tell me why you were crying when you woke up suddenly?"
I swallowed dryly. "Um...remember that picture you saw of my brother? Back in my lab?"
Hiro thought for a second, "Oh yeah! His name is Eli right? What about him?"
I stared at my hands intensely. "Well um...he's...dead."
I heard Hiro shift and glanced to see his eyes widened as he stared at me. "I'm so sorry...I had no idea..."
I looked back down at my hands and started picking at my knuckles, "'s been a few years now...he died in a house fire...I left him behind..."
I felt the tears start to burn the back of my eyes again. I sighed, "That's um...why I do water tech..."
I felt Hiro wrap an arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his side. Normally I would've protested but at this moment, it was nice.
I leaned against him and rested my head on his shoulder.
"I was just remembering what happened in my nightmare...that's why I was crying."
Hiro just squeezed me as a soft way of saying he understood.
I felt the tears slip down my cheeks and I leaned into Hiro some more, turning my face to be against him. Hiro reached over with his other hand and brushed my hair to the side.
He saw my forehead and my eyes widened.
"Sorry...I know the scar's gross." I spoke and looked down.
In response, Hiro just leaned over and placed a soft kiss on my forehead.
I turned bright red but ignored it as he pulled away. I just leaned into him again and we sat in silence.
A while passed of us just sitting in silence and I turned to look at his face. "What time is it?" I asked.
He shrugged and I pulled out my phone.
3:25 AM
"Dude it's like 3:30 in the long were you waiting for me to wake up?" I asked.
"I wanted to make sure you were're lucky I didn't call your roommate. She would've freaked out."
I laughed and Hiro smiled.
He leaned back and shifted slightly to be in a more comfortable position. I rested my head on his chest and we sat like that for a few moments.
I felt his breathing slow along with his heartbeat.
He's asleep
I grabbed a blanket and pulled it over us.
"Goodnight Hiro..." I whispered.
I wrapped my arms around him and slowly drifted off into sleep with one thought on my mind.
I'm so lucky to have him in my life...

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