Chapter 24 Sparks

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    Adrien felt like everything was about to change between him and Marinette. He knew it had to be for the better. The kiss she gave him was amazing. She had patched his shirt. It was as good as new.

      He smiled as she called him "Lawyer Boy." He could get used to the sound of those words on her lips.

      He watched as she worked on a new dress. He couldn't help but notice the color was a deep red. 

      "Where do you plan to wear that lovely dress, my darling seamstress?"

    "Well, my handsome Lawyer Boy, it is for Tikki and Plagg's upcoming wedding."

      "Ah, yes the wedding, I love weddings."

     "You do?"

    "Yes, especially when I get to escort you down the aisle. I am the best man."

          "In more ways than one," Marinette muttered as she continued to work on the dress.

         Adrien kissed her neck. "Adrien, don't distract me while I am working."

           "Sorry, you will look rather stunning in that dress."

           "Awe, thanks, and you will be great in a suit from the party with an upgraded tie to match."

            "Upgraded tie?" He asked. He appeared to be taken aback by her explanation.

              "Yes, I finished it right after hemming, your shirt," Marinette answered. 

                     Adrien picked up the red bow tie and grimaced. He always liked neck ties better, why did Plagg expect him to wear a bow tie?

                     "Careful, or you will get your face stuck that way!" Marinette teased him. She went back to working on the dress.


                 Adrien admired her as she worked. He could only imagine the sparks that would fly if he were caught stealing a kiss from her at Tikki and Plagg's wedding, or reception. Now wouldn't that be something?

                 Marinette finished the dress thirty minutes later. She held up a necklace to it and frowned. The necklace looked horrible next to the nice dress. What did she do about jewelry?

                  "Here, open it. I believe it will go well with the dress," He told her. He smiled as he spoke like he was proud of himself or something.

                   Marinette opened it and gasped. Inside, was a nice ruby necklace, a bracelet, and earrings. "I couldn't possibly wear them." She objected. "Awe, but I had Tikki help me pick them out specifically for you. I would be offended greatly if you didn't wear them, my lady." Adrien said with a pout. "Fine, fine, if it means, that much to you, I will wear them," Marinette responded. Adrien hugged her. "Thanks, my Marinette," he whispered. Marinette blushed.

                    Adrien kissed her and Marinette responded with a kiss. The two didn't notice when the door swung open, and  Plagg, Tikki, Gabriel, and Nathalie walked in on them. The four gasped in surprise.  Plagg held out his hand, and Tikki handed him $50.00.  Gabriel shook his head in disbelief as he handed Nathalie $45.00 Turns out Tikki had bet Plagg that Marinette and Adrien would tear each other apart before the wedding and Plagg had bet her that they would kiss instead. Gabriel had bet Nathalie that the two would not be on speaking terms between now and the wedding, but Nathalie had bet him they would kiss.  

                  Plagg and Tikki kissed. Gabriel looked at Nathalie, suddenly feeling rather bashful. "It seems we are the only ones not kissing, my dear." He said. Nathalie smiled. "Yes, but we could remedy that right now," she stated. Gabriel gasped in surprise, as Nathalie pulled him closer to her and kissed him. 

             *Author's note: ha, ha, seems like the love bug is contagious in this chapter.  Well, it is about time Gabriel and Nathalie got together.

                The sparks of love flew around the room as the couples kissed. When they pulled away it was to give the others some privacy. "I must be going now," Tikki said. "Same here," Plagg said as he followed her out the door. "I must say, Nathalie, I needed your opinion on my shoes for the wedding," Gabriel said. Nathalie nodded and followed him.  Marinette and Adrien were alone again at last. The two laughed.

              "I did not know they even came in here," Adrien stated. "Neither, did I, " Marinette remarked. "You think they saw us kissing?" Adrienette said all at once. "Maybe, but so what? We love each other, and it is natural, to kiss the one you love."

                Adrien and Marinette went outside to the balcony. They stood, glanced at the stars, and heard fireworks off in the distance. 

                 The story continues in Chapter 25 Tikki and Plagg's Wedding

                 Until then,

           bye-bye, little owlets!

          Summer out!


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