Chapter 58: All Eyes on Us

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The Land Cruiser sailed the dirt roads of the Duchy of Kalmte as they made their way ahead of the UFEAF's lines for Operation: Northern Sweep. The mechanized thrust by the Amelioration's Forces had already covered a third of the ground needed to reach Ghana's Wall as of the first three days of the Operation. The latest victim of their blitzkrieg is the agriculturally-rich Duchy of Kalmte, a state well-regarded by Clovich's input of being the bread and dairy basket of the Empire. The landscape was of serene farmlands, humble ranches, poached woodlands, pollen-permeated plains, narrow creeks and the occasional small towns that dotted the scrolling meadows of the region. Today's timed objective for the UFE is to reach the riverbanks of the Sugea. Samantha's squad is attached to the 23rd Infantry Battalion as an 'Independent' Reconnaissance Unit as per agreement between High Command and the 23rd's Commander. Their task is to forge ahead for enemy positions and locations of interest for the Infantrymen who hanged behind them several dozen kilometers away.

Coincidentally, much to Iris' advantage, the Sugea River is not too far away from where her old home before her exile to Tyr Rian was. Just days earlier, she had presented to Governor White, Colonel Polonsky and to her Grand Father of a letter that came from the other Sochairfuil who live in secret within the Empire's heartlands. Seeing an opportunity to cement a possible collaboration between the UFE and local friendly Natives, Governor White authorized Stryder Group to make contact with King Martainne's vampiric descendants. That and in conjunction to their standard Reconnaissance assignments.

"So... tell me more of this place Iris." Samantha asked as she tapped her canteen calmly to pass the time on their travels.

"My people's story started centuries ago back at Tyr Rian, known as Cenhilli at the time. With the aid of the Elves and the Dwarves, the descendants of the Hero Caldell and the newly made Slaegian Empire invaded the Cenhilli Kingdom. The remnants of the Cehillian Royal Family fled northward to the land that will be Kalmte. The elders who saw the old kingdom called our journey; the Bitter Road. Many of us died on the way until my ancestors reached Kalmte, which was just a simple river valley back then. We had for centuries lived amongst the other tribes before the Empire annexed all as far as the eyes can see around the Sugea River to create more farmlands. Over time we had adapted right under their noses, the Vampires have taken many roles and positions within the social order of the Duchy such as skilled individuals, landowners, and other sorts of jobs whilst keeping their vampiric natures a secret amongst the Arferol. Dimera if you have not known is actually a County. The Count... or Countess is a Vampire." Iris calmly narrated. "Anyways, going back to the present. The eldest members of each Bloodline of the Sochairfuil became a council called the Eildearan and they enforced the strict continued secrecy of our existence called the Tomhas while we live our lives here away from the prying eyes of the Empire."

"So, you hide in plain sight at the day then feed on blood on night am I correct?" the Captain pressed.

"You can say... a Masquerade of sorts is practiced amongst us. We are your minstrels, your tailors, your shepherds and farmers at day, but at night we would either go out and exsanguinate the local animals or the occasional man. That was something an old friend of mine had told me. Maybe I should let you meet her soon if we get the chance." Iris nodded.

"Ease up there Clay. Alie do it now!" Crocker who sat by the front passenger seat of the Land Cruiser ordered.

To help with the infiltration of the Reconnaissance Team, Aliathra cast an Illusory Spell onto the Land Cruiser. From the outside point of view, the Land Cruiser shares the visage of the typical wooden horse-drawn carriage if one doesn't observe too studiously. They also had to accelerate the Land Cruiser slower than normal as to maintain the ruse. Quite funnily enough, the carriage's driver is of the visible likeness of Obediah who had complained earlier of his mirror image being slightly too rotund for his personal taste. Additionally, Aliathra would also use her magicks, on the occasion that the disguised Land Cruiser is to move in close proximity to one of the roaming natives that travel along these same dirt roads to mask the MRAP's engines with the auditory clopping steps of a yoked horse pulling along a carriage. However, in the event that suspicion arose amongst the travelers that meet up with Stryder grows. The Squad is authorized to eliminate them to not jeopardize their position, regardless if they were patrolling Legionnaires or Civilians. Fortunately, only the former type of incident had occurred as of their deployment. Captain Rose advised that the squad should finish their reconnaissance duties for the day and make camp near Dimera as soon as possible.

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