The Destruction of The Old Izuku

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This is a short chapter. It's basically just explaining how he and his relationship with Katsuki changed.

As weeks past and middle school ended, Izuku's mind started to get more and more obsessed with seeing people suffer. Izuku always drew Katsuki's face like it was on the day he was briefly caught by the sludge villain. He loved it... He adored it. He wanted more.

(Izuku's POV)

I sat it my room and smiled as I listened to "I Am Very Smart" by Wilbur Soot. I love drawing Kacchan. His face was so... Nice on that day. My mind was changing. I could tell. I hated All Might with a passion now. I started researching on villains and villainous vigilantes. I mumble, "I wonder if Mr. I Need Moisturizer and Kurogiri know about villains."

My mom knocks on the door a few minutes later. "Izuku? You want some breakfast?"

I smile and shut my notebook. "Yes please!" I always acted normal around mom. I didn't want her to worry. I walked to the door and opened the door, smiling at my dear mom.

My mom smiles. "You look happy Izuku. I'm glad you're happy!"

I nod. "Mhm! Because I'm with you! You always make me happy, Mom!"

"Aww. Thank you Izuku." She smiles and gives me a motherly kiss on my cheek.

I smile more and walk out of my room, shutting the door. "Let's go eat!"

She smiles and walks down to the kitchen and I follow. She had some bacon, eggs, and pancakes ready. "You made a lot of food!"

She nods. "Well, Katsuki and his mom and dad are coming over for breakfast."

My good mood faded. I don't mind his mom and dad, but Katsuki himself? "Mom. Why is Katsuki coming?"

"Well, I thought you'd like to talk to him since it's been a while. Why?"

I mentally sighed. Well, I wanted to seem normal around Mom so I agreed. "Just wondering is all!"

She smiles. "Okay Izuku."

There was a knock and I went and answered the door. Katsuki stood behind his parents and I smiled. "Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Bakugou!"

Katsuki's mom smiled. "Good morning Izuku! I've told you, you can call me and Masaru by our real names."

I said proudly, "Just wanting to be polite and have manners. Mom says to always have manners!"

Katsuki's dad smiled. "Well that's a good manner to have for a boy like you."

I smiled more. "Come inside. Mom's got breakfast ready!"

They nod and come inside and I eye Katsuki.

"What do you want nerd?" He growled.

"Just looking at you, Katsuki."

He stopped. "What happened to Kacchan?"

I lied, "Well you're getting older so you shouldn't be given such a childish nickname."

He smiled slightly, but it was mostly cruel. "Good." He went and sat down.

I soon followed and sat down as mom gave everyone their plates and silverware.

Me and Katsuki ate quietly, not speaking a word while mom and Katsuki's parents talked.

I soon got up once I was finished and cleaned my dishes. "Hey Mom. Do you mind if I go out? Just want to go shopping."

My mom called back. "Of course Izuku! Have fun!"

I smile and go back to my room after I was finished. I got my shoes on and walk back into the living room and walked out. I shut the door and walk behind the house. I wonder if Kurogiri can teleport me. "K-Kurogiri?" A warp opened and I smiled and walked in.

Shigaraki was sitting on the couch and Kurogiri was cleaning a glass.

Kurogiri smiled. "Hey kid."

The warp closed behind me and I smiled. "Hi. I-I was wondering something."

He nods. "Go ahead."

I scratch my head. "Well. I was wondering... Do you know anything about villains?"

Shigaraki scoffed and they looked at each other.

Kurogiri looked at me. "Yeah. We do. Why?"

"Well. I want to kinda... Show the heroes that quirkless people aren't always useless. And Katsuki..."

Shigaraki perked up and Kurogiri looked at me shocked. "Hmm. Maybe we could help."

I perk up. "You can?"

He spoke softly, "Mhm. Since you're looking for villains... We might be what you're looking for."

My eyes widen slightly. "You're villains?!"

They both nod. "We also have other recruits coming and they're about your age. So if you want... If you really want to, you can join u-"

I yell out, "I'll join!"

Shigaraki stands up. "You really want to join us?"

I nod quickly. "Yes! I'm sure! I want to show everyone that I'll be of use!"

Kurogiri and Shigaraki smiled. "Well. Then I guess you'll be a villain soon."

"Well, I have to be back at my house soon since I told my mom I was going shopping."

Kurogiri nods. "We'll get you back."

I nod. "Thank you."

Kurogiri opens a warp. "Where are you going?"

I answer, "Just the mall."

He nods. "Go ahead. It's to the mall in an alley where they won't see you."

I walk into it and before I leave I call out, "Thank you again! I'll be happy to work with you!"

I walked through and it closed behind me. I had officially changed my fate. For the better.

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