Chapter 23: the Arhaf Plaza Incident

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Obediah set up his rifle quietly at his half of Stryder Group's positions. The old sharpshooter, PFC Mudwin, Corporal Clay and Lieutenant Rose were in clandestine rented room with a view of the Upper Citadel district's Square that contained the UFE Embassy also known by the local language as Arhaf Square. Samantha was on her binoculars scanning the perimeter whilst Kayin and Clay were at a desk where they set up shop with computers and monitors of their respective specializations. Clay was coordinating communications with all the other security teams in charge of protection of the UFE delegation alongside and QRF in case something horribly wrong happens. Kayin meanwhile had a Joystick controller as he was directing Drone Reconnaissance with some small surveillance copters whose camera were equipped with thermal and magnetic vision.

"I am counting about four hundred people attending, Colonists and Natives alike. I spy with my little eyes... some Orcs! Eye spy with my little eye... a Gaith... Eye spy... hey that's Mr. Meria over there." Samantha said as she scanned the crowds of people who were let through in attendance to this auspicious event.

Today was the day, the formal Declaration of Gliesian (or at least just within Tyr Rian) and the United Federation of Earth Friendship day. The UFE Flag, with its blue canvass on the background of a combination of seven interlocking rings that playfully formed the basic drawing lines of a 6-petaled flower on an ocean blue background in all of its stately magnificence. The Flag first official use was during the 2032 Mars Landing with a joint American/Russian/Pan-Asian (Specifically India, China and Japan) and European space programs and agencies when the first human colonists landed on Mars.

Alongside, was the Windmill on a Green and Red checkered background flag of Tyr Rian. Standing equally tall as the Blue Flower of the United Federation of Earth. It was a diplomatic move on UNOOSA's part to show equal footing between them and the natives.

The Ceremony as written by the schedule, would start first with an orchestra of music from some Musicians playing Orchestral music alongside the UNDF Anthem and afterwards some celebratory music of Gliesian Origins as selected by Lutheor Mirrien and Prince Clovich. After all the musical performances, Governor White head up to the podium and commence an approximately 20-minute-long speech about Earth, how the Eodem, the kindness of the Natives in accepting the UFE colonists and the plans moving forward for both settlements. Afterwards Prince Clovich alongside a now upright Princess Aria will sign a document signifying the Friendship between the Federation and Gliesia.

According to Major Holyfield's best predictions, there's a 38% percent chance the Assassins will make an attempt on the Governor's Life at the Speech part. Which is why a protective security glass barrier that should protect him from anyone from Range Attacks but there's still the possibility of something magical can breakthrough.

Hence the reason why Iris is among the gathered crowds near the stage.

"I never seen Arhaf this crowded since these two times I remember." The Vampire Witch commented.

"Oh? Which one?" Diaz asked. He was alongside Crocker who were wearing a regionally appropriate hooded cloaks that covered their body armor, cybernetics and guns.

The three were on the ground in the middle of all of the hundreds of crowds that like drops of water in an ocean, blended so well under their disguises. Patrols just like the other half of their team was also not baring much fruit.

"Do you think that they might have been turned off by our guns? We got patrols outside the city and sentries at the roofs. No way anyone can go through that." Samantha radioed into command.

"Don't say that until AFTER the ceremony is over and the Governor is back in New Albany Lieutenant. In my own experience, insurgents are tenacious. One minute they are up with their hands in the air, the next quick draw." Holyfield reprimanded over the radio.

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