Chapter 41: a Demon in Plain Sight

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A resplendent Malynaris ascended towards the amaranthine sky over New Albany today. But the usual peaceful bird chirps, howling livestock, and the yawn of awoken peoples did not greet that day. Instead, the day's first melodies were the thunderous whirl of six Super Osprey's that made their final approach to the New Albany Airfield where Colonel Polonsky, Thomas Sight, Lutheor Mirrien and Dr. Mahelona waited idly by at the tarmac. They had heard the news of this Wing's arrival and they were very eager to see its cargo with their own eyes.

Earlier a few days ago, Colonel Polonsky had authorized Jaguar Group, with additional elements from some UFEAF Marine Corps to intercept a shipment of Exotic Minerals that was destined to go to the Empire whom War has been formally declared upon by the Federation who are now roused and preparing for a fight. If word of these Actocolite, Scandanite, and Ghyranite were to be believed by Iris, Martainne, Lutheor, Aliathra and every other folk they talk of this subject about, these minerals promised vast amounts of possibilities ranging from fully harnessing the power of the Mana Crystals and in contrast negating any harmful effects caused by it. According to Captain Mendoza, the raid was an astounding success with no casualties and maximum damage for the Caravan 'who didn't know what hit'em.' Absolutely know survivors and all of the precious cargo that they transported is now the Federation's. There was a bit concern from the Colonel's part about if all of the Osprey's can fit all of the minerals in their holds as Mendoza had stated that they can barely all fit inside, but the rest of the journey back home was only met by minor turbulence caused by rogue gale winds. Additionally, Jaguar Group was authorized to confiscate any other unidentified materials for study.

As the Strike Teams safely disembarked from the Ospreys with their precious cargo, Dr. Mahelona excitedly bolted to the containers carrying the minerals with the Dwarven Merchant Lutheor following suit with his stubby legs to help authenticate the haul. David marveled at their curious brilliance and smiled amusingly on how convenient they were all molded into ingot bars too.

Actocolite were the warm reddish-bronze ingots that is reported that when forged into bladed weapons or bows. Their mystical properties can be much more easily bestow Magical Enchantments into the object it will be formed upon to last longer and become more potent in output. Additionally, weapons forged in Actocolite significantly dull less often than more conventional materials.

Scandanite in contrast with its cooler purplish-blue ingots that is incredibly dense and heavier than the other two minerals hauled in. It is also quite flexible upon cutting down the size of it to form more acute shapes. It shares the similar ease of Magical Enchantments that its sister Actocolite possess but due to its heavier nature, the mineral is best used to forge adamant armors, blunt weapons and even sometimes weapon components. In Dr. Mahelona's experience, Scandanite is similar to the Federation's synthetic Plasteel compounds.

Lastly, there is the dark-jade ingot known as Ghyranite, also known as the 'Anti-Magic Mineral'. Its application is much more niche but is very much just what the War Effort is looking for. An effective Magic Countermeasure. It is used to multi-compound armor to make very magic resistive protection much as a bullet-proof vest. Additionally, if you can form the Ingot into something that is enclosed such as handcuffs for the magically adept or a containment room to hide off one's Mana signature from magical detection then in conclusion, Ghyranite is the most purposive haul among them.

"Ah... the little voice in my head is telling me to do so many great things with it!" Dr. Mahelona joyously hugged each an ingot of Actocolite, Scandanite and Ghyranite like a little girl would cuddle her dolls ecstatically.

"What kind of stuff?" Polonsky inquired.

"Well, the quad-weave Hecate Suit for Samantha for a start. But I only need like a few ingots to make'em. For the rest, I am seeing new Armor Plates for our personnel and vehicles, some new blades, and finally, I can experiment with that Trophy System..." The Doctor rambled. His excitement was like the mountains rising upwards as he couldn't contain his cavalier mood on being the Vanguard of Progress, likely a side-effect of his Chosen One brand, Estsygol, 'the Scholar'.

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