Chapter 16 Lawyer vs. Client Confidentiality

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        Adrien's  POV:

          "I suppose I should go pack,"  Adrien says.

        "How soon do you leave?"  Marinette asks.

        "Tomorrow, I mean I have to so I can get a chance to get settled into the hotel in New York,"  Adrien states.

         Marinette gives him a puzzled look.

           "Oh, yeah that is right Chloe Bougerious lives in New York now,"  Adrien explains.

              Adrien sees Marinette's face fall at the news.  Strange he thinks she was more than happy to support me before she heard the place of destination.  

             "I do not want to leave you," Adrien repeats himself.

            "Say, how about you come with me?" Adrien asks.

    Marinette's POV:

       Marinette has no idea what Adrien has going on through his mind. She hears him say his next job is in New York.  She feels silly about her bizarre reaction to the news. She hears him repeat himself and almost laughs.

       She places one hand on her cheek as he asks her something she never thought to hear from him.  Not when she barely knows the guy. Sure she knows he is rich, and a lawyer.  This is not enough reason to travel with him.

       "Adrien, it would not be appropriate.  Besides, what about the lawyer-client confidentiality thing?"  Marinette responds.

       Marinette sees Adrien's grin turn into a frown. She squeezes his hand then lets go.

           "Uh, you better go pack,"  She reminds him.

    Adrien's  POV:

        Adrien hears her answer which makes him feel stupid for ever asking her such a thing.

           "Y-yeah, I have to pack for the trip,"  Adrien says.

             Adrien tucks a stray hair behind one of  Marinette's ears, then walks away. He goes upstairs to his room and starts to pack for the trip.

            He makes sure to include some deodorant, a comb, his aftershave, a razor, shaving cream, toothpaste, floss, and toothbrush. Then, adds in the shampoo and sunscreen.  He does not want to risk any sunburns not that he will be outside much while away.

          He groans as it dawns on him he has no idea why Chole would special request him to represent her.  He has not seen her in years.  To bad, Marinette refuses to come because now he wonders how he will get his client to remember the rules.  Oh, well he will find out soon enough.

         Adrien finishes packing a few minutes later and prepares for bed. He has to get up early tomorrow to make his flight.  No sense in being late.


  ...New York, New York...

       Chole's  POV:

          Chole smiles as she thinks good Adrikins agreed to represent me. She can not wait to see him in two days. She wonders though why he took her case on without her saying much about the details.  She shrugs her shoulders. 

        "Perhaps it is because he has been friends with me since forever," She says.

         "Chole, who was that on the phone?"  He asks.

Enemies at Best AU by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now