Chapter 13: Mana Storm

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Kayin's Drone soared above Stryder group as it surveyed the hilly plains where Doctor Mahelona gave an approximate location for a detected cache of Unbinilium crystals. The squad had taken the scenic route of exploring the western side of the Principality which was painted and sculpted in the forms of wide plains that slowly become arider as they continued to move further west. They had passed by several fortresses manned by not of Prince Clovich's men but by the Slaegian Empire. Iris had warned them that is best to keep their distance from the forts because they tend to get skittish with those coming from in and out of the Eastern Borders of the Empire. This is in no thanks to the numerous Nomadic Orcs that plague the Eastern Plains with their mad quest to despoil any hapless caravan that they prey upon.

Hopefully, the Reconnaissance Drones patrolling about courtesy from the Carrier the Aurora is being put to good use by Corporal Clay in a hopeful attempt to early-warn of any impending surprises that may dare lurk around in these cold and desolate Wastes.

"The doctor is right. There is a whole cache of Unbinilium right below us." Kayin declared.

"How many are we talking about?" Samantha asked.

"Uh... according to the drone. I would say about one ton of them." Kayin answered.

"That's quite a lot to be placed in one spot," Iris commented.

"Is it unusual for it to be like that?" Samantha inquired.

"Unusual in the sense that normally, Mana Crystals tend to be not in Deserts but near mountains in more cooler climates like deeper into the Empire's Territory or by the Dwarven Clans' Holds. To find such an amount in these sunny grasslands is normally unusual, naturally speaking."

"So are you implying that maybe, just maybe by your logic that someone may have deposited these crystals here?" the Lieutenant twitched her eyebrows.

"Most likely."

"I think she is right Rose. The scanner has also brought up that the Crystal cache is being held in some sort of hollowed-out cavern of sorts beneath us. It looks like we are gonna need some heavy machinery to dig up all this dirt." Kayin said.

"Very well, Clay! Contact Command and tell him to move in with the rest of the stuff. Plus call him to bring some dozers over. The Good Doctor is going to get his new samples this week or I will be damned if he doesn't!" Samantha ordered.

--------(About six hours later) --------

The machines of the heavy mining industry plowed through the dirt ground as their exhaust pipes belched the refuse of their fuels. The UFE soldiers patrolled the 50 X 50-meter perimeter with their arms firmly on their hands in a vigilant watch for any intruders who may wish to harm them.

For Aliathra Larethor, the machines seemed like monsters made by some twisted necromancer who bundled up pieces of metal and would dare call it a living being. They were more like a parody of life than anything else. She has followed the loud roars of the 'Demonic' creatures from New Albany to this place, and initially an unnoticeable piece of flat land with no other features but the short dry grass and mounds of hills. She was about to dismiss that perhaps the 'Demons' were just expanding their reach away from where she knows they originated from until her body and soul began to feel something.

They screamed to her like hunger panging her stomach. But instead of food, she could sense the presence of Mana Crystals. Being an Elf, their nature was more finely attuned to the Winds of Magicks or Aether as they call it that emits from the Mana Crystals. They called to her from beneath the earth like moths searching for a flame.

Did these demons know where they can find these crystals? If that's the case then the Human Kingdoms will be in deep peril.

The Demons, as said in the legend can also use the Mana crystals for their own ends. However, like the law of physics dictate, not all energy can be retained wholly through its energy conversions, some power is inevitably lost through the act. Humans, Dwarves, and most lesser races can only efficiently utilize a third or half of the attainable energy of Mana Crystal. Elves in the other hand, as if created for such a purpose, can utilize 66% to 80% of the stored energy from the crystals. In the old storybooks she read in her library in her palace, Demons are said to be able to harness 90% or in some exaggerated cases, all of the power the crystal stored without any minuscule loss.

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