Chapter 60: the Gliesian Bio-Hazard

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Captain Rose's boots scurried in a blur through the muddied dirt roadways through the semi-derelict Village as her mind raced in equal celerity. The moment she heard of Maresh's impending fate; her heart quickened as she desperately gains her bearings of the Egni Village. Her squad ran, taking care not to expose themselves too much of a scene amongst the evacuating villagers as they chased after her. The village was a mess of carts, boxes, and oaken barrels that littered the supplies of personal belongings of a village of over 50 tenant farmers making the muddy paths a labyrinth.

After a brief tussle of dodging hurried villagers, grunting porters, and stray livestock, Stryder finds themselves within the Village Center, a large circle with a stone temple of the Gliesian Pantheon easily skyscraping the highest point in the settlement.

A crowd gathered before a wooden stage where a man in heavy armor and wearing a purple hat carried with him a lengthy scroll of paper that he read out its content from face level all the way down to his feet. Behind him was a waifish lady, tied to a pole of cut lumber her feet mired in animal fat, twine, and small kindling sticks. Several religious clerics waved holy symbols of the Gliesian Pantheon onto the condemned woman as they chanted hymns and prayers onto her as she wailed all the louder the more they progressed. It was as if she was not only damned in her mortal form but damned forever in the soul.

"By mandate of the Duke of Kalmte and the High-Ecclesiarch Ithan the Fourth, we have gathered here today to address a crime most foul and Tolio's Hammer smiting down upon the wicked trespasser. For whatever crime is greater than treason." The man declared to a jeering crowd, jeering not at him but at the woman behind him. "May his all-smiting hammer purify the tainted soul of this vile witch who has sowed discord and death unto her own neighbors! May she forever howl amongst the echoless chasm of the Slough of Tivna's Garden for all-times and beyond!"

"That woman... that is Maresh!" Liliyan cried out. "Those Plum Toppers of the Inquisition are going to burn her!"

"If they have Maresh, they could also have Ratimir too!" Iris followed in her distress.

"What do we do now?" Obediah sweat fell off of his brow.

"There's a'lotta peeps all over us right now. Kickin' the door in will be unwise." Crocker shook his jaw as he peered over his surroundings.

"God Damnit... and if we don't... we will lose our only shot in finding Ratimir." Samantha cursed.

The time for her to think was again very short, every second flowing down upon her as patience, tactics, and forethought was discarded for immediacy.

She was going to regret this decision...

Samantha concentrated her mind once again for a spell, charging the Arcane Meridians on her Hecate Suit as she formed a great big ball of water. The created watered bubbled in size as the Inquisition ignited his torch before proceeding menacingly to a quavering Maresh who tried in vain to break free from her tight bonds.

The flames soon encapsulated its kindling, devouring it all to grow in its infernal strength as their tongues licked the ragged gray cloth of Maresh. She screamed, cried in pain as she could feel her skin crisp under the fire's kisses. She wanted to howl in agony once again, but as the waif was about to open her mouth. She suddenly felt a heavy cold breeze lay past her. It felt like the spring water used for the baths back at the Sprouted Flower. Opening her eyes, Maresh looked around her to see that the fire below her feet were quenched, the ashes of the flame, its cold corpse laying on where the kindling was placed. And she too was equally soaked in water, the autumn air soothing away her semi-broiled body.

She unholstered her FBR-20, unveiling it from her tunic and raised its barrel to the air, firing three warning shots that echoed thunderously across the village. Those three shots caused the villagers to scatter in disarray with only a few iron hearts and those of the Inquisition left standing with their sweat poured faces drawing their weapons in a fearful frenzy.

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