The Hair and The Orange Belt

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Izuku and Bakugou have been training very hard the past 10 months. Their rewards might make them meet and something could go wrong.

(Bakugou's POV)

I growled. Last day of cleaning this damn beach. It's been ten damn months. I had gotten stronger and a bit more muscular. I mean, I wasn't complaining about why I was doing it. I would get All Might's power and be his successor. I haven't seen nerd at all. I wonder what he's doing. Probably doing some weird shit. I shake my head and start cleaning what I had left.

(Izuku's POV)

I looked at Auka Sensei and smiled.

He held a slip and smiled. "This is your test slip. I will be testing on how much you've learned and will see if you progress to the orange belt. You've come far in these past months. You went from a white, to a yellow, and now testing for an orange."

I nodded softly. "I think I'm ready to test Auka Sensei."

He looked at the slip. "Good. Now begin!" He listed everything I had to demonstrate and I demonstrated each one carefully, trying not to mess up from my shakiness.

(A few hours later)

(Nobody's POV)

Bakugou screamed loudly and sweat dripped off of him as All Might stared at him. He finally stopped and jumped from the pile of trash.

All Might clapped. "Good job Young Bakugou! You've progressed well! And you've got time to spare until the entrance exam. A whole three days!"

(I know Izuku didn't have that long, but Katsuki was also already strong so he did it pretty easily.)

Katsuki smirked proudly. "Good. Now give me what you told me you would."

All Might put his hand in front of him. "I must warn you. Even though your body is ready, your body can still break from the output of my power."

Katsuki rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah. You already told me this. Now gimme!"

All Might chuckled, knowing Katsuki was ready. He plucked off a piece of his hair and held it in front of him. "Eat this!"

Katsuki's eye twitched. "What the hell?!"

Auka stood up and looked at Izuku's test slip. Izuku couldn't tell if he was disappointed or if this was just a straight face to psych him out. Izuku gulped as Auka walked toward him. Auka bent down and untied his yellow belt. "A-Auka Sensei?"

Auka didn't speak and took Izuku's yellow belt and hung it on a rack full of belts.

Izuku started to sweat. "Oh no..."

Auka grabbed an orange belt and smiled, handing it to Izuku. "You've been promoted to orange belt! Congratulations Izuku."

Izuku smiled and took it. After he tied it, he bowed and Auka bowed back. "Thank you Auka Sensei!"

"You're welcome. Now go find somewhere to meditate and relax."

He nodded and left, carefully opening the wall and shutting it behind him.

Katsuki scooted back. "I ain't eating that!"

All Might held it out to him. "But you have to in order to gain my power!"

Katsuki growled and took the hair, quickly swallowing it and taking a drink of water that he had. "So. I have your power now or something?"

"Let it kick in Katsuki. You'll know when it's ready to use." He started to leave and walked up the stairs.

Katsuki plopped down onto the sand and looked out at the water. "So... I'm really his successor now."

Someone sitting on the beach caught his attention. He stood up and looked at them, not able to see who they are yet. "Who the hell?"

(Izuku's POV)

I breathe in and out with my eyes closed, sitting criss-cross and relaxing. I heard someone coming closer and opened an eye. Shit. It's Katsuki... Well, so much for that relaxing session. I had changed from my gi to my normal clothes after I left.

Katsuki came up to me and I look at him. "Hey Katsuki..."

"What the hell are you doing here, nerd?"

I sigh, "Well. Someone cleaned up the beach so I decided to come here."

Katsuki growled. "I cleaned the beach."

I laughed. "Haha! Funny joke Katsuki!"

He growled more. "It's not a joke!"

I held my hands up. "Well sorry!"

He pulls back and I stand up. "What are you going to do? Hit me?"

He throws his punch. Damn. He's really gonna hit me over this? Oh well, he had no idea what I've been learning. I dodged and he gasped audibly. I chuckled and took a jab straight to his jaw, knocking him out. "Just remember. You threw the first punch." I started walking away and went to find another place to relax.

I'm sorry the chapters are short lately! I hope you're enjoying them!

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