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𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘩 𝘫𝘰𝘩𝘯𝘴𝘰𝘯

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𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘩 𝘫𝘰𝘩𝘯𝘴𝘰𝘯

I hate tests. I bet that's something you and I have in common. Every time I take a test I feel the rise of panic and anxiety just rise over me. I know the material cause I study it, but it all leaves my mind once that pen touch's that paper.

I am not the only one that this happens too right?

Remember that presentation I did last week for my history class? The presentation I somehow got through with out leaving the class? Yeah well in that same class, we have a test. My teacher loves challenging our academic mind set which is mostly the size of peanut if you didn't study.

Most people don't study but some do. I am the some people, but I always end up doing as bad as the people who didn't study. I get freaked out guess and hopefully get the right answer. The test questions are also kind of a pain. He uses the most proper English in the world, so if you don't know what he's asking, you just give up.

I'm taking the test right now. My foot tapped on the floor quietly as read the question in my head.

Explain in a detailed paragraph (5 good sentences) about who the fascist are and what they do.

Okay, I know how to do that. I'm glad I had an interest on how world war 1 and 2 happened.

Towards the end of the test I realize that I finished first. I turned it in at the front desk in front of my teacher and he looked up from his book.

"You finished?" He asked me looking at his watch. He seemed very surprised that I finished first. It's usually someone really smart in the class that puts in the first packet.

"Yeah... is that a problem?" I asked nervously, was I not supposed to turn it in this early?

"You sure you wrote down everything perfectly?" He asked me grabbing my paper from the basket and taking a look at it.

"Yeah, I think I did pretty well, the First World War is kinda interesting and I might have done a little too much research on it" I wasn't lying, I think I spent a whole 3 weeks researching articles, documents, movies and books about world war 1 and 2.

Both wars were interesting but my favorite one was probably world war 2 there was just so much going on, yes it was very sad but it was interesting.

"You finished in 20 minutes.... it's a 5 page front and back test on the First World War explaining what exactly happened on the dates I put and you finished in 20 minutes?" He seemed shocked and surprised, maybe even impressed. It wasn't as hard as I expected it to be.

"Yeah.... um, like I said before I found world war 1 kinda interesting so I did research on it-" I got cut off by one of the jocks in the front row.

"Okay we get you like world war 1 shut up, fucking dork" he muttered, annoyed of me being there.

"Language Mr. Bailey, okay I guess you are free to leave then, have a nice day Ms. Johnson" I nodded and went back to my desk to grab my books.

"See you by the tree?" I whispered to Carter and left. I went to my locker grabbed by favorite book that I wanted to reread for the 4th time. It's a classic, teaches you valuable lessons.

To kill a mocking bird by Harper lee. I watched the film a few years back and it missed lots of events from the book but it was a good movie.

I was peacefully reading when someone approached me. I didn't really want to look up from my book so I just ignored and kept reading. The lack of social skill I have is dreadful.

"You are such a book worm Leah, what you readin'?" Marcia sat down next to me, curious in my book. She probably wants something.

"What do you want?" I closed my book and looked at her. I could tell she wanted something. She's never interested in my life, why start now?

"Want to go to the drive in tonight with Cherry and i? It'll be fun. You can take Carter" she wiggled her eyebrows, and I sighed.

"You've known me for my whole life and still tend to forget that Carter is gay and we are best friends. Also why in the world would I go to the drive in with ms. Perfect one and ms. Prefect two?" I asked her genuinely curious with her answer.

"It will be fun, all you do is stay in your room all day or you're out with Carter doing lord knows what. When mom and I have girl days that you never come because and I quote 'is not your thing' , you're always reading or something. Have fun for once in your life" it's like she doesn't know me. Who I am. It's like she's doesn't even know what they say to me to make me not want to go.

"I have personal reasons why I don't hangout with you or mom" I swear it's like they are aiming a gun at you but the gun are words that stab through you heart and soul.Marcia is nicer but still hurts. Especially for an emotionally unstable person like me.

"Can you just come? Don't you remember middle school? We did everything together, then we went to high school and I don't know what happened to you? It's like you're a different person" she sighed softly, I looked down at my book and looked back at her.

"Fine but Carter can't go he has a date" she squealed, hugged me and left.

        "This is gonna be so fun?!"


After about 15 or 30 minutes Carter ran toward me and sat down next to me.

"Bitch I  failed, I forgot every Nettie gritty detail that he expected." Carter doesn't really enjoy history as I do. I put my head on his shoulder and I sighed softly.

"Marcia wants me to go to the drive in with her" I muttered softly, I don't want to go, it's a waste of my time going. I mean Cherry isn't that bad but it's just not someone I'm friends with.

"And that is a problem because?"

"I don't want to go, Marcia and I don't see eye to eye on things sometimes" I looked at him and pouted.

"I going on a date, with a boy, a sexy one. So I can't do nothin', just go watch movie and eat popcorn" He shrugged "you might even see some eye candy while your at it" he's got a point.

"I guess... I said I would go anyway so I don't really have a decision do I?" I sighed and got up grabbing my books with me.

"Nope now let's get ready together" He grabbed my hand and dragged me to my car. Getting ready with Carter is one of my favorite things to do. We take hours getting ready cause we go to the mall try everything on and walk would with one outfit.

That's what we were headed to do at this very moment.

𝘵𝘸𝘰 𝘴𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘥𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥𝘴 //𝘥.𝘸 Where stories live. Discover now