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I heard her laugh from the far side of the canopy, that laugh that I've replayed in my head thousands of times.

But there was an unfamiliar track playing with it.

A deep richer laugh, that laugh that I used to be so envious of.


They stumbled into the canopy, both laughing Annabeth trying to quiet them both down but failing.

They were holding hands.

They were holding hands.

Percy smiled down at Annabeth, she was smiling right back.

Don't overthink this, they just had to hurry to get here.

Yea don't overthink it.

It's nothing.

"Sorry." Percy said still holding her hand. "She's a klutz."

"I am not! We were late cause I had to babysit you." She says hitting his chest with her other hand.

At that moment she realizes she was holding his hand and she dropped it and started walking over to the main table.

Everyone was watching them, I couldn't tell if it's because they were late, they knew what happened this summer, or because they looked good.

I mean they did.

Even Percy, he was wearing a short-sleeve button down lilac shirt and khakis. The shirt showed off his toned muscles and killer tan.

Annabeth was wearing a lilac romper with her hair tied half-way up, honey curls framing her picturesque face.

Thalia was sitting one seat down from me, she turned to me with a puzzled look.

I waved my hand to dismiss it, they just needed to get Percy clothes.

Annabeth sat down in the empty seat between me and Thalia, Percy sat on the other side in between Will and Leo.

Annabeth was still smiling when she sat down she seemed distracted. Thalia nudged her with her elbow.

"Right," Annabeth said standing up. "I just wanna thank everyone for coming to the rehearsal dinner today. We are so excited to be celebrating Frank and Hazel today. This is just to make sure the wedding tomorrow runs smoothly. Everyone please enjoy themselves, and be mindful of any deities that decide to stop in. You should have the schedule for tonight and the wedding tomorrow on your table. As you see we are first going to start with the procession, so if you will please follow me out to the beach."

Annabeth stood up and led everyone to the pier where the wedding ceremony would take place. White folding chairs were set into aisles.

Reyna took her spot at the front where she would conduct the ceremony, Frank stood to her right.

"Okay," Annabeth said to everyone other then the ones in the wedding party, there were about 20 other people there outside our group. Close friends and family who were helping with the wedding. "everyone other then the wedding party should have seats with their name on them. Please be mindful of reserved seats of our friends in the Underworld."

She was referring of course to the seat right in the front with the name Jason on it. Frank insisted on saving him a seat in the very front since he couldn't be a groomsman. There were also seats saved for Hazel's mom as well as Frank's mother and grandmother.

I mean they wouldn't sit in the seats, but you know the thought.

There were also large seats 8 on either side in case any gods or goddesses decided to come.

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