Chapter 12: the Second Wave

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The Colony Ship the Mayflower and her escort the Amphibious Assault Carrier Aurora docked at 8 am in New Albany that day. After adjusting their clocks to match the timing of sunrise and sunset, the fledgling colony is now slowly but surely getting its feet deep into the ground in the new world they inhabit. The 'second wave' of colonists and materials are being disembarked from the cargo holds of the Mayflower as it stands closely by to her sister ship the Eodem. Welcoming Videos were being played on loops as the new colonists made their way to their designate homes that the pre-purchased when they signed up to volunteer for the brave colonial expansion effort. Yet the old fervor that had once awestruck the United Federation of Earth is slowly fading as the government began to lessen the expansion of their realm in favor of administrating their numerous colonies. The Benham-3 Expedition was probably going to be the last of their colonial expansion efforts but the unexpected introduction

Meanwhile back in orbit were Aurora's two escort frigates the Intrepid and Mount Cheyenne

Stryder group alongside Colonel Polonsky and several members of the New Albany Militia were by the docks that day. But however, instead of greeting the immigrants they were standing idly by for the arrival of Major Elias Holyfield, Commander of the UFE Taskforce sent to reinforce the New Albany Colonial Militia. Their coming was joined by a variety of military assets ranging from two Marine Companies of a grand total of Five Hundred who's combat missions were 119th Mechanized Airborne and 53rd Engineering, a Fleet of Airplanes ranging consisting of Multirole and Ground Attack planes and a greatly needed resupply of ammunition.

For Iris, marveled at the influx of new faces and materials pouring through the gate. There were strange gizmos she could only describe as something only a mad man can conceive. Machinery, Tools and Clothing, not even the dreams she had melded with Kayin could prepare her for what she saw.

"Kayin, what is that giant looking egg over there?" the Vampire pointed to one of the ovoid objects being imported through the cargo bay.

It had a glowing white-blue center contained in a transparent glass chamber with the yellow-black 'Hazard' warning sign plastered on top of it. Iris was told by Kayin that she should NEVER approach anything in New Albany that has that sign posted next to it. Otherwise, as she can remember from the words of Samantha.

"You will die of AID's, Cancer or maybe even AID's-Cancer." The recollected voice of the Lieutenant said.

She remembered also asking her what exactly 'AID's' and 'Cancer' is.

"It's painful. Painful as hell." Crocker answered her question.

Kayin, who was standing methodically still tilted his head slightly to Iris' left side so that he doesn't appear to be neglecting his militaristic posture.

"That's an Energy Reactor. Gives electricity to the Colony." He briefly described.

Iris remembered the explanation she got about electricity, at least based on how the UFE can best explain it to her. 'A Stored Lightning Bolt' they said. At first, she thought that the Earthlings can literally catch a lightning from a thunderstorm. Her statement made the Stryder group, especially the normally work minded Kayin and the methodical Samantha burst into laughter. But now she understands the measurement and yes, the concrete measurements of how much power can be held within a just a single box sized battery.

As the Energy Reactor being hauled away, the shadow of an airplane blanketed the ground they stand in darkness. The winds began to pick up heavily due to the influence of the VTOL aircraft's rotor blades coming from its jets. Iris had to keep hold on to her dress from the violent rhythm of the winds. A panel opened from the sides and a small flight of stairs was made from the back of the panel allowing entrance and exit from the aircraft. A sharply dressed man in Military Formal wear emerged from the aircraft and descended the stairs. He was proud and haughty in appearance and the glares from his eyes could instill a cold-hearted dread among the Militia soldiers as he slowly made his approach. The man raised his hands to salute the soldiers as he began to stand in front of his Militia counterpart.

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