Chapter 24: Aliathra's Breakingpoint

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Cover Photo Credits: Vambrace Cold Souls by Devespresso Games


The slashing of the wind, the crack of branches, the stomping of the earth, the trotting of the earth and the rabid barks of hounds were the sounds that one could hear at dusk in the Cambervale Forest outside the town of Vercourt. The Lumberjacks normally stop the days loggings as soon as they see the bottom half of the sun dip down on the horizon. Many of them already ran back home or to their communal camps to rest and enjoy their supper.

Unfortunately for the Elven Princess, Ranger and Cleric of Neneth, Aliathra Lareththor, she could not enjoy the luxuries of a respite as she sped through the homeward bound woodsmen deeper into the forest. She was followed by Petur and the Elf's old college room mate Lyndis who were hot on the trail with some local guards, Grey Order Guildsmen and Lyndis entourage of Sefydliad. The pursued elf could hear the sounds of shouting of angry and fearful men alongside the rabid barks of hunting hounds who were released off of their leashes.

Aliathra recalled from memory that on her way to Vercourt she had to cross a bridge that was built over a river that when following it north to the Dwarven Mountain hold leads to the more remote parts of the forest that she can hide in. Clutching her bow at one hand and her Ranger's Knife on the other she sped through the forest whilst her pursuers still fumbled themselves by the growing crowd of confused lumberjacks who were unintentionally obstructing their way. She regained some self confidence as she loses sight of the camp and now at the forest proper.

She dashed towards the river that runs east of Vercourt. She quickly crossed the river

She ducked down behind a log and took a deep breath. Aliathra's muscles panged in soreness as she grasped the strained areas of her body. With a little bit of mana reserved in her, she relaxed the muscles that cramped her to remove all the pain. Once relieved of such material matters, Aliathra re-examined herself. She was quick enough to grab both her bag and her Bow alongside her arrow quiver which to her account contained 11 Arrows inside. Unfortunately for her, several of her personal items like her quill pen, her journal, a grind stone for her Knife, her Rations and a couple of herbal patches were left behind due to them being outside of her bag at the time. What was left inside her bag were some other wilderness survival items like a couple of flints for starting a fire, a whistle to signal help, a piece of candy that she keeps to herself and her Royal Ring, the symbol of Ethuilen Elven Royalty which has a diplomatic and sentimental value to her and a locket of pure sentimentality to Aliathra.

Tears fell down on the locket as she opened the heart shaped piece of jewelry to see a very miniature sized version of her family portrait made from the lithe hands of fairy painters who was commissioned by her mother Elisven so she can have lockets of their family portraits to each of her three children. Aliathra let a solemn smile as she remembered the amusing hours she and her family had to endure trying to hold still while the Fairy painters delicately drew their images on the canvasses that will become their locket pictures. She kept it hidden between her breasts throughout her meetings with the UFE Otherworlders. Couldn't bear the thought of them learning something more about her than her name. If there was one thing that Aliathra cared just as much as her people, it was her own flesh and blood. The Royal Ethuilen Elven Family, House Lareththor.

"Always remembered Valorion whined to dear mother that he wanted to go kiting that day..." Aliathra reminiscence.

She can still remember that day as if it was only yesterday. She recalled her constant humming of some of the Neneth Clerics chants that lightened up the silence of their ordeal whilst they stood still for their painters. She recalled the 'whoosh' noises Valorion made to annoy the Fairies to hurry up so he can play with his friends afterwards. And she couldn't forget sister Lunafreya or at least that's her Human name since she was named after a friend from her Mother's travels. Her Elven name is Ithiel which means 'Lady of the Moon' due to her pale skin which poets sang that her glow outshines the moon. She was the heir apparent in many courts but her Elven named faded to the background due to the name Lunafreya being a much salable name to remember. Ithiel is used by her fellow Elves but to every other race it was Lunafreya.

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