Chapter 68: Broken Aegis

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"Fuck we're made!" Diaz cursed.

Half of the Garrison in attendance on the courtyard turned their gaze towards their position and at the same time, over three dozen of Elven Ranger's, Elven Rainbow Helms and Mages appear on the across Samantha's two-o-clock, pointing their bows, somatic hands and staves towards them. As if no different of the forest tree's they were trained to blend upon, they sprung their ambush above the roof tiles.

"There is no point in trying to escape my sight Share Holder! We can see you all there!" Mita emerged amongst the Elves on the rooftop.

Meanwhile, below the ramparts Stryder Group stood on, there revealed below the Slaegian Legionnaires, Prince Valorion, Faithleann and the rest of their retinues and companions.

"You have finally revealed yourself oh Corrupted One! I have trained hard and long to finally best you ... eh... Adversary!" Faithleann pulled out his blade and assumed an aggressive sword stance. His hands twitching amongst his childish grip from the cold and sweat of his palms.

"That snotty brat again?" Alpha Unit's Leader asked Samantha. Captain Rose nodded.

Stryder and the SEAL uncloaked themselves as there is no point of wasting their suit's batteries now their cover is blown.

"Mara! I should have known she would be here. She likely rang those alarm bells in the first place. I would do the same since my vampiric senses would have scented all of the blood we spilled today." Iris heart skipped a beat, lowering her Grenade Launcher.

"Brother!" Aliathra leaped out from her companions and pushed herself forward. Wanting to see her brother and his retinue with her own two eyes, just as she wanted when she first was turned to what the way she is now.

"Wha-wha- what did they do to you sister of mine?" Valorion's azure eyes gazed at Aliathra's matching albeit artificially oceanic blues in disgusts towards his younger sibling. He and his fellow compatriots were at a loss of words upon the sight of the Royal Princess Aliathra. She may look like, dress like, talk like, even act like her. But her body was all riddled with corrupting touch of the cyberware she had embedded in her body. They could almost vomit at such a hideous parody that he was presented to that was the Elven Royal Princess.

"You need to listen to me brother! I want to..." Alianthra shot her plea but she was interrupted.

"There is nothing for me to listen to, Sister. The Otherworlders might not be the Demons of Ages Past but they had corrupted. Look at you! Look at your body, once the epitome Elven grace. Now it is tainted by all of those... those... with mockeries!" Valorion pointed to all of Aliathra's noticeable augmentations: her eyes, her arms and her legs.

"You must listen to me Brother." A tear streamed into her face. "We do not have to fight each other today. We both want the same thing."

"And what stars aligned that WE are both in concert of sister?" Valorion drew his blade.

"We both want to return home, to the life we all had... together with you... with mother, father and Ithiel. As a family..." Aliathra answered.

"There is no more family! Just the nation! Do you not know of the Coup?!" Valorion dimissed her.

"Just the Coup..." Aliathra answered weakly.

"It wasn't some envious noble that struck out our father's heart. It was Ithiel herself!" Valorion announced to her sister.

"No... no... that cannot be..." Aliathra collapsed into her knee's. Barely absorbing what her brother just told to her. That her sister, a woman whom she idolized above all things second to only her parents was the traitor.

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