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"Why the fuck did I agree to this?"

I was standing in Piper's bathroom wearing a baby blue crop top and a matching mini skirt.

"Because you look hot and I'll kick you out if you don't come." Piper was fixing my hair putting some kind of curl cream in it.

Piper was wearing a pink dress, cut out around her stomach and a black leather jacket around her shoulders. She shaved the bottom of her head a couple years ago and has never let it grow out. It suited her, but she had her hair down so you couldn't see the shaved part her choppy hair falling to her shoulders.

"Ugh, your curls are so pretty why don't you take care of them?" Piper's hands were moving through my hair her short black fingernails scratching my scalp.

"I used to I swear, when I was home in Virginia my step-mom always would put stuff in them, then I ran away and at Camp I never thought about it with quests and battles and,"

"Wait, wait, wait, you haven't properly taken care of these goddess-like,"

"Careful... do you wanna get me cursed?"

"Right sorry, beautiful luscious curls since you were 6?"

"Yea? So what?"

"Ugh Annabeth." She rolled her eyes at me,"Lets go before you change your mind."

"About that maybe I shouldn't,"

"No, no, no, not happening, you're coming and you're gonna get drunk and hopefully laid."

"What?! Piper, I just broke up with Percy 2 weeks ago!"

"Girl, it's just meaningless sex, chill. You're young, blonde, and have I mentioned hot?" I want to smack her, "Have fun! I'm not saying you have to but keep your mind open."

I can't imagine myself sleeping, or kissing, or anything with anyone else. I've kissed one other person, when Percy was missing, it was just a heat of the moment thing. Neither of us ever brought it up and we intend to keep it that way.

We called an Uber, decidedly we both wanted to get wasted that night, so neither of us would have to drive home.

"Oh my fucking gods."

The place was loud, with flashing lights, and packed full of people.

"Oh my fucking gods! It's packed! Come on Annie this is gonna be so much fun!"

"Hades take me now." I groaned but Piper was holding my hand pulling me to the door, the bouncer just let us in, with a bit of Pipers charmspeak.

We were old enough but having to get out IDs is always a hassle so Piper would always charmspeak us in.

Piper swore on the Styx years ago she would never use her charmspeak on me. We found out during the battle with Gaea that her charmspeak worked really well on me. That scared me I didn't like her having that much power over me, I'm sure she figured that out and that's why she made the promise.

Inside I saw everyone, Frank, Hazel, Leo, Nico (who in the Hades got Nico out to do this I don't know), and Percy.

Piper and I walked over to the group.

Then we had our normal night, Frank and Hazel dancing together, Leo unbuttoning just shirt just a button more and flirting with a group of people, Percy usually would be with me drinking and chatting at the bar, but he was dancing, I'm pretty sure he was drunk. But I couldn't be sure he's a terrible dancer so it could just be Percy. Piper would usually be dancing, but she took to babysitting me tonight continuing to sit and chat with me at the bar, until finally I told her I was gonna go to the bathroom.

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