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Demi's POV

It's been a couple days now and Jay and I haven't talked once. I tried to text him here and there, but he never responded. So, today I'm going to his place and am not leaving until we talk. Matthew and Sirah took Mayla out for the day so I was able to go without her. When I pulled up to his building, I told Max to stay here unless I texted him that he could leave because I didn't know how this conversation was going to go. I went inside and got in the elevator all the way to the top floor and then I walked down to where his penthouse was. I took a deep breath before knocking on the door. After a few minutes, he didn't answer and I was getting impatient. I knocked again and when he still didn't answer, I just grabbed the spare key he gave me last month out of my purse and I unlocked his door and walked in. I looked around and called his name a few times, but when I didn't see him anywhere, I just sat down in the living room until he got home. I know his practice ended about an hour ago, so he either stayed a little longer or there's traffic or something. I watched tv and made myself comfortable and after another long hour, I hear the door opening and I sat up straight and looked straight at the door. When it fully opened and I saw him step in, I smiled, but that smile faltered when I saw an unknown woman walk in behind him. As he closed the door, he caught my sight and froze.

"What are you doing here?" He asks as I keep my eyes locked on the woman who is also looking back and forth between me and Jay.

"I came to talk." I reply quietly as I stand up and grab my purse. "But you're clearly busy, so I'll go." I then say as I start to walk to the door.

"Demi." He says quietly as he puts his hand on the door just as I go to open it and I sigh heavily with tears in my eyes.

"Mayla will be home soon." I say quietly not even looking at him. "Look, you don't even want to talk. You've been ignoring me for days now. Just let me go." I then say finally gaining the courage to turn and look at him. My eyes drift past his shoulder to the woman who is standing there awkwardly and I sigh heavily.

"I'll come over tonight and we can talk." He says and I shake my head. 

"Don't bother." I mumble before pushing his hand off of the door so I can open it and leave. I kept myself together until I got in the backseat of the SUV and the tears started flowing freely. I could tell Max was concerned, but he didn't say anything and just drove away. By the time we pulled up to my house, I had pulled myself together because I knew Mayla was due home soon and I didn't want to worry her or Matthew and Sirah.

"Are you okay Demi?" I hear Max ask as he parks and I nod  as I unbuckle my seatbelt.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I croak out as I look up at him to see a worried look accros his face. "I'll be fine Max. Thank you for driving me." I say opening the door and he nods and gives me a small smile. I grab my purse and get out and head inside. My phone started ringing as soon as I got inside and I looked down to see Jay calling me. I rolled my eyes and declined the call before putting my phone on silent. I decided to just lay down on the couch and I put the tv in for background noise. Soon, I heard my door open followed by Mayla's giggling and squealing. I smile as I sit up just as she walks in the living room and I lift her on my lap.

"Did you have fun baby?" I ask and she nods as she starts rambling about feeding the ducks at the park and going on the swing and slides. Matthew and Sirah decided to stay for dinner, so at around five o clock, I went into the kitchen to start dinner while Mayla played in her play room.

"Jay is calling you." I hear Matthew say and I turn to face him to see him handing me my phone and I sigh and take it. I decline the call and set it down before continuing dinner.

"Did you just decline him?" Sirah asks.

"I'm busy. I'll call him later." I reply back quietly.

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