Chapter 19 - Designing a Suit

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I'll skip the bloody details, but now the chip was in my arm, attached to some nerves. It would be in my system forever now.
Blood slipped out of the gaping wound in my arm and the bloodied knife laid beside me.
"Shit..." I muttered in pain. I grabbed a towel and pressed it to the wound, soaking the blood up.
I stood up and rushed to my backpack. I dropped the towel to use both hands to dig through my bag and blood slipped down my arm. I found the special bandages Mei had designed and placed one over my wound. I pulled the zip tie like structures and the wound was pulled together, closing it up and stopping the bleeding. I sighed and grabbed some gauze, tying it over the bandage.
Jesus that hurt a lot more than I thought it would.
I pulled my sleeve back down and sat down in my chair. I grabbed my arm tech and decided to test it.
I rolled over to my other table and grabbed my mask before attaching it to my face. I kicked my shoes off and placed them under my desk.
I pulled the hair tie out before retying my hair into a bun. I grabbed my arm tech and strapped it on.
I climbed the step stool to be over the side of my water tank and dipped my foot in.
It was colder than usual. I shivered and took a deep breath. Might as well get it over with.
I quickly submerged my body into the water, going under the surface.
I sunk to the bottom and shivered. I opened my eyes and looked around. I felt calm again, as mentioned previously, water does that to me.
I watched some of my hair float around me and took a deep breath, inhaling the synthetic oxygen.
I stretched out and my hoodie flowed around me.
Feeling semi-confident, I turned my sleeve tech on. I attempted moved the water around me and it pushed me around.
I split the water down the middle and fell to the ground with a thud.
"Shit!" I called out in surprise. It startled me more than it hurt.
I chuckled and let the water crash back together, squishing me in the process. Waves flowed around the tank and I swayed with them, my tech was a success!
I climbed out of the tank and some water slipped out and onto my floor. I hopped down and shivered.
I was extremely happy though. I grabbed some clothes and changed quickly. I rubbed my now down hair with a towel and shook my head, trying to get water out of my ear.
As I was about to put on my hoodie there was a knock at my door. I startled back and it opened. I quickly covered my body with the hoodie and was faced with Hiro.
I turned a bright red, I felt naked without my hoodie.
He looked at me and tilted his head to the side.
"You ok? You're really red."
I nodded and looked at the ground, still hiding myself with the hoodie.
He continued to stare and I could feel myself start to shake, I didn't like the attention.
"You know, I've never seen you without your hoodie." Hiro spoke.
I swallowed and quickly pulled it over me turning more red at the comment.
He walked up to me and I backed up.
"D-Did you need something?" I asked.
He smiled, "I finished up with Wasabi, I just have to design his and Honeylemon's suits. Gogo and I are running back to my house to work on her suit. I came by to see how your tech is coming along. So, how is it? Does it work?"
I nodded, smiling proudly, "I tested it in my water tank and I'm proud to report that it worked! I could move it! I haven't tested for the other parts yet though."
He jumped up excitedly and pumped his fists, an action causing me to chuckle.
"That's awesome Y/N! Your tech will be revolutionary! And I can definitely design a suit to fight with based off that!" He grabbed my hands and I turned red.
He held them up in front of us, "You're amazing Y/N!"
My face flushed as my eyes widened. My heart pounded loudly in my ears and I felt...happy.
My heart felt happy.
I smiled brightly and he stepped away.
"Come with me to my house, I need to get more measurements for your suit." He spoke.
I sighed and looked down.
The good feeling went away and I looked back up, "Alright."
Before I knew it I was back in Hiro's garage with Gogo. Her bike was hung up and she handed Hiro a flash drive. He put it into his computer and pulled up the file of her bike. He swiped the bike part away and focused on the wheel.
I watched in amazement as Hiro quickly designed a way for the wheels to be used as skates with projectiles.
I sat in a bean bag and leaned back, relaxing.
I must have dozed off because I awoke to Hiro slightly shaking me.
Gogo was gone now and I glanced at Hiro's computer. There was a design for a suit, probably Gogo's, made in a 3D designer.
I looked at Hiro, he smiled.
"Tired?" He asked.
I turned pink at the thought of being caught asleep. I nodded slowly.
"I figured, you've been out for about an hour." He responded.
I turned even more red, "Agh...that's so embarrassing..."
He chucked and stood up. He offered me a hand and I gladly took it, standing up.
I held my head, "What time is it?" I asked.
"6-ish? I'm not too sure." He responded.
I nodded in understanding and wiped at my eyes.
"So what did you need me for?" I asked.
He walked over to his computer and saved Gogo's suit before closing it.
"I need you to take your hoodie off." He spoke without looking at me.
My eyes widened, "Um...w-why?"
He turned in his chair. "So I can get a more accurate measurement of your body for the suit."
I swallowed nervously. "U-Uh..." I sighed, there was no way out of this. "A-Alright."
I slowly grabbed the bottom of my hoodie and gently pulled it over my head. I held it to my chest, hiding my body.
Hiro looked at me curiously, "Is something wrong?"
I shook my head, "'s nothing...It's just that...I always wear my hoodies...people rarely see what I look like without it."
Hiro stood up, "Can I ask why?"
I shook my head, "It just makes me uncomfortable..."
"I know there's more to it, but I won't pry."
Hiro walked over to a different desk and grabbed something.
"Arms up." He spoke and smiled.
I swallowed and gently put my hoodie down. I held my arms over my chest and stomach.
Hiro gave me a look and I sighed before gently pulling them off my torso. I held my arms out.
Hiro scanned me quickly and walked back to his computer.
I walked up behind him and watched as he put the information into his computer. A 3D model of my body appeared.
"Wow Y/N, you're really much do you weigh?" Hiro asked.
He didn't seem concerned, just curious.
I thought about it, I wasn't sure. "Um, I'm not sure...I don't remember how much I weighed last time." I shrugged and Hiro chuckled.
The garage door to the house opened. Me and Hiro turned to look and Ms. Cass stood there.
"Hiro honey it's time for-" she started.
We stared at her and I stood quickly, separating myself from Hiro.
"Oh, hi Y/N! It's been a while! How are you sweetie?" She walked up to me to hug me and I took a step back. She got the hint.
"U-Uh I've been alright...schools kinda tough this year..." I responded.
"I'm glad to see you're hanging out with Hiro again. He could use a girlfriend."
I turned bright red.
I can barely talk to him!
I glanced at Hiro. He was beet red.
"Pfft-" I started to laugh before I busted out in laughter.
Hiro glanced at me while I was laughing. He didn't seem to think it was as funny as I did.
Hiro would never go out with me!
Especially after...
I stopped laughing and looked down at my feet.
I swallowed as the memories started to return.
Hiro's distraught face as the building burned in the background, the horrible explosion. It all started coming back.
I don't want to think about this
Stop it brain
The memories filled my vision and I frantically looked at Hiro.
He was looking at Ms. Cass and looked at me briefly.
His face paled when he saw me and his expression dropped.
He said something but it fell on empty ears.
That's when everything went black.

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