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At around 4 in the morning I woke up, I was holding her.

Her head was nestled into the crook of my neck, my arms holding her bare body close to me.

We shared a bed before, sleepovers when we were teens, these last 2 weeks, we decided neither of us would take the couch we would just share my bed.

All those times I imagined being able to hold her like this feel her breath on me, I never thought it would actually happen.

I moved my finger along her body as if she was but a reflection in a pond bound to ripple away at any second.

As I moved my fingers to her hips, she moved her arm over me holding me closer and moving her head into me.

This is everything I've wanted since all those years ago she stepped on a flying chariot in Arizona her gray eyes wild and her hair blowing in the wind.

Now, her eyes were closed but smiling, and her hair was spread over my chest and pillow.

I can't believe it took me so long to kiss her again.


I woke up again at 11, Annabeth had rolled away from me, only a little bit of her hand was still on my stomach and she was on her side, still asleep but facing me.

I turned to look at her and smiled, I picked up my hand and brushed her hair away from her face.

Her eyes fluttered open.

As soon as she woke up she smiled.

Then she looked down at my naked chest and looked alarmed, she looked down at herself realizing she was bare.

Her eyes looked startled, "So, last night wasn't a dream?"

I laughed, but secretly I was terrified, what if she regretted it? What is she was drunk? I was a bit tipsy but I made a conscious decision to sleep with her, I smelled alcohol on her but she didn't seem drunk. Shit, what is I fucked this up before it begin? What if it wasn't gonna begin? Was she just bored?

My anxiety ridden thoughts were interrupted by Annabeth's voice, "Pipes? Are you alright?"

"Yea," I hesitated, "I'm alright, I'm better then alright. Last night was amazing babe," Could I call her babe without pretending to be drinking? I feel like their were new unspoken terms, but I didn't wanna bring those up now. Not with her laying next to me, hand still around me, "Are you alright Annie?"

"I-yea?" The hesitation in her voice scared me, "I mean yes." As if she knew what I was thinking, that's a thing she does that I adore, she can read people's expressions easily. You couldn't hide anything from her unless you really tried. Which is how I held back that kiss for so long.

"Pipes, what are we?"

"Annabeth, that's up to you. You're the one fresh out of a relationship, you're the one whose first time with a girl,"

"With anyone other then Percy."

"With anyone other then Percy was last night. I'm down for anything Annabeth."

She exhaled and rolled onto her back, her side profile looking regal, I wanted to trace it and keep it forever.

"You weren't drunk last night?"

"No Annabeth, I wasn't. I've wanted to kiss you for quite a while." When I said that she closed her eyes as if it would keep her from hearing it.

"I wasn't drunk either." My heart seemed to jump out of my chest, I couldn't breathe for a second. She wanted this too, right? "I kissed you, did everything because, well I wanted too."

The Summer of Beauty, Brains, & BruisesWhere stories live. Discover now