Chapter 25 - The Massacre

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I opened my eyes to see Baymax holding up the rock. I quickly realized the position I was in and turned bright red. I was on top of Hiro, hovering over him.
I looked down at him and he seemed just as flushed which made me smile to myself.
"Baymax get us out of here!" Hiro called out and Baymax sent a rocket fist through the rock.
Kabuki man looked over in shock, and probably annoyance.
"Go for the transmitter! Behind his mask!" Hiro called out."
Kabuki man threw a punch of microbots at Baymax who picked up a piece of concrete. It didn't stop the blow and Baymax was launched back.
"Baymax!" Hiro called out and chased after him.
I felt my panic rise.
"Ok what's the plan?" Wasabi asked.
"It's Fred time." Fred spoke and pulled on his mask. He jumped up, "Super Jump!" He called out and sprawled out, "Gravity crush!"
He was hit by a fist of microbots.
"Falling hard!" He called out as he fell down.
I backed up and looked at the others.
"Seriously, what is the plan?!" Wasabi called out.
"Get the mask!" Gogo spoke.
"Right behind you!" Honeylemon yelled after her and they took off.
"For real, what is the plan?!" Wasabi yelled.
I swallowed anxiously and rushed back over to Hiro.
I glanced to see Gogo hit Kabuki man in the face with one of her discs which only seemed to piss him off.
"Is Baymax ok?" I asked.
Hiro was frantically checking on him and Baymax stood up.
I breathed a sigh of relief. I heard the rest of the group struggling and before I could process anything I was pulled my Hiro onto Baymax's back.
We flew by as Kabuki man was about to squish the group with a microbot pillar.
He tried to throw pillars at us before hitting Baymax.
Due to the laws of physics, I, who was not attached by magnets, flew off of Baymax, colliding with Kabuki man. We stumbled down a flight of stairs and I hit the ground harshly.
My head hit the ground.


I saw Tadashi introducing himself to me on the first day of school. I was cautious, but allowed him to talk to me. He immediately reminded me of Eli, which is probably why I couldn't find myself pushing him away. I wanted him close.

I gasped and my eyes shot open. I quickly took in the sight to see Kabuki man's mask on the ground. I quickly snatched it.
I heard the group approach and looked up to see them standing at the top of the stairs.
"It's over Krei." I heard Hiro and saw him walk down next to me.
He groaned and slowly stood up.
He turned to face us and my heart stopped.
"P-Professor Callaghan?" I asked.
"The died." Hiro spoke.
"No. I had your microbots." Callaghan responded.
I felt my blood start to boil as I realized what was happening.
"But, Tadashi...You just let him die..." Hiro sounded so broken.
Oh hell no
Fuck. No.
You don't hurt the ones I love.
"Give me the mask Hiro."
"He went in there to save you!" Hiro yelled.
"That was his mistake!" Callaghan yelled back.
That's when I snapped.
It all went black.

Daggers. Ice daggers accompanied by boiling water. I was throwing attacks left and right.
Hiro had been pushed away by me and I was full of rage.
Callaghan stumbled backwards.
"You selfish son of a bitch!" I screamed out and threw a splash of boiling water at him.
I was seeing red.
I was burning him, and cutting him.
He was bleeding, but I was running out of water.
"Y/N! Y/N calm down!" Hiro called out.
I didn't even hear him.
I made a dagger and held it in my hands, charging after Callaghan who took off running.
I felt someone pull on me and turned to see Honeylemon holding me back.
I shoved her off me and into Hiro, who dropped the mask.
I chuckled the dagger at him and it impaled him in the leg. I used my bending to dig in further into him before I started tracing it up his thigh.
He yelled out in pain and I was grabbed. Losing concentration Callaghan pulled the dagger out and ran towards the mask.
"He's gonna get away, get off me!" I yelled and to my surprise, Hiro was sent flying by me.
I didn't even pay attention. I raised my hand to Callaghan, trying to pull water. I couldn't find any and to my shock, blood shot out of my hand. I flew in a stream towards Callaghan and I cried out in pain.
It fell to my knees and everyone stared at me in shock. I had a horrified expression but I didn't last long as I pulled more out of me and made it into a dagger. I threw it at Callaghan and impaled his arm.
He cried out in pain but grabbed the mask.
He started using the microbots to lift himself away.
I felt myself growing weaker, I pulled more blood out and made another dagger before throwing it at Callaghan again. I missed that time though as I started to fall to the ground.
I hit the ground with a solid thud and the lightheadedness set in.
I didn't realize how much blood I'd pulled out of myself.
Hiro ran up to me and dropped to his knees.
"Y/N!" He yelled out.
I gripped at him.
"C-Callaghan! He's g-getting away! Y-You can still c-catch him if you-" I spoke out raspily.
"Are you insane?! After what you just did?!" He yelled at me.
I glanced up at his face and he looked horrified.
The rest of the group walked over and I looked up as Callaghan escaped.
I felt the tears start.
Hot angry tears.
"Why didn't you do anything?! He was hurt! W-We could've got him!" I yelled and hit the ground.
"After what you just did?! Y/N we did not sign up to be murderers." Wasabi spoke.
That pissed me off. "But he let Tadashi die! Do none of you care about him?!"
"Y/N that's not fair. You need to calm down. You aren't thinking straight." Honeylemon spoke calmly.
I huffed in frustration and tried to stand up.
I wobbled and started to fall back down.
That's when I lost consciousness.

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