Chapter 12 ~ Early Explorations

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I was back in my dorm room, laying on my bed facing the wall. Mei was sitting at her desk doing some research for an experiment she was working on.
There was a soft knock on the door, "Hey's me Risa...Y/N I haven't seen you in a short while, how are you feeling?"
I sat up and Mei looked at me, "Can she come in?"
I gave a nod and Mei's face lit up. She walked to h The door and opened it, revealing Risa. Risa wrapped Mei in a big hug and they stood like that for a moment.
I chuckled to myself,
hA gAy
They're actually so cute
Risa walked in and closed the door behind her, looking at me.
"Hey doing ok?" She asked me.
I gave a soft forced smile, "Yeah...I'm hanging in there, I'm fine don't worry."
She sat on the foot of my bed, "It's ok if you're not Y/N, I know I wouldn't be..."
I waved my hands, smiling again, "Really I'm fine...I honestly don't know what got into to me last week."
She nodded skeptically, "Ok...Why are you soaking wet?" She asked.
"It started raining at the funeral."
"Oh..." she nodded in understanding and got up, walking over to my closet.
She grabbed a hoodie and some sweatpants and handed them to me with a towel, "You should dry off so you don't get sick."
I grabbed them and stood up, thanking her quietly.
I felt pretty unstable after the funeral, but I kept suppressing my emotions. Being honest, I was terrified of having another breakdown.
I walked into the bathroom and changed out of my wet clothes and into the warmer dry ones. I tied my hair back and walked out of the bathroom after hanging my suit up to dry.
It was starting to get late and I sat on my bed, Risa and Mei sitting on Mei's bed across from me.
"I...think I'm gonna go to sleep..." I spoke.
I grabbed my own bottle of pills I had bought for sleeping and popped two into my mouth, dry swallowing them.
Risa looked at me concernedly, "Y/N are you sure you're ok? Your eye bags are still really dark and you just...y'know...lost someone..."
My breath hitched slightly at her comment but I flashed her a smile,
"Yeah, I'm fine...don't worry."
Fred pointed out my eye bags earlier too
It just made the group concerned
I should start hiding them again
And get some waterproof concealer so it doesn't wash off while I'm working
I laid down in my bed, staring at the wall until I slowly started being consumed by the darkness we call sleep.

I opened my eyes to find myself laying in the middle of the showcase center, surrounded by smoke. I stood up quickly, frantically looking around. I started to cough.
This was basically exactly what had happened. I made my way out of the building and ran into Hiro and Tadashi.
"Callaghan's in there!" I found myself saying without thinking about it.
Tadashi ran inside and the building blew up.
I felt myself cry out just as I had when this happened before.
So far everything had played out exactly as it had before.
Hiro turned to me like he had the first fine except this time his expression was different.
He was angry he walked over to me and shoved me.
"This is all your fault! It's your fault that's Tadashi's gone!" He yelled at me.
My eyes widened and I put my hands up as I stepped back from the sudden shove.
"W-What?" I stuttered.
"You killed him Y/N! I-If you had just shut up and not told him Callaghan was in there-h-he would still be alive!"
"I-I..." I was at a loss for words. My heart rate was quick and I was close to hyperventilating.
Hiro stepped towards me and I backed up.
"I hate you! I'm going to suffer because of you! You're so useless!" He yelled at me as he walked closer and closer.
I felt my foot find no ground and looked backwards to see no ground. I was at the edge of a cliff and Hiro stood in front of me.
I couldn't make myself look at him.
He grabbed my face, "Look at me!"
I winced at the yell and slowly looked up to meet his eyes.
Pure hatred
I felt my tears flow harder and I pushed his hands away from my face. I reached out and pushed his shoulders away from me because he had gotten uncomfortably close.
He stepped backwards slightly before stepping closer to me again.
"This is all your fault. You may try to be a water user fighter to help people, but you'll never succeed. You're just a failure and a disappointment. I hate you." He spoke coldly and pushed my shoulders.
I lost my balance and fell backwards, reaching out toward Hiro as I fell. He watched from over the cliff and I screamed.
I fell through the darkness towards the ground.

Right before I hit the ground I startled awake.
I sat up quickly, panting with tears steaming down my cheeks
That was an oddly specific nightmare
I wiped at my face but the tears didn't stop flowing. I sighed and looked at the clock.
4:45 AM
I swung my legs off the bed, sitting up.
Not today
I leaned over and held my head, one hand clasping over my mouth, muting my sobs. I looked up to see Mei and Risa cuddling in their sleep.
It relaxed me a little to see everything was a dream and that I still had some people in my life.
I stood up and stretched before quietly grabbing my keys, and a bag, and walking out of the room. I made my way across campus silently and saw the lab being just opened. I looked at my phone to see it was now 5:00 am.
I walked in quickly and up to my lab, taking a deep breath as a stood at the door.
This is my first time here...since...
I swallowed and used my key to unlock my door. I walked in and turned the light on, taking in the surroundings.
All the glass had been swept up and some things were placed here and there. There were neat piles of things, sorted by category.
I sighed and closed the door behind me, walking over to where I saw my mask sitting. I picked it up and observed it. A few pieces were cracked or missing and I sighed.
I set up my computer again and grabbed some tools, sitting down to fix the mask.
I wasn't sure how long had passed before I finished up. I grabbed my keys and some spare clothes before walking out of my lab with my mask.
I put my things into the bag I brought with me and climbed onto my motorcycle. I drove off as the sun started to rise.
It must be around 6:00 now
I drove into a parking lot at a random Noodle Burger restaurant and parked. It was right by where the San Fransokyo bridge was and I climbed down the rough terrain, towards the water's edge. I made it down and took my shoes off, placing them on a rock with my bag and keys.
I took my hair down from the messy ponytail it was in and clasped my mask over my face.
Watching my step, I slowly walked into the water, making sure not to step on any glass.
The water was colder than usual but I ignored it as I walked farther into the water until I was treading water, at which I started swimming down, having no trouble breathing with my machine.
I made it to the bottom of the bay and sat down, looking up to see the surface that was far away now.
I was probably 25 feet underwater, which was the depth I normally vibed at. I sat down on the surface and crossed my legs.
I was just enjoying the peace and quiet of underwater when a familiar fish swam up to me. I smiled under my mask and gave it a few pats before it swam on its way.
Fish are so much better than people
They don't talk

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