Chapter 30: Two-Storms-a-Brewing

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The Slaegian Legion's finest Generals gathered around the Imperial Palace's War Room. War Plans were made, Military Assets were reviewed and Orders were being written to send out by carrier birds. But Emperor Uldin was still unsure of several key factors to ensure the Empire's survival. First was the commitments of his Elven Allies:

With news of the Royal Princess Aliathra who was sent to aid them now deemed missing and perhaps dead, Uldin drew sweat on how his most strategic ally would react to this news. He could rely on the Sefydliad and their roster of Mages, Clerics, Rangers and other sorts of Rogues and unconventionally trained people but his only links to them were through the Royal Family the Lareththors. He has yet to see Lyndis again since she was beginning to 'work on something' but he has no idea what that 'something' is or how it could of any help. If fighting underhandedly could help, then he shouldn't question the Spy woman who rivals the Empire's own native counterpart of Mita and her Crows.

The second consideration is with the Dwarves up at the Ostalroc Mountains. He has several very strong trade agreements and other economic guarantees that ensure him that he has both the security and access to the riches of the Ostalroc's such as Scandanite, Mana Crystals, Luxury Jewels, Silver and most fabled of them all, Actocolite which WAS used to make some of the finest weapons in the Continent and it is said that it has a mind of its own almost always protecting its user against harm and never losing it as if soul bound to serve its user till relinquishment or death. Was in the sense that the knowledge on how to make such a miraculous ingot of Actocolite that's good enough to forge a sword from was said to be lost for centuries as not many Dwarves in the Ostalrocs knew how or what exactly Actocolite is made or even looks like in its raw form. It was one of the leads that Petur and his Grey Order said they will investigate to see if they can continue the production of these type of weapons. It was even said that Caldell's Sword Cân Rhyfel was said to be made from this very material.

Speaking about that, there was of course his on how gamblers would say... 'Ace in the sleeve'. The Chosen one himself attached under the care of Grey Order specifically Petur, Faithleann. An upstart boy from a backwater town in the Empire was chosen by the Crystal to be one of its champions. News was spreading but many of the more cynical or practical minded of the Empire held doubts over this young boy. From what Uldin has heard, the boy showed some promising aptitude in both Magic and Swordsmanship. He may have shown competency but experienced he was not. Hopefully, the Grey Order can get him out there and do any notable acts of heroism to fend off the Demon Invasion.

These are all of the tools and his strengths at his disposal. The Empire's best shot to protect themselves from the oncoming apocalypse. Uldin didn't want to see his two children grow up in a collapsing world where the Demons preyed upon all life. No, he needed to win this one for humanity and for all of Gliesia. If they don't stop them now, then the Age of the Iron Fist where people like Alboen will make suffer the land suffer under the yoke of his tyranny all over again. He made a promised to his late wife Silinde that he would take care of his daughter and son Estrice and Arthufir.

Now he knows what is at stakes, Uldin deliberated throuroughly on who are his adversaries, the Demons or 'Otherworlders' themselves.

From what little he had gathered; their power base is somewhere near his Vassal of Tyr Rian. He hates to admit it but he has to consider the Citadel at the Crossroads between the Empire, the Southern Tip of the Ostalrocs and the exotic lands of the Eastern Suzerainties (and beyond) to be compromised. From what information he could gather, they have to powers of mighty Steel Dragons that fire arrows that explode in a brilliant gust of fiery shrapnel or it the loud gusting of their breath attacks that spat daggers faster than the eyes can see. There was no hope for an unfortified house to withstand even the minimalist of its assault from the beasts. He also still remembers the words from that "Steel Cloud" as so it called itself when it made its presence known hovering over his city days ago. It immediately left after it said its piece but nobody in Slaegia cannot forget what it said:

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