Izuku's Suicide

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Trigger warning. This contains a suicide and self harm! If this is sensitive to talk about please skip the chapter or skip past the parts.

Kurogiri, Shigaraki, Toga, Dabi, and Izuku had all decided how and where Izuku would commit suicide. Shigaraki also wanted Izuku to get a gift from someone. A special someone.

(Izuku's POV)

I paced around my room and sighed. Today was the day I commit suicide. Or fake it at least. I went to my desk and pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. At least Mom is at work. I started writing. I wrote:

"Dear Mom,

I want you to know that you were a great mom. You always treated me so well. You treated me like I was perfect even without a quirk. But I can't stand it anymore. Bakugou has done too much damage, too much for even you to fix."

I started to cry and continue writing.

"You might be wondering why I'm writing this. It's a good-bye. I'm so sorry mom. I hope you can live on smiling. I love you."

Tears plopped onto the paper and it soaked it up.


Your baby Izu"

I slammed the desk and started bawling. I cry out and look at the note, "Why is this so hard?!" I gripped my head and cry harder. "I can't quit now... I have to go through this." I sniffle and rub my eyes, gently grabbing the paper. I walk to the living room and grab a magnet and hook the paper to the fridge. I sigh and say good-bye to the house I had spent my life in until now. I walk out of my house and started running away.

I ran into the bar and pushed past everyone to the back, tears falling quickly. I ran into the woman from the first time I came and she grunted. "Watch where yo-" I fell onto my ass and look up at her. She looked down at me. "Hey kid... What are you doing?"

She's so much bigger when she's standing. I tried to get past her and she easily held me back. "Let me go!"

She gripped my shoulders. "Kid!"

I push past her and ran to the back and got into the turning wall without anyone noticing and ran to the right tunnel. I slowed myself as I got closer to the door and wiped my eyes. I opened the door and walked in, looking down.

Shigaraki looked up and stood up. "Did you do what you wanted?"

I nod softly and plop down. "I did..."

Toga rubs my back and I shrug her off. "Please. Not now."

She pulls her hand away. "I know this is hard Izuku-kun."

I sigh and look at Shigaraki. "What now?"

Shigaraki smiles. "We have someone you need to meet."

Toga held up and suit and tie. "You can wear this."

I grabbed it. "So I'll just wear this around here?"

She nods. "Mhm!"

I sigh and walk to the bathroom. I get undressed and put on the suit and tie. I walk out of the bathroom and everyone looked at me.

(Toga's POV)

Izuku-kun walked out and I stared. His white polo shirt rolled up on his arms. And oooh! His black vest that went over with a black tie in between. Eeek! He looked so good! He smiles and looks down at himself.

Crusty face interrupted my staring by getting up and practically dragging Izuku-kun behind him. "Stop gawking and let's go!"

I huffed and follow him as the other villains follow too. We were led back to a room with a large man sitting down with a mask over his face.

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