Chapter 20 Extra Scraps

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      Marinette's POV:

        Marinette hums as she finishes the sketches. She gets to work on selecting some fabric she thinks will work the best for the suit she thought about for Garbiel, another selection for Natalie, something for Plagg, and herself.  As she works, she remains calm. She finishes cutting the strips for the piece she intends to make for Plagg.

        She sets it to the side.  Next, she gets out fabric for Gabriel's outfit, cuts it out, and sets it aside as well. She does the same for Plagg. 

      She gets out some green for Adrien. She thinks maybe he will enjoy a green suit in addition to the other one I made for him. She works hard on getting it cut out just right.  Now, she is busy sewing one piece at a time together.

     She recalls how she secretly made a jacket for herself while he was away.  She can not wait to show it to him.  Then, again who is she kidding? Why would he care to see it?

     Goodness, Adrien has been in a foul mood since his trip out of town.  Now, she almost regrets setting it up for him.  She dares not say a word that she had a thing to do with it. She rather Let him think it was just a spare-of-the-moment deal.  It is not as if she owes him a thing. He did make that all too clear.

     She becomes overcome with exhaustion and lays her head on the desk. She only intends to shut her eyes just for a moment. She drifts into a sleep full of confusion.

    Adrien's  POV:

      Adrien paces back and forth.  He is not paying much attention to the weather. He stands out in the rain. He feels the questions run through his mind.

    He feels like he must protect Marinette from Lila. He knows she will be hurt if he does not.

    He hates his indecision on how he feels. It is just he kept all the love for her bottled upside for years.  How can he just let it all out?  How can he let her in when she was the one to make him feel his need to hate his love for her in the first place?  He remembers how she once said, "I would rather die than take anything from you."

      Adrien shakes the water off his jacket. He goes back inside. He walks past the room where Marinette works.  He hears her hum a familiar tune.  Funny, where has he heard it before?

     He walks back to the room after he changes into some dry clothes. No sense in letting anyone see him in such a state. He dries his hair as well. He goes back to the sewing area.

     "What is it?"  

   Adrien gets no response. He realizes then as he approaches her, she fell asleep at the desk.  He gently moves her back to the small couch and lays her on it. He pulls the blanket off the back and places it on her. He tucks it in to ensure she will not roll off.

   Adrien checks to see what she was working on and gasps. It is half complete but is green with black paw prints all over it.   He blushes when it dawns on him it was another suit for him. He is about to exit the room when the sketchbook crashes onto the floor.

    He picks it up and sees the latest sketches. He can tell one is Plagg's size, another Natalie's, one his father's, and one in her size.  He shakes his head. Surely, she was not about to make stuff for the others. That would be so insane. It was not like she had time too.  Besides, she was paid to make clothes for him to wear. 

    He respectively closes the book and returns it to the edge of the desk. He lays down on the cot in the corner of the room and soon dozes off.

  Marinette's  POV:

   The next day, Marinette wakes up. She sees Adrien change her bandage. She hopes he found whatever it was he was after last night.  Why was it she found herself drawn to his eyes, then his lips? She looks away before he catches her staring.

   She points to the fabric strips.  "I uh, had extra fabric.  I set on making more suits.  I have extra scraps.  I was in the middle of one suit. I grew tired before I could complete it."

     She pays no mind as Adrien glances in her direction.  She does not realize he did not leave the room. She thinks she speaks to herself. She returns to the discarded project from the other night.

  Marinette finishes it and holds it up, quite pleased with herself. She works on the suit for Plagg next. She completes it a few hours later. Now, she is busy with the outfit for Natalie.  This takes her days to finish. She has four more suits to make for Adrien.

   It was six new suits Gabriel insisted she has ready for his son.  She hums every day as she sews.

    Adrien's  POV:

       Adrien keeps it a secret that he saw the suit for Plagg, the outfit for Natalie, or the thing for his father. He dares not to mention it. He watches in amazement as she works on suit after suit for him.  He takes notice as she finishes Natalie's dress a few days later. He has not the slightest idea why she has her heart set on making a suit for his father, let alone something for herself.

         Perhaps, she knows Plagg and Tikki plan to marry each other.  He gasps as she turns around.

       "Uh, sorry, Marinette."

      He walks away before she can respond.

        Little does he know she smiles.  He misses the laughter that fills the room.

             Find out more in Chapter 21

         bye, bye little owlets!

     -Summer out!

Chapter Published May 9, 2021

Edits made August 25, 2021

Enemies at Best AU by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now