Chapter 3 ~ Tiresome

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I let let Hiro and Tadashi walk into my lab, instantly embarrassed at how messy it looked.
"You have a water tank?!" Hiro seemed to be excited by everything.
"Um...yeah...where else would I test my tech?" I asked.
He scratched the back of his head, "Oh right, sorry."
Tadashi chuckled and I walked over to my desk, grabbing my mask. I brought it over to the two boys and gently handed it to the younger excited one.
He fiddled with it and turned it around in his hands, observing it.
"I like the gills detail, it's cute." He spoke while continuously studying my mask.
I blushed slightly at the comment.
"So how does it work?" He asked.
I perked up, "It takes water molecules and duplicates the oxygen atom as you breathe in."
He looked at me with, I swear, sparkles in his eyes. "That's so cool!"
I blushed and fidgeted with a strand of my hair.
He handed me back my mask and Tadashi smiled. I placed it back down on my desk and Hiro pointed at my sleeve I was working on.
"What's this?"
My eyes widened, I hadn't told practically anybody about it except for the few friends I had.
Should I tell this kid?
I don't really know him yet
And based on how excited he gets I don't know if that's the best decision....
I mean once Fred found out he wouldn't leave me alone about making an invisible sandwich...
The sad part is that I could probably make one...
"Oh it's nothing! Just something I've been messing around with..." I spoke. I mentally face palmed at my stupidity and awkwardly smiled.
Hiro shrugged and I released a deep sigh of relief.
Tadashi walked over and stood next to me while Hiro visually fanboyed over my lab. I was a flustered mess. I looked up at Tadashi,
"How tall is he?"
He smirked, "Five foot. You're still the shortest."
I gave an offended look and pouted, "Damn."
Tadashi thumped my shoulder, "Profanity."
I slapped a hand over my mouth.
I always forget he hates profanity...
"Who's this?" I heard Hiro ask.
I walked over to see what he was talking about to be surprised by the picture of my brother.
"Ah...that's my brother." I spoke with a soft smile.
"Cool." Hiro commented before walking with me back to Tadashi.
"Oh I almost forgot...why were you in jail?" I asked Tadashi while staring at the wall behind him.
"You should really ask my brother if you'd like to know the answer, but to make you more comfortable I'll explain. Hiro's a big botfighter and I had to pick him up, but he ended up getting us arrested."
I looked over at Hiro in surprise, "Did you win?" I asked before thinking about it.
I looked at the ground.
"Yeah, I did. I have my bot with me if you wanna see it," he answered.
I looked up and smiled softly, nodding. He handed me his boy and I started to admire it.
"Magnets?" I asked.
"Yup! Pretty cool right?"
I nodded and handed the bot back, "That must be really deceiving in the fights. You probably use that to your advantage..." I trailed off.
He smiled and nodded.
"Hey guys I gotta grab something really quick, don't go anywhere." Tadashi spoke and we both looked at him.
He walked out of the room.
No don't leave me!
I swallowed nervously and looked back at Hiro.
"How'd you even have time to go bot fighting? I figured based on your bot's complexity that you're graduated from high school, but don't you have college homework?" I asked gently.
If Tadashi doesn't get back I'm going to start panicking
I can't with new people
"O-Oh...yeah I'm not in college..." Hiro spoke.
"Oh...sorry..." I replied.
An awkward silence grew between us and I fidgeted with the end of my hoodie.
What felt like an eternity passed before Tadashi opened my door and stepped in. He tossed something and I jolted I surprise before catching it.
It's a sandwich
"Don't forget to eat Y/N." Tadashi spoke.
I rolled my eyes and put the sandwich in my hoodie pocket, "Ok..."
"So Tadashi? What is it that you work on?" Hiro asked.
"I'll show you," He answered, "We'll see you later Y/N."
"Bye Y/N!" Hiro chirped.
I awkwardly waved as they walked out of my lab.
As soon as the door shut I let out a deep breathe.
That was exhausting

Next day~~
I was startled awake to a repetitive knocking on my door. I was leaning over my desk with my hair all over the place. I knew I looked like a disaster but I sat up regardless.
I stretched and walked over to my door, unlocking it. It opened from the other side and I was met with Tadashi's familiar face.
Before I could process anything I was handed a box of eggs and an orange.
"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day Y/N." He smiled.
I groaned in response and closed the door on him before I walked back into my lab. Tadashi opened my door and walked in, and leaning against the wall while I sat down. He was clearly waiting for me to eat so I sighed and started eating the eggs.
"So..." he started, "How long were you going to hide your eye bags from me?"
I nearly choked.
I did choke a little.
I coughed and thumped my chest. "W-What?"
He gestured to my face, "Your eye bags."
I felt my face.
I gulped, "I just didn't sleep well last night, that's all."
Tadashi rolled his eyes, "Dude, I work on healthcare, I know a while's worth of eye bags when I see them."
I sighed, "I honestly don't know when I last had 8 straight hours of sleep...but it's perfectly ok! I just didn't want you to worry about me..."
I was still evading eye contact but I saw Tadashi give me a sympathetic look,
"Y/N...of course I'm going to worry about you. I'm your friend. It's what we do."
I shook my head, "Please don't..."
He sighed, "Well...I'm here to take you from your lab, so finish eating because then we're going."
I choked again, "Huh??"
"We're going to go help my brother. He's sold on coming to this school so he's having to try and win the entrance from Callaghan at the showcase. He's working on his invention at the moment."
I had finished my eggs and was peeling my orange.
"Hmm, I don't know Tadashi, I'm not really the most comfortable with Hiro yet..."
He smiled, "Well I want you to be friends, and I'm going to do whatever I have to to make sure that happens."
He reached over to me and picked me up.
"Ack! H-Hey!" I stuttered.
He slung me over his shoulder. "You're coming with me!"
I struggled and tried to get out of his grip but to no avail. I gave up and flopped over, lying limply over his shoulder as he took to me out of my lab to see his brother.

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