Chapter 26 - Calm After the Storm

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My eyes shot open and I sat up quickly. I was in Hiro's house, now a familiar sight to me. I was on the couch.
I sighed and leaned back, pulling the blanket over me.
I noticed I was still in my hero suit with my hoodie over it, but the arm tech had been taken off.
I felt a presence and opened my eyes to see Hiro sitting in a chair adjacent to me. He was staring down at his hands which he was fidgeting together.
I continued to stare at him and he looked up at me. Quickly, I broke the eye contact and looked down.
I pulled my hand out from under the blanket to see bandages on my hand and wrist.
I started to pick at the edge of the bandage.
I heard shuffling and felt Hiro grab my hands, dropping the picking.
I couldn't face him.
He sat on the floor next to the couch and tried to look at me and I looked away even more.
"Y/N...why won't you look at me?" He asked softly.
"I...I can't." I spoke out, voice barely above a whisper.
"No...please...we were making so much can't do this now." He spoke and gently reached up to touch my face.
I flinched away initially but Hiro's hand waited there patiently. I gently leaned in to his touch.
I felt the warm fuzziness come back and I lifted a hand to hold his.
"Look at me Y/N." He spoke softly.
I swallowed nervously and shook my head, "I can't." Feeling the nerves start to rise. I knew it was my illness, but I really couldn't do it.
"Yes, you can. You can face your fears. Besides, it's just me. There's nothing to be scared of." He responded.
I took a deep breath and shakily turned to face him. I still looked down though, staring at his chest and not meeting his eyes.
"That's already progress! See! You can do this."
I was trembling slightly.
My fear of judgement was manifesting itself in so much anxiety.
Hiro gently reached up with his other hand and brushed my hair out of my face.
"Are you...feeling any better?" He asked.
I chuckled, "Physically, mentally, or emotionally?"
He sighed, "Physically...for now."
"My head hurts a bit, and my hearts racing. I also still feel a little...dizzy? But I'm pretty much fine."
"You lost a lot of blood. Baymax said that's why you passed out. Initially the group was mad that you tried to Callaghan. But they got over it pretty quick. They're mostly just concerned about you."
"I didn't know I could...pull my own blood out like that...I guess I was so caught up in everything that I didn't think about how much I was using...I just really wanted him to die."
"I've never seen you so angry before..." He spoke softly, cautious of his words, "It was kind of scary."
I shivered and shifted uncomfortably.
Hiro noticed, "Oh but, that doesn't mean I'm scared of you! It's good to be angry sometimes...I'm angry too about Tadashi...if you hadn't snapped I probably would have."
I swallowed and slowly looked up to meet his eyes. His widened at the sudden eye contact but he smiled warmly.
"See? I told you you could do it!"
I smiled softly and sat up again.
I patted the seat next to me and Hiro stood up, sitting next to me.
I held my hands in my lap and picked at the bandage again.
Hiro gently placed his hand over mine, causing my cheeks to flush slightly.
He pulled my left hand away and intertwined it with his. I turned more red at the action and glanced up to see him staring at me.
I swallowed anxiously when our eyes met but I fought my nerves, holding the eye contact.
I felt myself getting lost in his eyes. They were beautiful.
I finally broke the eye contact and leaned my head on his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around me and reached up with his free hand, playing with my hair softly.
"I just can't...believe he's gone." I spoke out.
"Tadashi is here." I heard the familiar robotic voice speak.
I looked over in confusion and saw Baymax walking over. He stood in front of me and Hiro.
"Tadashi is here." He spoke again.
Me and Hiro exchanged glances before a video started playing on Baymax's puffy chest.
It shows a nervous Tadashi speaking about his project.
"This is Tadashi Hamada. And this is the first test of my robotics project." The video played.
My eyes widened.
There was a loud feedback and Tadashi stopped the video quickly.
I glanced over to see Hiro looking just as shocked as me.
"The seventh test of my robotics project." Tadashi spoke before the video buzzed and it showed Baymax attacking him.
I chuckled and Hiro glanced at me.
Attempts continued to play for us. I felt Hiro's grip tighten around me and goosebumps ran down my spine.
"Tadashi Hamada here, and this is the 33rd test of my robotics project." He spoke before Baymax sparked and the power went out.
He held up a flashlight.
"Tadashi? Everything ok in there?" I heard my voice from the next room over.
"Yeah Y/N, it's fine." His attention turned back to Baymax, "I'm not giving up on you. You don't understand this yet, but people need you. Even people in my life need you, like Y/N. So let's get back to work."
The video cut off. I felt tears fill my vision and looked to see Hiro was the same way.
"This is Tadashi Hamada. And this is the 84th test." He sighed, "What do you say big guy?" He asked.
I smiled, I remembered this day.
"Hello, I am Baymax. Your personal healthcare companion." Baymax spoke on the video.
"It works!" He yelled out.
Tadashi did dances around the room and yelled out in victory. I heard myself open the door.
"What's going on?!" I heard myself.
"Y/N! My project! Baymax! He works!" He yelled.
I saw him pull me into the frame. I looked very shaken but smiled at the bright boy next to me.
"That's amazing! Congrats!" I called out.
We both smiled brightly at the robot and that's where the video cut off.
Hiro reached a hand over and touched the picture as it faded. He sniffled.
"Thank you Baymax." He spoke.
That's when I got a text.
I unlocked my phone to see a text from the group chat.

Is Y/N up? From Gogo.
Yes. I responded
Good. We need to talk. And catch Callaghan. We're sorry we reacted the way we did, but you really weren't thinking straight. Gogo continued to type.
We'll regroup tomorrow. Everyone get some sleep tonight. I typed out.

It fell silent after that.
I turned my phone off and leaned into Hiro. I gently pushed him to lay down. He gave me a puzzled expression.
"Go to sleep." I spoke out.
He nodded and laid back. I gently laid kind of next to him, kind of on top of him, we were on a small couch after all. I snuggled into his chest before drifting off to the calm beating of his heart.

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