Chapter 28 - Fate

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We were flying towards the Krei Tech campus and I could see the portal in the distance.
It was sucking up the building bit by bit. I noticed Callaghan was elevated and holding Krei with the microbots, probably crushing him.
We landed on one of the buildings.
"Professor Callaghan!" Hiro called out as we all dismounted Baymax.
Hiro took off his helmet, "Let him go."
Callaghan turned to face us in annoyance.
"Is this what Abigail would have wanted?!" I called out.
My anxiety was rising and I could feel my blood start to boil again. I took a deep calming breath.
I felt Hiro take my hand in his own as Callaghan yelled back at us.
"Abigail is gone!"
I swallowed. "This won't change anything. Trust me, I know." I spoke out.
"Listen to the kid Callaghan. Just, let me go. I'll give you anything you want." Krei spoke.
I saw Callaghan's face contort in anger and I prepared myself.
"I want my daughter back!" He yelled and launched a pillar of microbots at us.
I dove out of the way and yanked Hiro with me. Baymax jumped over with us as well and the rest of the group went the other way, yelling in fear.
"Go for the mask!" Hiro yelled out and we kept running with Baymax.
I panted and felt my panic rise.
Hiro glanced at me and stopped abruptly. He grabbed my shoulders. "You've got this. Don't be scared." He spoke and hopped onto the back of Baymax.
They flew off and I took a calming breath. I took off running.
I glanced over to see Hiro fly by Callaghan's and reach for the mask before Baymax was snatched, and thrown into the side of a building causing Hiro to fly off and through a window.
"Hiro!" I called out.
I ran toward the building before my foot was grabbed with the bots.
I was yanked off my feet and slammed to the ground.
It knocked the wind out of me and I felt something crack.
I gasped for air and struggled to get to my feet. I managed to get up and make a stream of water. I used to go try and grab the mask before I was thrown again, this time through a window at the top of the building. I felt myself get cut through the fabric of my hoodie and suit.
I gasped in pain and was still trying to recover my breath.
I was laying limply for a moment, trying to regain my strength.
"Y/N!" I heard Hiro.
He ran up to me and dropped next to me. He lifted my torso up and I winced. A sharp pain from my ribs was felt and it was hurting to breathe.
"I-I think I might've broke a rib-" I spoke out and winced.
That's when we started to float. We hit the ceiling and Hiro looked panicked.
I felt too weak to struggle and the ceiling caved.
Hiro grabbed my wrist and onto a piece of metal, holding us both as the portal was trying to pull us in.
I heard the others over our speakers in the helmets.
"Getting a little, tight!" I heard Wasabi and looked over to see him being crushed between two pieces of roof.
I saw Gogo and Honeylemon get trapped in a sphere of microbots and a bubble of chemicals and noticed Fred was being held by his limbs.
There was various screaming and I felt Hiro's grip on me slipping.
He looked up at me frantically.
I looked at our hands.
"Don't let go!" I called out.
"I'm trying!" He responded and that's when the metal broke.
We resumed flying and I pulled myself closer to him, gripping onto his chest.
I squeezed my eyes shut tightly before feeling us get snagged.
Hiro had grabbed onto another, longer piece of metal.
"He's too strong!" I heard Fred call out.
I saw Hiro's hand start to slip off the metal.
A realization hit me. Either I go, or we both go.
I swallowed and let go of him.
"Y/N!" He frantically grabbed my wrist, snagging me.
"You have to let me go! You can't hold us both!" I yelled at him.
"No! I'm not gonna lose you!"
I felt my eyes fill with tears. Hiro's grip on me tightened and he shifted his hand on the metal.
Microbots we're flying past us and he got hit in the face with a few.
I heard the team yelling.
"There's no way out!" Honeylemon.
"We can't beat him!" Fred.
"Help!" Wasabi.
They all started calling out for Hiro.
He looked down.
"That's it! I know how to beat him!" He exclaimed.
"Listen up. Use those big brains of yours, and think your way around the problem." He spoke.
"Look for a new angle!" I added.
Hiro glanced up at me.
I heard the group escaping their situations and felt Hiro's grip on me slipping.
"You need to let me go! It's either me, or we both go!"
"No! I can't lose you! You're too important to me!"
I looked down to see Baymax get covered in bits and that's when Hiro got hit by a piece of glass and it cut his shoulder.
He grunted in pain.
"Hiro!" I called out. He looked up at me and I could see the pain in his expression.
His grip on the metal was slipping.
"You need to let me go Hiro! Either I die, or we both die!"
He tried to pull me back down and I struggled in his grasp.
That's when his grip on me slipped and I slipped out of his grasp.
"Y/N! No!" He yelled out as I got pulled away. I flailed frantically. I looked up into the portal as I drifted closer to it, flying through the sky.
Is this where I die?
Is this the end?
I shut my eyes tightly, fear and anxiety getting the better of me.
At least it wouldn't be painful.

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