Chapter 40: 130 Minutes in Tyr Rian

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All is quiet in Tyr Rian just as Malynaris had finished passing over this side of Gliesia so she rests herself for another day as her younger sister Calyriel arose upwards. However, she was feeling shy that night so her naked self of lustrous glowing snow-white of skin was clothed in shadows. The city was about to call itself night and the only people who would be out in the streets at this hour were the local drunks drowning in the various watering holes, Citadel Guards assigned on Night Duty, and the Streetwalkers who cater to the formers. This night, however, was more perfect for about over one thousand individuals of 'diverse backgrounds' converged in Tyr Rian today as Radred had hoped from his networking of associates can muster. All of these Grey Order Adventurers, sellswords, and mercenaries had risked themselves for this journey into the Crossroad Citadel of Tyr Rian for one common purpose, the promise of extravagant pay and fame as Radred had charismatically proposed. Many of the nearby regions heeded his call either by admiration, desperation or a sense of adventure. The citadel's gates are still theoretically opened to late-night arriving mercantile caravans whom some Adventurer's used the cover of being 'Merchant Guards' to insert themselves within Tyr Rian's walls little by little. It takes an early announcement and a considerable tariff to be allowed entry. For the rest, they inserted themselves either within the outskirts of the city by various hamlets that surrounded the Verden River Valley or had snuck inside on their own.

Many emotions of the Radred's Followers or by their street name as 'the Flagrant' used on the grapevine to attract the more devout of followers into this expedition, 'the Salvation Crusade', were mixed as the leaders were called forth in a delegation within a safe house inside Tyr Rian that the semi-crooked adventurer had sent an invite to. Each leader represented a particular interest of collectivized individuals who are participating in this auspicious Quest that 'the Flagrant' is at the helm at. Some were confident, brandishing themselves with a smug distinction as they psyched themselves for a good fight, others were nervous as they grasped their weapons to comfort their mental stability whilst the rest are agitated as the time stretched further jittering their hands as they wait for the fateful hour.

Speaking about Arms, Radred was glad that his contact from earlier, one named 'Madame Gwathren' came through with the arms he needs to stand a chance against these Otherworlders. A cache of Holy weaponry ranging from Holy Water-dipped conventional weapons of steel and iron, silver Elven swords in all of its graciousness, a crate of Demonsbane poison coating and a handful of master-crafted Actocolite-forged arms that the more senior of his retinue helped themselves with.

As Radred sharpened his new blade, he looks over the companions he had brought over from across the realm. In terms of groups he noticed several Orc, feline Mstari (or Leonidkin) and even some Eastern Desert warriors amongst those gathered alongside several familiar faces from the Adventurer's Guild. Such as Ser Elmo Arfwisg, the adopted bastard son of a blacksmith specializing in crafting some of the best cuirasses in all of the land. He carries on his chest quite literally his family's honor, a Scandanite cuirass said to stop even the heaviest of blows. The next one, who at the moment is quite literally playing with fire his the notorious Pyromancer, Sioned Tanllyd, an individual known for her excessive use of her specialization and association with Rogue Mages. She was actually a former College of Magi student who was kicked out for torching a professor who gave her a failing mark in a class that did not involve the material deletion of said target of spells. To mirror her was the calm fencer of reputable tournament renown Steffan Arhyrdded, who's dueling capabilities was a match for his provocative tongue. Another familiar site was the holy symbol of Neneth with the virginal white robes of her Hippocratic domain. Radred saw a Paladin and a Cleric who are both girls, by their young faces they were likely newly ordained, perhaps at the same time as the Sacrament is often done in groups across all domains. It was also not uncommon for Clerics and Paladins to become adventurer's too as they believe that they can best fulfill their holy orders of protecting the Gods' creation by venturing around the realms as wandering heroes like the stories told. And what better way to fulfill their Ordainments than a Crusade? They all know why they gathered here tonight with 'the Flagrant'. Whether for Gold, revenge or just the desperation of Radred's good words, they gathered around the influential individual incessantly.

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