The Hospital Visit

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The ambulance's sirens screamed down the roads, disturbing some families. The ambulance driver was careful not to cause Izuku much more pain. The young boy was already in enough pain.

(Bakugou's POV)

My old hag was watching TV while I made some sandwiches for us to eat. Dad just got home so, he was hungry. Mitsuki looked outside as she started hearing the slight sound of a siren. "An ambulance?"

A picture of beaten Izuku flashed in my mind. "Where's it coming from?"

"It's coming from where Izuku lives." she said calmly.

"Izuku!" I threw on my shoes and ran out the door. Nonononono!! I hurt him and now he's going to the hospital!

(Third person POV) 

Mitsuki ran to the door. "What are you doing, Katsuki?!"

"It's Izuku!" Bakugo called out with tears running down his face.

"How do you know?!"

"Because I caused it!!" He screamed as he got his bike and started pedaling away.

Mistuki got in the car with Masaru and chased after Katsuki. 

"Does he seriously think it's Midoriya?" Masaru asked.

"I guess. Roll down the window." Mitsuki demanded.

Masaru rolled down the window. "Katsuki! Put your bike in the back. We'll take you."

The young boy skid to a halt and Mitsuki stopped. Katsuki threw the bike in the trunk and got in the car.

(Time skip to the hospital)

(Inko's POV)

I jumped from the back of the ambulance and saw Mistuki's car come to a stop. The paramedics unloaded Izuku and rushed him inside. I chased after them and followed them to the Emergency Room. 

(Bakugou's POV)

It is Izuku. I slunk in the backseat. My hag looked at me. "What happened, Katsuki."

I stayed quiet.

"I said what happened!"

"I beat him up okay! He wasn't afraid of me anymore so I beat him! I see it was a mistake now."

I could tell she was angry. "Masaru. Take him in. I'll be in there in a sec."

My dad stepped out of the car and so did I. Mom sped off to find a spot to park and I ran inside. "Izuku Midoriya!" I yelled at the receptionist.

"Sw-Sweetie, he just got here. And who are you?"

I sighed. "I need to see him. Please."

The receptionist sighed. "He's in the Emergency Room. Someone will take you back."

I sat down with my foot thumping. Mitsuki walked in and smacked me in the back of the head. "Insolent child."

(Third person POV)

As Izuku was in the Emergency Room they put him in a room and hooked him up to different machines, all of them monitoring his status. Inko held his hand, tears slowly falling down her face. She was terrified of what would happen to him. He was her baby. A nurse came to the Bakugos' to take them to the Emergency Room. 

As soon as they got there, Katsuki started to tear up. "I did this to him...He's in the hospital because of me..."

Inko looked at him angrily. "So that's what Izuku meant when he said 'Kacchan'."

Mitsuki came up to Inko and comforted her. "I'm sorry Katsuki did this to Izuku. He'll be properly punished."

Izuku's finger twitched gently as he groaned softly. The doctor turned around and looked at him. "He will need healing treatment, but he'll be okay once it's all done. Nothing was too damaged. It should take about a couple of days to heal him."

Inko sat up a little. "So my babies going to be okay?"

"Of course. He'll be back to normal in no time! You're the mother so you have to stay, well, you can stay."

Inko nodded and looked at the Bakugous'. "You all can visit tomorrow if you want."

They nodded and stroked Izuku's hair before they left.

Inko stared at his son and sighed. "At least you'll be all better soon."

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