𝟖: 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐞

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A/N: Don't forget to read the chapters with the OST Music i have attached to get a better experience and set the mood !

Trigger Warning !

Mention of  Abuse,Blood,Guns and death

Donna Mortale: Deadly Woman

Donna Mortale: Deadly Woman

"I've finally found you"

Vincenzo looked through the female who sat across him, more like the assassin that saved his life back in Rome.

May 5 , 2018

Rome, Italy

"Yeri, a job" Wang Liu, Wang Shaolin's replacement said on the other end of the phone.

"I'm listening"

"Don Mariano and Cassano familia will be having a masquerade party this evening. Eliminate the man wearing black suit and red necktie then report back to me. You will be given an invitation under the name Lucianne De Luca. Do the job cleanly and quickly.No Mistakes and remember, don't miss"

"Hmm" She hummed

Yeri prepared her weapons as well as a beautiful evening dress and a mask for her to wear.

She received her dress and invitation on her doorstep

'Gotti & Cassano Masquerade Party'


Yeri dressed as an Italian conglomerate daughter who was adopted, careful not to attract too much attention but not totally invisible as well. She placed her weapons on a place on the balcony, a secluded area for her to conduct the mission early before the party started and made sure that no one would see it.

She then walked in with eyes and ear sharp, scanning the venue to search for her target.

No signs yet.

She took another sip from her champange, walking down from the stairs to the grand ballroom.

"Che cosa fa una donna splendida come lei qui sola?" (What is a beautiful woman like you doing here alone?)

Paolo Cassano.

"vorresti ballare con me ?" (Would you like to dance with me ?) Paolo offered his hand to the masked lady .Yeri took his hand gently, returning the smile to him

"il piacere è mio, signore" (My pleasure, sir)

Their feet waltz to the dance floor to join other couples who were dancing.

"Questa è una grande festa, signor Cassano." (This is a great party, Mr Cassano) she complimented him

"Certo, il nostro obiettivo è impressionare qualcuno come te, signorina?" (Of course, our aim is to impress someone like you, miss ? )

"De Luca, Lucianne De Luca"

"Parli la nostra lingua per la tua specie" (You speak our language for your kind)

Right, he's racist.

"Sono stato adottato. Inoltre, non sono solo" (I was adopted. Besides, I'm not alone) Her eyes shifted to the man dressed in a Booralro suit with a black tie socializing with people.

"Quello è Vincenzo Cassano. È il mio fratellino, adottato." (That's Vincenzo Cassano. He is my little brother, adopted)

"Yeri, are you in position ?" The sound on her ear spoke

YERI | 𝐉𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤 | (Vincenzo K-Drama)Where stories live. Discover now