Chapter 33: the (Counter)-Coup Part 1

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A sharp ringing sensation from her ears and the piercing luminescence of a light bulb above her person greeted Lieutenant Samantha rose as she awoke from unconsciousness. Her head swirled as she rose from the blanket-less white cot in her monotone gray room which was minimalistic as it got with only a toilet and a sink with a mirror to accompany the lone bed. It is a holding cell. She got herself inside a military brig! When she managed to gather her bearings, she remembers what happened beforehand. She was attacked by Elven Mages and in her attempt at a drunken defense, she somehow blasted out what she can only fathom as magical energy. The same likes of which her squadmates, the Specialists Iris the Vampire Witch and Aliathra the Ex-Princess could accomplish. Was it the result of her hand? Especially that mark? Or did she downed too many rounds of that succulent Souvieli Red Wine last night and now in her drunken stupor got herself in trouble or for her own safety in the brig?

All of Samantha's were answered when her ears caught the Cell's door chirring outward.

"Lieutenant Rose?" the voice of Major Holyfield emerged from the breath of the outside world.

Alongside him was an attachment of two bodyguards, the snow-white and raven black contrasts of her squadmate Iris Cadohagan and lastly, none other than the rotund figure wrapped around a lab coat shape that is Dr. Mahelona. If the last two are any to go by

"Maj---" Samantha tensed up to salute.

"Don't salute me!" Holyfield suddenly shouted. His voice reverberated a fearful confusion by his tone and posture. His arm was tense with his right hand inching closer for a quick draw of his .45 caliber. Also, his two cadres of bodyguards were just inches away from releasing their self-restraints of their trigger discipline.

For Mahelona however, his eyes were of curious awe aimed towards Samantha's branded hand. Observing the intricate rust-colored rune marks that she bestowed on her skin. Miss Cadohagan shared the sentiments of Holyfield's abashment and Mahelona's engrossment over Rose's strange branding.

"Doctor Mahelona would like to answer some questions for you. About that... a thing in your arm." Holyfield informed.

"I will sir but what brings you here t---" Samantha nodded but she was cut off again by the Major.

"I am the one here asking the questions here. Not you. Right now, in this room, I am not your friend nor your superior until I know what the hell is going on. Answer the Doctor's question." He ordered. "I have my eye on you." He added a cold and piercing warning to the Lieutenant.

"Shall I begin?" Dr. Mahelona asked the Major.

Holyfield approved with a quiet nod.

"What can you remember last night?" Mahelona inquired.

"We were having a feast, I was enjoying myself and then suddenly a bunch of Elven Assassins who shoot magic showed and tried to shoot at us, specifically at Mister Bianchin." Samantha answered. "I dove in front of the magic missiles they threw at Bobby's direction and somehow I managed to block them all."

"How come you managed to get out unscathed? Those Magic Missiles as Iris informed me can punch through armor." Mahelona asked.

"I don't know. All I know is that I fell some sort of electricity surging in me after I landed. It felt like the Magic energies were attracted to me. When one of the Assassins came up to finish me off, I raised my hand and suddenly a bolt of lighting escaped me. It felt like the blood on my veins was roaring." Samantha explained.

The Doctor turned his head to Iris who stood quietly on his left side. She nodded upon observing Samantha's accounts for the events transpired last night, for she herself was a witness.

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