Chapter 45: Quaking Earth

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"Where is your Chosen One Nirnkarim? Is she a Coward? Your time is running out!" Faithleann challenged. He held at sword point a hostage, a youthful Dwarven male, before him as he awaited this so-called 'Share-Holder' with her so-boasted nobility she excretes from her words.

The northeastern winds from the Ostalroc's peaks blew across the integument of the Dwarven Hold sending a chilling breath that unfurled the various authoritative flags that the Hold Dwarves and their Slaegian Allies brought forth to this field proudly in display in all of its flowing glory. All of the bannermen and their men-at-arms clutched their weapons restlessly, awaiting the call to begin the battle.

The 'Bane' Chosen One was starting to get impatient and uneased as the Walls of Nirnkarim grew silent before him. He was barely out of the range of any of the Nirnkarim's ballista and range fire as he guesses by no sharpshooter daring to lay an arrowhead near him.

Had the Rebels decided to cowardly further embed themselves within their walls and not mount a rescue of their kin?

"Stubborn Cravens you are! Maybe this shall motivate you." Faithleann yelled out to the seemingly abandoned walls of Nirnkarim.

He thrusted his sword back, ready to impale the Hostage before him

"No! Please have mercy!" the Hostage begged for his live.

"Stop it! I am here!" Samantha's voice broke the silence of the no-man's land.

"Show yourself!" Faithleann yelled underneath Samantha's intervening voice.

On cue, the Lieutenant materializes out of invisibility in front of Faithleann, her fists curled with a cracking sound from her knuckles to show her intent to entertain this hot-headed young boy who claims himself to be a hero.

"So, our guest of honor has arrived." Faithleann smiled as he halted his harming act on his Hostage. "Let us engage in parlay milady?" he politely bowed.

"Let that man go first." Samantha ordered.

"But of course, I am in a good mood today." Faithleann smiled.

He honorably let go of his captive as the man ran safely to the walls of Nirnkarim where a team of Rebels came to his immediate aid.

"So, you are the Share-Holder?" Faithleann asked of Samantha.

"And you are the 'Bane'?" Samantha returned his gesture. "You... you're just a kid..." the Lieutenant grinned.

Faithleann looked barely legal by his late-teenage physique.

"I maybe a child but the Crystal Heart blessed me to lead the Light against the Darkness." Faithleann gasconaded. "But where is my courtesy? I am Faithleann Garmhaic, Marchog of the Slaegian Empire and the Chosen One that is 'the Bane of all Demons'." He introduced himself.

"Why are you here Chosen One in Nirnkarim?" Samantha asked.

"I had heard you had encountered several of my comrades in Gwesza several days ago as we are all searching for you, the Share-Holder and also the other Chosen One who goes by the name of the Scholar. My associates had chanced upon you on a tavern one day and attempted to put you under my wings but you ran away? Why do you run away from your destiny? Do you cower because of the Demons Invasion?" Faithleann shared thoughts.

"I am sorry but I do not associate with people like you." Samantha shot him down.

"Then maybe you cower because you do not wish to fight against someone who is clearly your better if may guess? But pardon me, I never got your name Share-Holder." Faithleann continues to grandstand.

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