Chapter 69: a Gliesian Coda

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The gathered masses hushed their flurries of hubbub as the First Laniyea Reifflywr Battalion made their way into their seats signifying this auspicious event in Tyr Rian was about to commence. Tyr Rian was spared no expense adopting the foreign designs of their alien partners with several of the buildings that were burnt down during the tumultuous times of contemporary Earth's. The rest of the Citadel then sported electrical wirings and now traffic stoplights that evolved the heart rates of commerce, peoples and life amongst its denizens. This very Tyr Rian shall become the paragon bedrock to be dawned over all of Gliesia one day.

The curtains of the grand stage outside of Arhaf Square once more opened to reveal a richly dressed, vibrant and lord-like man in mixed indigenous and foreign fashions of Prince... nay the newly christened Emperor of Ysanigrad and all of the former Slaegian Territories, Emperor Clovich Rian. He allowed the crowds standing before him to give a standing ovation to their ruler before he ushered them into silence. Today was the day of great triumph that he is duty-bound to acknowledge.

"Brothers and Sisters, thank you, thank you so much for your inspiriting ardor." Clovich smiled humbly as he took his stand above the Podium. The Windmill Flag of Tyr Rian alongside the Federation's Fleur standing at equal mast.

"On this day, of the Ninth-Month of the Twenty-Seventh Day. Our brave forces struck forth with righteous vigor the darkness of the Old World. Achieved victory not for ourselves but the right of all peoples in Gliesia, the right of self-determination to find its new destiny amongst this great land. The right to be free not just of want, but of belief and of fear!" he made his speech as the crowds cheered him onwards. "The very last bastion of those who had tried to break us, destroy our dreams and aspirations have been snuffed out by the might of my arms and of the growing friendship of our Federation Allies. The Mandate now passes to me, to us to bring about the bright future that is ahead of us. We march the long road forward because you reaffirmed the spirit, the very same spirit I had felt when we shake off the bonds of vassalage against the depths of enslavement to those Masters whose deaf ears forgoe of our plight. I now have the belief that while each of us will pursue our own individual dreams, we are no longer a Tyr Rianni nor a Slaegian Peoples, we are a Gliesian People. We rise or fall together as one nation and as one people."

Fireworks began to erupt behind Clovich as the auspicious event was now being broadcasted in Federation Television and Radio. To many of his subjects both from here in Tyr Rian to as far as the old Capitol of Haringpoint itself this was the very first time that arguably all of them heard the voice of their ruler addressing to them in one moment.

"And when I sayeth unto you Brothers and Sisters of a Gliesian People. I say not just to us Humans who are once subjects of the old Slaegian Empire. But of the Dwarves, the Elves, the Beastfolks any of those born under Malynaris Great Rays on this sacred land of ours shall henceforth and now forever be seen as fellow Gliesians." He radically declared. "And by virtue of this proclamation, and for the purpose aforesaid, I dareth order to declare that all persons held as Slaves, regardless of Race within said designated territories of the old Slaegian Empire and then so beyond henceforward and forever be free from their shackles; and that the Executive Amelioration Government of the New Gliesia, including our valiant Laniyea shall thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of said persons will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom. They shall be given the right the same right to live as they seeth pleased within socially harmonious reason, betrothed to whomever wish they wish to be with and be whatever profession within their merits be allowed the same degree of dignity as all the rest. And I hereby enjoin upon the people so declared to be free to abstain from all violence, unless in necessary self-protection; and I recommend to them that, in all cases when allowed, they labor faithfully for reasonable salaries for themselves."

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