Chapter 14 Marinette's Plan

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           Tikki's  POV:
            The next morning, Tikki drove over to the Agreste mansion. She sure could not help, but wonder what on earth her sister had in mind.  It was the first time she heard, Marinette expresses any concern for Adrien.  Maybe this was a sign that everything was going to change for the better between those two. 

      She sure hopes so anyway. She pulls her car into the driveway but makes sure to park away from the other vehicles enough just in case anyone else needs to go somewhere. The last thing she needs is to be in trouble for blocking someone in.

     Tikki rings the doorbell, then wonders if she did the right thing.  It is not like she can guarantee Adrien will not answer it.  She smiles in relief when she sees Plagg. It is been a while since they saw each other in person.

   "Hi, Plagg," Tikki says.

  "Hi, sugarcube," Plagg replies.

  "Plagg, as good as it is to see you I came over because Marinette says she needs my help," Tikki explains.

    "Awe, and here I thought you came because you care about me," Plagg whines.

   "I did care about you Plagg, it is just my sister needs me," Tikki responds. She hugs him to calm him down.

    Plagg's  POV:

   Plagg hears the bell ring, so he opens it before it can wake up Adrien. He rolls his eyes at the thought of that boy.  He wonders how on earth his cousin ever became a lawyer as some days he can be lazy as ever.

    "Hi, Sugarcube,"  He says with a grin when he sees Tikki.

    He wishes she came to see him but can tell it is for something else by what she tells him. He whines and pouts a bit. He smiles just a little though when Tikki hugs him.

   He always did have a thing for Tikki even before she knew it.  Good thing he got over his shyness when he did otherwise who knows where he would be now.

    "Tikki, do you think her plan will work?" Plagg asks.

   "Funny, you should ask Plagg, I have not the slightest idea what her plan involves," Tikki tells him.

  Marinette's POV:

   Marinette has been up since six am.  It seems she wakes up early these days ever since she has slept in the sewing room at the Agreste mansion. This was not intentional as she was supposed to stay in the guest room. She just tends to fall asleep on the job when she gets into a project that excites her.  However, since she sprained her knee she has stayed on the sofa in Adrien's office.

   She knows Adrien was angry at her the other day, but she still did not expect Plagg to hand her pain medication this morning. She grimaced as she swallowed it, but made sure to thank him.

    She groans as she hobbles over to the door to open it for her guest.

    "Whoa, Marinette, sit back down," Plagg scolds her.

     "Goodness, Plagg, you need to worry so much," Marinette says.

       Tikki enters the room after Plagg and takes a look around her.  She shakes her head at the cluttered desk and wonders why Marinette sleeps in such a place.

       Marinette grins when she sees Tikki.  

      "Tikki, I am so glad you made it.  Do take a seat," She says.

         Tikki grabs a stool and sits on it.   This leaves Plagg to sit on the floor, but he does not mind.

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